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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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I understand people have religions. I for once do not.

And if I say politely that I don't want to know about godamned Jehova then stop firetrucking trying to get me into that bullshit, like, firetrucking please.



I've literally had atleast 7 people knocking at my firetrucking door due to that. I don't want your god on my house, neither on my firetrucking mind.

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I had a discussion about this earlier and I feel the need to share:How is preaching the whole "OMG PEOPLE SHOULD JUST WAIT FOR A RELATIONSHIP. SAVE YOURSELF FOR THE SPECIAL SOMEONE!" still permitted? It is un-American and goes against what our country was founded on: freedom. You have no right to police other people's sex lives, and what they do in their bedroom is no one's business. How is it fair that people who engage in casual sex treat people who want to wait for relationships with complete respect most of the time, get to be ridiculed by those same people. Why is this respect not a two way street? This attitude is where slut shaming appeared from and honestly a lot of it just comes from jealousy. Let's not even kid ourselves, a good handful of people who wish to "wait" are not doing so by choice. Most of the people who shame others for engaging in casual sex are going off of outdated or completely WRONG information. I know many people who still think there is like a 25% chance you'll catch AIDS from unprotected sex. You have a greater chance of catching AIDS from a blood transfusion. Only 1% of the US population lives with AIDS, and the chances of contracting it during sex are actually very low. The stigma about herpes? GUESS WHAT:


There is a good chance that a majority of the people in this thread have the virus for oral herpes because it's the same virus as cold sores. If you have ever had a cold sore, you have oral herpes.


What is irritating is that the media has made it out to be like you can catch herpes so easily and it'll ruin your life. First of all, it's VERY rare to catch genital herpes not during a breakout. The chances are extremely low. Second, they make it out to be like genital herpes is this insanely painful thing that ruins your whole life when the truth is, many people live with genital herpes that only have a break out every few YEARS, and it more or less just causes the same discomfort as a cold sore does. Rarely is it so extreme that it causes the kind of pain and anguish that the media makes it out to be. That and we are getting very close to a cure for herpes considering we already have drugs that can greatly reduce the time of break outs.A majority of other STDs are completely treatable. I hate how our society is basically just trying to convince everyone that sex is bad so that it's an excuse to control everyone's bodies, and shame those who do not buy into propaganda.


That's no excuse to be careless. You want to sleep around with god-knows-how-many-people, then do so, but you have to be willing to face the risks and consequences should they occur (and this goes for both sexes).

Edited by Ultima Spark

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That's no excuse to be careless. You want to sleep around with god-knows-how-many-people, then do so, but you have to be willing to face the risks and consequences should they occur (and this goes for both sexes).

I advocate protection and birth control. Other than that, go to town.

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I advocate protection and birth control. Other than that, go to town.

My real issue with this is that people use it as an excuse to be careless or reckless (like lashing out against "the man" or whatever), and then refuse to own up to their actions when it bites them in the ass. People looking down on this kind of behaviour is not entirely unjustified.

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My real issue with this is that people use it as an excuse to be careless or reckless (like lashing out against "the man" or whatever), and then refuse to own up to their actions when it bites them in the ass. People looking down on this kind of behaviour is not entirely unjustified.

I'm not sure I follow... Could you perhaps elaborate?

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I'm not sure I follow... Could you perhaps elaborate?


...what confuses you? I'm saying people looking down on casual sex (particularly of the kind that's essentially going around and sleeping with whoever you think give the most gratification) isn't entirely unjustified. Even if you go in with protection, the risk of contracting something you don't want (be it an STD, unwanted pregnancy or simply emotional baggage) is still higher than if you stick with a single partner (or a small trusted group, if polygamy is your thing) simply because of all the different people you're having sex with, and most people understandably don't want that risk.

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...what confuses you? I'm saying people looking down on casual sex (particularly of the kind that's essentially going around and sleeping with whoever you think give the most gratification) isn't entirely unjustified. Even if you go in with protection, the risk of contracting something you don't want (be it an STD, unwanted pregnancy or simply emotional baggage) is still higher than if you stick with a single partner (or a small trusted group, if polygamy is your thing) simply because of all the different people you're having sex with, and most people understandably don't want that risk.

Oh. I understand now.


I would say that so long as the people engaging in the risk are aware of it, accepting of it, and willing to take responsibility should something come up, it's fair game. I am totally against people just doing whatever and then going "naaaah" when it comes time to own up to responsibility, but so long as they are being responsible, it's completely fair.


As long as people are:


1. Understanding the risks and willing to own up to the responsibilities.

2. Not looking down on people who only want one partner.

3. Using protection.

4. Keeping their sex lives private when it's not appropriate.

5. Not TRICKING anyone into having sex with them (i.e. making sure it's mutually understood that it is in fact casual sex)


Then I say let people do as they please. It's none of our business. Looking down on it doesn't stop it, nor does it help anyone. We should just ignore others sex lives and focus on our own.

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As long as people are:


1. Understanding the risks and willing to own up to the responsibilities.

2. Not looking down on people who only want one partner.

3. Using protection.

4. Keeping their sex lives private when it's not appropriate.

5. Not TRICKING anyone into having sex with them (i.e. making sure it's mutually understood that it is in fact casual sex)


Then I say let people do as they please. It's none of our business. Looking down on it doesn't stop it, nor does it help anyone. We should just ignore others sex lives and focus on our own.


That also extends to not boasting about it, which is something a lot of people (younger ones in particular) forget. Quite frankly, I don't want to hear about your sexual escapades; even if you think that showcases your own "freedom", many people are going to look down on that for a reason (namely, it's crass and really doesn't need to be discussed in a public space). I don't think I deserve ridicule (like you seemed to imply earlier) for thinking sex should have a special "something" behind it (and not coincidentally, that usually requires a monogamous relationship, regardless of gender).

Edited by Ultima Spark

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That also extends to not boasting about it, which is something a lot of people (younger ones in particular) forget. Quite frankly, I don't want to hear about your sexual escapades; even if you think that showcases your own "freedom", many people are going to look down on that for a reason (namely, it's crass and really doesn't need to be discussed in a public space). I don't think I deserve ridicule (like you seemed to imply earlier) for thinking sex should have a special "something" behind it (and not coincidentally, that usually requires a monogamous relationship, regardless of gender).

Yeah, agreed. It should be a two way street of respect.

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ok honestly the kpop fanbase as a large whole kind of creeps me out.


like idk some of the things they do just weird me out like shipping them...like theyre real people....pls stop...just why....


sure i like a few songs but i dont care for any particular kpop band. i just dont see the appeal of large-ass groups of people and why fans are so enthralled with their personal lives. idk, i know im just a weeb but i cant understand obsession with real people...which probably doesnt make sense but


like idk. i cant explain nit and i dont wanna shittalk fans too much since i have a few close friends that are really into it but even the way the kpop stars act is just kind of fukcing weird as shit to me like its creepy


im not saying liking them is weird, im just saying the people who are - without exaggeration - OBSESSED. maybe i just dont understand the culture or w/e but idk

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ok honestly the kpop fanbase as a large whole kind of creeps me out.


like idk some of the things they do just weird me out like shipping them...like theyre real people....pls stop...just why....


sure i like a few songs but i dont care for any particular kpop band. i just dont see the appeal of large-ass groups of people and why fans are so enthralled with their personal lives. idk, i know im just a weeb but i cant understand obsession with real people...which probably doesnt make sense but


like idk. i cant explain nit and i dont wanna shittalk fans too much since i have a few close friends that are really into it but even the way the kpop stars act is just kind of fukcing weird as shit to me like its creepy


im not saying liking them is weird, im just saying the people who are - without exaggeration - OBSESSED. maybe i just dont understand the culture or w/e but idk


Idk about the fans, but I gotta say K-Pop groups are goddamn talented as hell.

SHINee and Girls Generation always surprise me with their choreography, songs, and dancing really.

Coincidentally, I just heard and watched SHINee's new MV of "View" and I gotta say, I'm impressed. Kind of wish we have performers who can dance like that more often.

I've only encountered a few K-Pop fans, the one I met recently is in love with it but hopefully she doesn't go too far.

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Idk about the fans, but I gotta say K-Pop groups are goddamn talented as hell.

SHINee and Girls Generation always surprise me with their choreography, songs, and dancing really.

Coincidentally, I just heard and watched SHINee's new MV of "View" and I gotta say, I'm impressed. Kind of wish we have performers who can dance like that more often.

I've only encountered a few K-Pop fans, the one I met recently is in love with it but hopefully she doesn't go too far.

no i agree their dances are usually AMAZING and i do like some of their songs but the fanbase just cfreeps me out sometimes

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If you ask me, this statement is more insulting to women than calling Caitlyn Jenner a woman.

I couldn't even bring myself to read the entire article. I may not understand what its like to be transgender, but I just accept that its something that I don't understand and let others be themselves. Writing an article like this is simply the epitome of intolerance and stupidity, more likely fueled by fear, lack of understanding, and lack of empathy than it is any valid concern. I'm sure that the author's comments on how many who get a sex change operation regretting it is, to at least some capacity, due to people who shout insolent nonsense like he is in this article. No wonder people might commit suicide when they're being humiliated and tortured because they want to be true to themselves. And, skimming through the headings in the article, the author both tries to make the whole thing political (it's not political, its one person making their own freaking life choice because that's what they want, politics has no part, but of course we have to bring it in because nowadays everything has to be political) as well as outright insults Caitlyn. Utterly pathetic that they could even allow this author to be a journalist, though I don't know this website, so maybe the entire website is like this.

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I couldn't even bring myself to read the entire article. I may not understand what its like to be transgender, but I just accept that its something that I don't understand and let others be themselves. Writing an article like this is simply the epitome of intolerance and stupidity, more likely fueled by fear, lack of understanding, and lack of empathy than it is any valid concern. I'm sure that the author's comments on how many who get a sex change operation regretting it is, to at least some capacity, due to people who shout insolent nonsense like he is in this article. No wonder people might commit suicide when they're being humiliated and tortured because they want to be true to themselves. And, skimming through the headings in the article, the author both tries to make the whole thing political (it's not political, its one person making their own freaking life choice because that's what they want, politics has no part, but of course we have to bring it in because nowadays everything has to be political) as well as outright insults Caitlyn. Utterly pathetic that they could even allow this author to be a journalist, though I don't know this website, so maybe the entire website is like this.

He's still a man.

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Every game that has been directed by Motomu Toriyama has been garbage. He has made some of the worst FF games I have ever played and should never direct another game ever again. 


That is all.

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