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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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FINALLY ! Somebody who thinks this too. Thank you. I dunno about the whole racism bit though, but I do find those bombings disgusting. How can anyone find this to be okay? There were definitely other alternatives they could have used instead of killings hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and animals, and probably destroying some awesome historical stuff to Japan. Just...how could anyone have even taken such an order to do that? War sucks. I can't see how humans can be okay with killing other humans, or how people can train animals to take part in our stupid human wars & how people kill those animals too because of that. Eghh.


And that is why they don't ever want to use Nuclear weapons ever again. That's why the saying is "I am death, destroyer of worlds" happened during the nukes. Its awful, everyone knows it. They even warned Japan of it, but Japan decided to go against that warning.

Do they want to keep them just in case? Yeah, but they don't want to use them. The amount of nukes we have now can obliterate Earth, so no one wants to use it no matter what, since everyone knows there will be no winner.

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And that is why they don't ever want to use Nuclear weapons ever again. That's why the saying is "I am death, destroyer of worlds" happened during the nukes. Its awful, everyone knows it. They even warned Japan of it, but Japan decided to go against that warning.

Pretty much this. The nuke droppings over Nagasaki and Hiroshima was a last-ditch effort by the Allied forces to shock Japan into surrendering, which yes while it was an awful event, it was literally the last choice they had if they ever wanted to force Japan to stop. The Japanese were a very honor-bound people even at this time to the point they were willing to dive bomb suicide themselves to protect the nation - this is where the term "kamikaze" comes from, after all. They never lost a war before in their hundreds of years of military history and were never invaded before, but the leaders still had a pipe dream about "negotiating" with the Allied forces to keep some of the land in the Pacific they had taken over the course of the war because they were imperialistic like the US in the early 20th century. It was very possible many more casualties on both sides could have happened over the course of months or years before Japanese leaders realized how futile it is to keep fighting when they're backed into such a tight corner.


Also I don't believe the whole "if they were white it wouldn't have happened" theory when there's more to it than just about "the evil whities oppressing a poor tiny island nation". Japan was never just a dinky island nation that would never do any evil when they were bullying countries over on that side of the Pacific for years. They did a lot of heinous crap to China (in fact, look up about the Nanjing Massacre), and Korea was basically their bitch for hundreds of years. In fact, the reason North / South Korea was split in the first place was because Japan gave up the territory after their surrender, and the US and USSR couldn't agree on how to give Korea back its independence. Just saying that someone claiming "racism" about war tends to be a strawman argument when there's so much other shit that goes on behind the scenes, and in general it's just tumblr logic.


I'd like to see a source about the pilot who says he never felt remorse, though. Not that I don't believe it (because ya know, 'murikans), but fact checking is really important when it comes to stuff that can be regarded as hearsay.

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Here's a fun game: ask the average Tumblrite if they know (or even care about) the clusterfiretruck of political, social, economical, and environmental issues that factor into any oppression or atrocity. Chances are they'll file it all under the label of OMG RACISM and proceed to bash the evil whities while ignoring that the other nations were hardly saints themselves.

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The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a disgusting war crime, possibly fuelled by racism, as some have theorised that they wouldn't do it if it were white people they were killing. (One evidence to that is that they moved their position because they didn't want to kill french captives. And all that racist propaganda doesn't help the case.)


Basically, How anyone can justify doing this to innocent people, mainly women and children(Statistically, there were barely any men there):



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Is beyond me.


What takes the cake is the pilot who did it says in an interview he has no remorse for doing what he did. You killed thousands of animals and human kids and mothers, gave them horrible, painful, disfiguring injuries and firetrucked the environment and you have no remorse for that? Wow.....please go firetruck yourself and your medal that you did not deserve because you talk like a murderer who has no remorse for killing their victim. 



'''OH but your australian what about darwin and america pearl harbour ge bleh bleh bleh '''


Yes, that was very bad, and those events make me very sad as well, But they didn't use the cruellest and most dangerous weapon known to man

Nothing justifies an atom bomb to me. Nothing. It is pure evil.


I believe every country in WWII was evil. All did horrible things and there are no ''winners'' in war. Any war. It's not a game. To call yourself a ''winner'' is to spit on the graves of peoples sons and daughters you have killed. There are mothers that will never see them again. Regardless if it was their choice, you have killed somebody's kid, or someones father, or brother...


Soldiers may do noble things, but that doesn't stop the fact that they are still murderers. Yes, the people they kill may be ''the bad guys'' but many of the people they kill are simply young and foolish, and were brought up that way. Perhaps brainwashed to think it was the only was the only way to help their families. 


But no, apparently everything just has to be seen as black or white.....


I believe in forgiveness, especially since it was so long ago, but it angers me when people try to justify doing that to a small child or any innocent person or animal.


There are still people living with those horrible injuries today, too, which means for their whole life they have had to deal with that pain. I cannot even begin to imagine the suffering.

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I don't know either, but, people were pretty racist in the 1940's/50's and there were very mean and stereotypical posters made about Japanese people at the time as war propaganda. Japanese-Americans in the states were forced from their homes into internment camp areas despite being as american as anyone else. The american government later paid them reparations, but still. Being forced out of your home because your parents are Japanese  D: Little kids would have been so scared and confused ;_;


Yeah :( Whenever I see war stuff on the news it makes me pretty sad.


 I hope to visit the Hiroshima peace memorial one day and lay flowers there. 

Falling in love with you again.


56% of americans still think the bombing was right.

My grandfather was 12 at the time of the bombing, but he lived in Akita.

I could have not been here today.


Once we go to Japan we can visit the Genbaku Dome, I have seen it countless times but never went there.

There's the Peace Memorial Hall in Nagasaki too.

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1. I know all the stuff Japan did. I also don't like it. I said In my post I thought of all countries as doing bad things in the past. 

2. My sources:







 “You’ve killed so many civilians.” That’s their tough luck for being there.''


OK so If I stab a guy on the street it's his problem for being on the street


Sources that shaped my opinion: 







http://wgordon.web.wesleyan.edu/papers/hiroshim.htm  Racist propaganda = Fuels hatred within soldiers






















None are from tumblr, thank you very much. And those links show how much of a farce that warning is. Barely a ''warning'' at all.


Also, I thought this was the unpopular opinions thread. But apparently I can't post unpopular opinions here >_>

Edited by KittensOnFire

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I think wolves suck. Everyone thinks that they're noble and all that, but they're like the original gank squad. They'll take you on, and so will their ten other friends. They're lame like that.


The lone wolf archetype is associated with someone too cool or mysterious or angsty to associate with people. Ironic considering how actual lone wolves will get their ass kicked unless they find a new group of buddies quick, and that's only if they're willing to play by the leaders' rules. Sooo yeah, like a gang, only furry.

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did i already post this? i dont think so. i think i thought about posting it but i never did cause i havent been on the site in a few days >.<


pro-lifers disgust me. sorry not sorry, but fu ck you. go to hell. you shouldnt be able to firetrucking decide what someone chooses to do with their own bodies you firetrucking religiou zealot psychopaths 

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did i already post this? i dont think so. i think i thought about posting it but i never did cause i havent been on the site in a few days >.<


pro-lifers disgust me. sorry not sorry, but fu ck you. go to hell. you shouldnt be able to firetrucking decide what someone chooses to do with their own bodies you firetrucking religiou zealot psychopaths 

Even though I am pro-choice, I find this debate to have more grey in it than similar social debates like gay marriage.  I'm able to sympathize more easily with the other side.

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I would love nothing more than to spread a rumor that your two year old isn't able to speak because you give her too many vaccines and feed her too much stuff with artificial crap - but I'm not going to do it because I'm a decent person.

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did i already post this? i dont think so. i think i thought about posting it but i never did cause i havent been on the site in a few days >.<


pro-lifers disgust me. sorry not sorry, but fu ck you. go to hell. you shouldnt be able to firetrucking decide what someone chooses to do with their own bodies you firetrucking religiou zealot psychopaths 


A lot of pro-life people also act like pro-choice means pro-force. Its a choice to get an abortion or not, not an option that you must get an abortion if you don't want the baby.

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Me and my brother dislike Markiplier's videos simply because of his voice and to an extent, commentary. Much prefer listening to others, which happen to be lesser known Youtubers. (Coincidentally or not.)

Edited by OmegaForte

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Even though I am pro-choice, I find this debate to have more grey in it than similar social debates like gay marriage. I'm able to sympathize more easily with the other side.

who said i was debating anything? if iw ere debating id probably like, yknow, actually think out a well constructed argument but nah. this is just my opinion. ful-blown angry american, simple, "firetruck this" opinion.



A lot of pro-life people also act like pro-choice means pro-force. Its a choice to get an abortion or not, not an option that you must get an abortion if you don't want the baby.

yeah!!...like at least give people a firetruckin option about what to do with THEIR bodies. the idea of something havint to be forced, having to be dictated about OUR BODIES is what makes us free.


it's the samewith durgs and shit. at a certain age, you have the OPTIOn to buy cigarrettes and alcohol. you have the OPTIOn to be careless, go overboard, and die at an early age/


ian its mostly because after i saw that shit, about "pregnancy crissis centers"...and how those crazy people try to brainwash these vulnerable girls out of getting abortions...


loike um, not everyone ca have a baby. maybe she was raped and the baby would only be a painful reminder. maybe shes a teen who did something stupid, got knocked up, and cant let her parents know or else she'll be abused/kicked out. maybe the baby is developing in PLACE IT SHOUDLNT BE, and will kill the mother and probably itself by the time it gets to a crertain size. do you even know what some extreme prolifers do? they will firetrucking harass people going into the clinics, to the point where some have even taken the harrassment further y getting their licenseplates/ddress and not elavin them alone


so yep, to anyone reading this, im sorry but, i fully and can completely say, that, firetruck prolifers. they can all literally, suck my malformed cock. if there is ever a law passed that makes aboriton illegal in my ountry i am using all my money to move thje firetruck out of here. i would sooner die than let someone dictate what the firetruck i do with my body.


((sorry, mty anger isnt directed at you, im just pretty passionately angry when i get so angry about shit like this. even the laws about not letting people end their life (if theyre sickly, and going to die anyways, and in a lot of pain) makes me prettyt pised. but thats a different topic and im done talking about this.


TL;DR: firetruck pro-lifers. eat my ass.



if this makes you (whoever reading this) hate me then oops sorry i dunno what to tell ya haha

Edited by Shana09

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who said i was debating anything? if iw ere debating id probably like, yknow, actually think out a well constructed argument but nah. this is just my opinion. ful-blown angry american, simple, "firetruck this" opinion.



yeah!!...like at least give people a firetruckin option about what to do with THEIR bodies. the idea of something havint to be forced, having to be dictated about OUR BODIES is what makes us free.


it's the samewith durgs and shit. at a certain age, you have the OPTIOn to buy cigarrettes and alcohol. you have the OPTIOn to be careless, go overboard, and die at an early age/


ian its mostly because after i saw that shit, about "pregnancy crissis centers"...and how those crazy people try to brainwash these vulnerable girls out of getting abortions...


loike um, not everyone ca have a baby. maybe she was raped and the baby would only be a painful reminder. maybe shes a teen who did something stupid, got knocked up, and cant let her parents know or else she'll be abused/kicked out. maybe the baby is developing in PLACE IT SHOUDLNT BE, and will kill the mother and probably itself by the time it gets to a crertain size. do you even know what some extreme prolifers do? they will firetrucking harass people going into the clinics, to the point where some have even taken the harrassment further y getting their licenseplates/ddress and not elavin them alone


so yep, to anyone reading this, im sorry but, i fully and can completely say, that, firetruck prolifers. they can all literally, suck my malformed cock. if there is ever a law passed that makes aboriton illegal in my ountry i am using all my money to move thje firetruck out of here. i would sooner die than let someone dictate what the firetruck i do with my body.


((sorry, mty anger isnt directed at you, im just pretty passionately angry when i get so angry about shit like this. even the laws about not letting people end their life (if theyre sickly, and going to die anyways, and in a lot of pain) makes me prettyt pised. but thats a different topic and im done talking about this.


TL;DR: firetruck pro-lifers. eat my ass.



if this makes you (whoever reading this) hate me then oops sorry i dunno what to tell ya haha


The most hated saying from pro-lifers from me is when they say "put it up for adoption". I bet not even half of the pro-lifers would even actually adopt a child, how could I make sure my child is going to be safe, sheltered and such if the people who would try their best to convince me to give birth wouldn't even take care of it?

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The most hated saying from pro-lifers from me is when they say "put it up for adoption". I bet not even half of the pro-lifers would even actually adopt a child, how could I make sure my child is going to be safe, sheltered and such if the people who would try their best to convince me to give birth wouldn't even take care of it?

ugh tgats so horrible. and theres enough kids in foster care/adoption centers already...hell, theres a lot fo HOMELESS kids already. so that argument is auto-shit.  like they dont practice what they preach. i hated going to CCD cause they rpeached this shit and one time i said firetruck you to them (another boy agreed w/me so we would always make up shit to get the firetruck outta that class) i swear theyre crazy 

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Bronies are by far one of the worst fandoms I have ever encountered. Their "love and tolerate" motto is merely a facade. After being in their community for a considerable amount of time, I can honestly say they are spiteful, angry, sexist, and really just all around  bad people. Their artists are ego-maniacs a lot of the time, and charge insane amounts for as little work as possible. To top it all off, bronies feel that EVERYTHING is fair use, even when it isn't. They have this mentality that everything is okay to rip off (art theft is rampant in that community) and do not care if they are destroying anyone's livelihood. After spending years on their sites, I can safely say that a majority of brony communities are hostile towards non-extremist fans, and many of their sites are riddled with users making power grabs to get more sway in the brony community. Honestly though, I have had bronies threaten to kill me for the most benign of crap. I recently got a guy fired from a brony website for not doing his job correctly, the staff told him that I reported him and he came to me and threatened to kill my family with an AK-47 and went on about how I had formed a "powerful enemy". Shortly after he was telling the entire site about me. I was legitimately so concerned for my safety, I deleted all my account and made a new email/skype.


If that all wasn't bad enough, their obsession with clopping is disturbing. Any brony will insist "it's not the whole fandom" but a lot of the evidence clearly shows that it's a very popular activity among them considering how much porn is produced. This would all be fine and dandy if it were not for the fact that discussion of clopping seems to be permitted on any social medium they inhabit, regardless of age restrictions. I recall being on sites that were rated PG13, and right out on public walls people would post long detailed discussions about clopping, defending their weird masturbation habits. Look bro, I don't care what you are tugging to, the issue is: the world doesn't need to know about it. Bronies are far too open with their sexual exploits, to the point where they attempt to justify it in every single way possible. There are even people who made videos using "science" to try and make clopping sound normal.


I can honestly say, after observing that fandom up close, within their own fandom I am glad I never called myself a brony, and I can say with confidence that it is a fandom that is poison. I have lost a good real life friend to this brony obsession. All his free time is wasted on brony crap, all his social functions involve ponies, he is going no where with his life. His apartment lacks furniture for 2 years now, but he wastes money on bronycons.

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I think religions in general is useles and it's only a way to control the people. World would be better without any kind of religion.

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Bronies are by far one of the worst fandoms I have ever encountered. Their "love and tolerate" motto is merely a facade. After being in their community for a considerable amount of time, I can honestly say they are spiteful, angry, sexist, and really just all around  bad people. Their artists are ego-maniacs a lot of the time, and charge insane amounts for as little work as possible. To top it all off, bronies feel that EVERYTHING is fair use, even when it isn't. They have this mentality that everything is okay to rip off (art theft is rampant in that community) and do not care if they are destroying anyone's livelihood. After spending years on their sites, I can safely say that a majority of brony communities are hostile towards non-extremist fans, and many of their sites are riddled with users making power grabs to get more sway in the brony community. Honestly though, I have had bronies threaten to kill me for the most benign of crap. I recently got a guy fired from a brony website for not doing his job correctly, the staff told him that I reported him and he came to me and threatened to kill my family with an AK-47 and went on about how I had formed a "powerful enemy". Shortly after he was telling the entire site about me. I was legitimately so concerned for my safety, I deleted all my account and made a new email/skype.


If that all wasn't bad enough, their obsession with clopping is disturbing. Any brony will insist "it's not the whole fandom" but a lot of the evidence clearly shows that it's a very popular activity among them considering how much porn is produced. This would all be fine and dandy if it were not for the fact that discussion of clopping seems to be permitted on any social medium they inhabit, regardless of age restrictions. I recall being on sites that were rated PG13, and right out on public walls people would post long detailed discussions about clopping, defending their weird masturbation habits. Look bro, I don't care what you are tugging to, the issue is: the world doesn't need to know about it. Bronies are far too open with their sexual exploits, to the point where they attempt to justify it in every single way possible. There are even people who made videos using "science" to try and make clopping sound normal.


I can honestly say, after observing that fandom up close, within their own fandom I am glad I never called myself a brony, and I can say with confidence that it is a fandom that is poison. I have lost a good real life friend to this brony obsession. All his free time is wasted on brony crap, all his social functions involve ponies, he is going no where with his life. His apartment lacks furniture for 2 years now, but he wastes money on bronycons.


You just described how I feel about bronies, except I was never part of the fandom.

I still don't understand why people love My Little Pony so much. Especially to the point of obsession. 

And clopping is really disturbing, its like drawn bestiality.

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You just described how I feel about bronies, except I was never part of the fandom.

I still don't understand why people love My Little Pony so much. Especially to the point of obsession. 

And clopping is really disturbing, its like drawn bestiality.

The show is alright (sort of going downhill a bit) but bronies really give this fake mantra about how they are such a loving community when they aren't. They are inhospitable to anyone who shares different beliefs than they do and also insanely sexist. Bronies are like a club of all the "friendzoned" "nice guys" who constantly complain they can't find a girlfriend. To make it worse they seem to have this fantasy they are going to find a woman that is like one of their favorite characters. If a female enters their space, they all start to kiss the ground she walks on and will give her free passes to behave in deplorable manners for attention.


Many girls join that fanbase just to garner free attention for the most trivial of things.

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Bronies are by far one of the worst fandoms I have ever encountered. Their "love and tolerate" motto is merely a facade. After being in their community for a considerable amount of time, I can honestly say they are spiteful, angry, sexist, and really just all around  bad people. Their artists are ego-maniacs a lot of the time, and charge insane amounts for as little work as possible. To top it all off, bronies feel that EVERYTHING is fair use, even when it isn't. They have this mentality that everything is okay to rip off (art theft is rampant in that community) and do not care if they are destroying anyone's livelihood. After spending years on their sites, I can safely say that a majority of brony communities are hostile towards non-extremist fans, and many of their sites are riddled with users making power grabs to get more sway in the brony community. Honestly though, I have had bronies threaten to kill me for the most benign of crap. I recently got a guy fired from a brony website for not doing his job correctly, the staff told him that I reported him and he came to me and threatened to kill my family with an AK-47 and went on about how I had formed a "powerful enemy". Shortly after he was telling the entire site about me. I was legitimately so concerned for my safety, I deleted all my account and made a new email/skype.


If that all wasn't bad enough, their obsession with clopping is disturbing. Any brony will insist "it's not the whole fandom" but a lot of the evidence clearly shows that it's a very popular activity among them considering how much porn is produced. This would all be fine and dandy if it were not for the fact that discussion of clopping seems to be permitted on any social medium they inhabit, regardless of age restrictions. I recall being on sites that were rated PG13, and right out on public walls people would post long detailed discussions about clopping, defending their weird masturbation habits. Look bro, I don't care what you are tugging to, the issue is: the world doesn't need to know about it. Bronies are far too open with their sexual exploits, to the point where they attempt to justify it in every single way possible. There are even people who made videos using "science" to try and make clopping sound normal.


I can honestly say, after observing that fandom up close, within their own fandom I am glad I never called myself a brony, and I can say with confidence that it is a fandom that is poison. I have lost a good real life friend to this brony obsession. All his free time is wasted on brony crap, all his social functions involve ponies, he is going no where with his life. His apartment lacks furniture for 2 years now, but he wastes money on bronycons.

Wat. I don't even. You're saying all Bronies are like that? Not even. I'm not. As for the clopping thing, us non-cloppers within the fandom usually just love to make fun of it. Cause it's funny. The Brony group is full of many different types of people. All over the internet there are many types of people. It just seems like there is mostly "assholes and weirdos" but there's more to it than that. Pretty much like YouTube where most of what you see is just trolls causing a great amount of controversy, but sitting out from the comments are many quiet people, and then you've got some good people commenting as well. And Clopping isn't that big an issue. Before "clopping" even came along, "Yiffing" was already a thing. So don't throw everything on the Bronies for clopping when such activities existed for other things WAY before. From my several years of being a Brony i've encountered a number of really good people. I've seen the comments and what not on like YouTube and other social media from those troll-hard attention hog Bronies and what not of which are total a-holes, but there are definitely plenty of good people in the fandom. I do see some hostility from Bronies against non-Bronies, but all groups have those types of people. Plus there is a lot of hate for Bronies which is also another reason for such hostility. Honestly, it only seems you're basing all of this off of what you've seen and from the people you know which isn't a whole lot. There is a lot to this fandom, with many people in it of different types. 'Nuff said.Note: I should also add that the Brony fandom is one of the biggest fandoms out there which means there's a lot of people in it, hence a large amount of such stereotypes and pornography within the fandom compared to others.

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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