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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, and YMX count.


But they have to to villains of course. 

Also one of the pirates from Port Royale ;) he's probably the blackest character from KH, the others are more Asian.


My unpopular opinion: I really don't like mince and cheese pies. I'm a Kiwi but I don't like them. It's unheard of.

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The Math textbook I used last semester had "Loki <3" written in marker on the side, by the person who used it before me... That sure was fun to carry around. *Sarcasm*

You should have just changed the i to an o, then people would think you misspelled "loco" instead. And you either love craziness or are confessing your crazy love!

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Okay so this thread isn't even entirely just unpopular opinions anymore, so here's a rather popular one: I hate Tumblr post limit. We live in fear of the post limit. Which I can reach in less than 2 hours of blogging, and since I spend my entire day on the computer, it's REALLY easy to reach

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okay another one: I mildly hate Christmas time. I enjoy December because I love all the pretty lights and seeing people get excited when they get gifts. I love the snow and how happy everyone is, but I hate some of my family coming over. They literally just judge me for everything, and it's just so hard to get through the holiday season with some of them around. "You send Alex to a special school? Why? Maybe the reason the IEP in public school didn't work is because you didn't try hard enough and now you're paying someone else to deal with his problems." "What do you mean Lexi doesn't have a boyfriend yet? It's time to get yourself a man before people start thinking you're a lesbian." like please go away and shut up you ruin Christmas for me

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Christmas barely means anything anymore: tree, cookies, bad tv specials...

Not gonna get into the Natvity here, to avoid offending anyone, but Christmas is more...

It's about family, togetherness, the love from the year brought home. 

Gifts should mean something, a way to show you care, not just 100 pieces of crap under a pretty tree. 

More people need to remember this during tomorrow, and be thankful you have a family and home. 

I myself currently only have my mom since my grandfather passed away, and I wouldn't trade my time with her tomorrow for anything. 

That's all: Happy Holidays to you all, and may you enjoy every moment of them.  0/*

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I'll have to try that :)

yeah okay CLEARLY you sad souls have never heard of 

Posted Image

it's not just chocolate. it's chocolate that hardens. boom. /shotdead


edit: you could take that in 2 different really perverted ways so depending on which you figure out first is probably a good indicator of how perverted y'all really are

Edited by Think Pink

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yeah okay CLEARLY you sad souls have never heard of 

Posted Image

it's not just chocolate. it's chocolate that hardens. boom. /shotdead


edit: you could take that in 2 different really perverted ways so depending on which you figure out first is probably a good indicator of how perverted y'all really are



I'm 10/10 on the pervert scale :P

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I think anime with 100+ episodes should end already.

I personally only truly am annoyed by it if it is something like One Piece, Yay we have a storyline with a known end goal, but it is probably going to take over 1000 episodes to finally reach that goal! I can see why people like it since it does seem like a long journey, but really  it just never ends... (when it seemingly is going to actually have an end) That being said unless if I truly love everything about the show and every plot twist and story element, my max attention span is probably around 300 episodes.Though I don't mind in the least if the anime is more so episodic than plot driven. Where yes there is a continuity, but it is a comedy in a particular setting, or some sort of slice of life.  Where it doesn't matter if you miss a couple episodes,  probably nothing integral happened. And if it did it won't hurt you that much for not knowing it. 

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yeah okay CLEARLY you sad souls have never heard of 

Posted Image

it's not just chocolate. it's chocolate that hardens. boom. /shotdead


edit: you could take that in 2 different really perverted ways so depending on which you figure out first is probably a good indicator of how perverted y'all really are


Don't need it. My own chocolate hardens by itself if you catch my drift.


I'm 10/10 on the pervert scale :P


As am I. :D

Edited by Winner's Proof

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The concept of typing and writing in lower-case letters and using poor grammar "ironically" is self defeating. If I understand correctly, the idea is that it's making fun of chat speak, or the poor typing skills of many people on the internet. Thus, the intent is to make fun of these people, while at the same time providing self congratulations to the person doing the mocking for having the knowledge and skill to point out the flaws, and to know the proper way of writing. But, if the "ironic" response is to mimic the problem, then you are, in fact, not furthering the cause of spreading proper spelling on the internet. If you wanted to fix the problem, then the obvious answer would be to do exactly the opposite of the wrong thing: in this case, you would want to type properly, with good punctuation and grammar. To simply ape the wrong action, in fact, makes you somewhat more at fault than the people you are making fun of in the first place. They might have the excuse of not knowing any better. Not only do you know better, the mental pay-off being received is the fact that you know better then these people. But then, to not actually use proper spelling and grammar means that it clearly isn't important enough to you as a writer to embrace it whole heartedly and to use it. 

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The concept of typing and writing in lower-case letters and using poor grammar "ironically" is self defeating. If I understand correctly, the idea is that it's making fun of chat speak, or the poor typing skills of many people on the internet. Thus, the intent is to make fun of these people, while at the same time providing self congratulations to the person doing the mocking for having the knowledge and skill to point out the flaws, and to know the proper way of writing. But, if the "ironic" response is to mimic the problem, then you are, in fact, not furthering the cause of spreading proper spelling on the internet. If you wanted to fix the problem, then the obvious answer would be to do exactly the opposite of the wrong thing: in this case, you would want to type properly, with good punctuation and grammar. To simply ape the wrong action, in fact, makes you somewhat more at fault than the people you are making fun of in the first place. They might have the excuse of not knowing any better. Not only do you know better, the mental pay-off being received is the fact that you know better then these people. But then, to not actually use proper spelling and grammar means that it clearly isn't important enough to you as a writer to embrace it whole heartedly and to use it.

I always thought people typed like that to lighten the mood, so if I was joking around and not being serious at all, I wouldn't capitalize, use punctuation, etc. And I read this sentence in a completely different voice than say this: hey r u gonna finish thatI completely agree with what you said though, so I guess my point was if I type how you have described, it's simply because I want it to be read in a lighter tone. I don't do it to make fun of the people who can't type properly. Edited by Lalalablah

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The concept of typing and writing in lower-case letters and using poor grammar "ironically" is self defeating. If I understand correctly, the idea is that it's making fun of chat speak, or the poor typing skills of many people on the internet. Thus, the intent is to make fun of these people, while at the same time providing self congratulations to the person doing the mocking for having the knowledge and skill to point out the flaws, and to know the proper way of writing. But, if the "ironic" response is to mimic the problem, then you are, in fact, not furthering the cause of spreading proper spelling on the internet. If you wanted to fix the problem, then the obvious answer would be to do exactly the opposite of the wrong thing: in this case, you would want to type properly, with good punctuation and grammar. To simply ape the wrong action, in fact, makes you somewhat more at fault than the people you are making fun of in the first place. They might have the excuse of not knowing any better. Not only do you know better, the mental pay-off being received is the fact that you know better then these people. But then, to not actually use proper spelling and grammar means that it clearly isn't important enough to you as a writer to embrace it whole heartedly and to use it. 

it's annoying when people are completely incapable of typing properly, but if i'm on skype or tumblr i'm gonna type like this. no capitalization and occasional abbreviations are really convenient when you want to type fast. it's not always a joke, and sometimes you just become accustomed to it and even if you did it a few times as a joke, you realize "hey this is really convenient i can type wayyy faster if i'm not worried about whether i'm spelling things right or capitalizing things". 

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I honestly can't even bring myself to type improperly. I just can't do it. Not for irony, not to lighten the mood, and not because it is easier. It is actually much easier for me to type this way than it is to use short hand, no punctuation, and no capitalization. And I try not to hold it against people, but I have to admit I don't take things as seriously if they aren't written correctly.


Needless to say, it takes me forever to type a text when compared to your stereotypical can't-live-without-their-phone teenager. X_X



Screen protectors are the most pointless things ever. It's frustrating to even get them aligned correctly, then its nigh impossible to get the air bubbles out, then by the time you get it on correctly it is probably covered with dust on the sticky side, effectively making it useless.


When I see people with screen protectors on their phones or whatever and they're covered with air bubbles, dirty, or crooked I feel like walking up to them, screaming "what is wrong with you?!", then ripping the dang thing off.

Edited by DragonMaster

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girls who wear like REALLY red lipstick are so gorgeous. I will literally notice nothing else just "holy crap you are wearing ultra red lipstick and will you marry me" 

yes. People who wear it (and know how to apply it right) look beautiful.

there's some psychological reasoning behind why red lipstick makes someone look so desireable, I think it's so cool.

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