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The Unpopular Opinions Thread

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Why is this even in a forum related to KH anyways?


Just going to add this but I don't want to drag this out too much but underprivileged people like Koko should be allowed and have the right to go on something as simple as an online forum to enjoy themselves, and have fun without having to deal with or read discriminatory or oppressive comments that they happen to be exposed to on a daily basis offline.


If you want society to change, instead of arguing on the internet, why don't you go outside and join or a movement or protest. 


Online activism is actually a very effective tool. It may not make changes within the government among other things but it changes the mindset of the people and that's a challenge. That's why there are huge communities on sites like Tumblr and LiveJournal with millions of people who are social justice advocators or even if they don't preach social justice, they support at least one faction of it. And that's a huge step and a huge improvement.

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Just going to add this but I don't want to drag this out too much but underprivileged people like Koko should be allowed and have the right to go on something as simple as an online forum to enjoy themselves, and have fun without having to deal with or read discriminatory or oppressive comments that they happen to be exposed to on a daily basis offline.Online activism is actually a very effective tool. It may not make changes within the government among other things but it changes the mindset of the people and that's a challenge. That's why there are huge communities on sites like Tumblr and LiveJournal with millions of people who are social justice advocators or even if they don't preach social justice, they support at least one faction of it. And that's a huge step and a huge improvement.

This argument has been over for awhile now. Why I was even on this thread for so long arguing with Koko about something like this, I do not know. I understand I may have reacted harshly. I just didn't appreciate Koko calling me a "sexist asshole" every chance ze got, because I didn't share the same opinions as hir. (Bare with me I said those terms wrong, and i'm sorry if I did)Anyways, Koko, I apologize. I hadn't been aware that you were genderqueer (Or at least I didn't know exactly what it meant) and I realize howoffensive my comments were. I also apologize to everyone else this argument has effected. As of right now it's done and over with, and any further opinions on who was right and who was wrong will be ignored by me.Thank you all. Edited by JJForever

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"If you don't like the voice acting then don't watch the show" (e ven though you say you like everything else about it)

I've been seeing things like this on Tumblr about RWBY and it really bugs me.

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Hash Tags really drive me crazy. Especially when people use them on Facebook. Sorry people but Hash tags belong on freakin' Twitter! 

#KH13Problems(When my friends and I use things like hash tags we use them ironically, it's funny when we're especially saying something stupid xD)

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Hash Tags really drive me crazy. Especially when people use them on Facebook. Sorry people but Hash tags belong on freakin' Twitter! 



and Tumblr 


#omg #IKR #Facebook #Getyoshittogether #thisisn'ttwitterbitch #it'snotumblreither #howaboutno

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Hash Tags really drive me crazy. Especially when people use them on Facebook. Sorry people but Hash tags belong on freakin' Twitter! 

Same, and the /shot, /whatever, /something stuff....and inb4


So facebook

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More or less quoted from Tumblr but meh.

Dress codes in schools has to be one of the stupidest set of guidelines I can think of. Instead of insinuating that women are inherent sluts because they're wearing spaghetti straps or short shorts, why not teach the guys something miraculous like self-control? Because if you can't control your dick for a few seconds based on the fact you saw a shoulder or a lot of thigh, that tells me you're a danger to society and you need to be locked up.

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More or less quoted from Tumblr but meh.

Dress codes in schools has to be one of the stupidest set of guidelines I can think of. Instead of insinuating that women are inherent sluts because they're wearing spaghetti straps or short shorts, why not teach the guys something miraculous like self-control? Because if you can't control your dick for a few seconds based on the fact you saw a shoulder or a lot of thigh, that tells me you're a danger to society and you need to be locked up.


To add to this.

I find it very annoying that they have to call your house every god damn day to let you know the dress code. It drives me insane. 

Plus, I got called for wearing a perfectly normal shirt that wasn't that "revealing". My friend got called for wearing shorts too, so that at least tells me it's not just to girls and it's to everyone.

But what do they expect us to wear in 92 degrees fahrenheit? A polo jacket, scarf with thick pants? 

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To add to this.

I find it very annoying that they have to call your house every god damn day to let you know the dress code. It drives me insane. 

Plus, I got called for wearing a perfectly normal shirt that wasn't that "revealing". My friend got called for wearing shorts too, so that at least tells me it's not just to girls and it's to everyone.

But what do they expect us to wear in 92 degrees fahrenheit? A polo jacket, scarf with thick pants? 


I remember one year, my principal had taken maternity leave so for a year we had this really sexist substitute principal and he really laid thick on the dress code that year. A few of my friends called him out of his sexism and they always ended up in the office a bajillion times a month for wearing spaghetti straps. My friends weren't even the type of people to wear short shorts or show a lot of cleavage either. (Not to say that's a bad thing.) He was really hated by the teachers and the parents, and there were a few mothers who actually came to the school and yelled their asses off at him. It was pretty awesome, ngl.

Edited by TheApprenticeofKingMickey

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I'm not sure if much people even use this logic, but I hate the idea of "someone else has it worse than you, stop complaining".


It's like if someone lost a hand you could go up to them like "Someone out there probably lost BOTH of his hands! man up" or something like that.


Well I can understand your logic but also understand that some people will complain about the smallest inane things for sympathy when there are many others suffering much worse than them and then some out there .A lot of them ( not all) are so self centered that while they are upset that they got a papercut they don't see that much worse happens to others and that they should feel fortunate for the good things they do have. ( just using that as an example). However, I'm also not saying that we also shouldn't always try to have empathy and compassion for others regardless.

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Well I can understand your logic but also understand that some people will complain about the smallest inane things for sympathy when there are many others suffering much worse than them and then some out there .A lot of them ( not all) are so self centered that while they are upset that they got a papercut they don't see that much worse happens to others and that they should feel fortunate for the good things they do have. ( just using that as an example). However, I'm also not saying that we also shouldn't always try to have empathy and compassion for others regardless.

While I do agree about the parts when a person complains about the pettiest things for no reason. But the bolded part-- well I mean maybe they do acknowledge other's pain it's kind of like... you're still allowed to admit to feeling pain in what situation you are now o3o. 

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While I do agree about the parts when a person complains about the pettiest things for no reason. But the bolded part-- well I mean maybe they do acknowledge other's pain it's kind of like... you're still allowed to admit to feeling pain in what situation you are now o3o. 

Yes which is why I feel we should always try to be empathetic towards others. It's just that the ones who really are not suffering but think they are because they are spoiled brats are the ones who are just plain annoying when you see real suffering out there ..

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#KH13Problems(When my friends and I use things like hash tags we use them ironically, it's funny when we're especially saying something stupid xD)

Story of my life. Hell, we be using hashtags on an MMO.


I'm going to get a shitton of hate on this, but I guess that makes me more unique. (I guess I already posted this as a unpopular opinion lol) I think EXE and RnR> other Rockman franchise.

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Idk I feel like if two people love each other as much as they say they do then they wouldn't be telling everybody about it. I get it you two are dating, but why not keep it to yourself? Doesn't it feel more satisfying when certain things are kept only between the two of you? I've only been in a few relationships but like just display your love to EACHOTHER and not everyone else around you. Unless I mean you're into that sort of thing...


There's always that one desperate girl in school who's like "Have you seen my boyfriend???" and purposely uses "boyfriend" as the pronoun

Like bitch I don't know who your boyfriend is it'd kinda help if you gave me a name. This one time a girl asked me that, so I answered with what I thought was her boyfriend's name, before she revealed to me that she's no longer dating him but somebody else. Waaaaat that was within a week too???

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It's about time that asexuality is included in the official acronym for the LGBT community. It hardly gets any exposure and more people need to be educated on it. LGBAT does have a nice vibe to it, I think.


Hmm, I dunno.  It seems to me asexuals and the LGBT community have completely separate problems.  Asexuals do have their own organization, even if it isn't necessarily mainstream.  If we want to educate people on this, I don't think we need to associate ourselves with the LGBT community to do it.


Here's the thing, and I'm probably gonna get yelled at for this, but associating ourselves with LGBT might not lead to good things.  You're right, asexuals don't have much exposure--that gives us something LGBT doesn't have, the lack of which really hinders them: a clean slate from all the negative social bullshit that makes their lives harder than it needs to be.  Asexuality doesn't have the same kind of stigma attached like LGBT does.  If we start associating ourselves with them, the detractors who don't know about us might start going, "Wait, so there are more of those weirdos?"  Call me selfish but I don't want us to lose that advantage.


And the ones who are open-minded enough to listen to us are the ones who don't necessarily need LGBT to verify us.  It also relates back to how we and LGBT have different problems.  Theirs are how they love the "wrong" kind of people romantically or sexually; ours are that we don't love anyone sexually and/or romantically.  Loving the "wrong" kind of people isn't as bad as the inability to love anyone.  If we want more exposure then we can do it our own way.


I don't think being non-straight is enough to get into a group like LGBT.  It's not just about promoting non-straight sexualities, it's also a support group against people who actively persecute them.  Asexuals don't get persecuted like LGBT does, and if we're included in that group, then maybe we'll get persecuted as well.

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Hmm, I dunno.  It seems to me asexuals and the LGBT community have completely separate problems.  Asexuals do have their own organization, even if it isn't necessarily mainstream.  If we want to educate people on this, I don't think we need to associate ourselves with the LGBT community to do it.


Here's the thing, and I'm probably gonna get yelled at for this, but associating ourselves with LGBT might not lead to good things.  You're right, asexuals don't have much exposure--that gives us something LGBT doesn't have, the lack of which really hinders them: a clean slate from all the negative social bullshit that makes their lives harder than it needs to be.  Asexuality doesn't have the same kind of stigma attached like LGBT does.  If we start associating ourselves with them, the detractors who don't know about us might start going, "Wait, so there are more of those weirdos?"  Call me selfish but I don't want us to lose that advantage.


And the ones who are open-minded enough to listen to us are the ones who don't necessarily need LGBT to verify us.  It also relates back to how we and LGBT have different problems.  Theirs are how they love the "wrong" kind of people romantically or sexually; ours are that we don't love anyone sexually and/or romantically.  Loving the "wrong" kind of people isn't as bad as the inability to love anyone.  If we want more exposure then we can do it our own way.


I don't think being non-straight is enough to get into a group like LGBT.  It's not just about promoting non-straight sexualities, it's also a support group against people who actively persecute them.  Asexuals don't get persecuted like LGBT does, and if we're included in that group, then maybe we'll get persecuted as well.


I've reached my quota but I'll admit that does seem more reasonable than what I originally said.


I feel that I should add (though I'm assuming you already know this anyway) that LGBT is more about being non-straight. It's for unconventional genders as well, with T in the acronym being the head of trans* and non binary genders. 'Cause you could be straight and still not be cisgendered.

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PERSONALLY, I think video games with the common idea of beating the shit out of each other or shooting random people to complete missions is completely, fully, overwhelmingly stupid.


Added to that, despite the target audience being set to a certain age limit, kids play these games (I'm looking at you CoD) tell me how this doesnt influence them.


And on my plane, I dont see the point in punching ten people for the sake of entertainment. I'd rather play a game with a hundred million plot points or a game with two thousand spin offs. 


I'm not telling FPS sucks in general but a few specific games and how a few parts of the younger generation react to it is disappointing.



well the fact that the younger generation plays those games isn't entirely the game developer's fault. It's usually parents who are to blame for letting their kids get games that aren't suitable for their age.Plus, I kinda like FPS games solely because I'm one of the many guys who are interested in military stuff and, to some of us, that's just about the closest we get to having the military life.But yeah, games with a good plot should always have the most support/love though

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