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Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Darkness

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"ok then Kel, lets do this, and where is the keyblade Graveyard at"? said Vincent. then a flash back came in to view.


"are you sure she will never find it here" said jack. "i am sure about that." Vincent took hold of Radiomen blade and threw it in the Keyblads hope to never been seen again.


"kel i know where The Radiomen blade is.". said Vincent

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"kel i think i know where it is" said vincent. vincent try to think about it, the mea did not come to him. "kel i don't know where it i, sorry". said Vincent. "I think that is the key to killing Carey and jack for good". so we need to hurry and get that key before jack get it.

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(Basically, Kyle has control of the Keyblades in the Keyblade Graveyard, as proven several times when he summoned them and used them in battle. So that Keyblade you put there is his now.)


While he absorbed the lightning, Kyle sent the Keyblades after him.

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Side:---------- Light


Age: ------------16

Bio:------------ miru was just exploring the castle of Radient Gardens far after sora and friends were there when suddenly she heard footsteps. she had turned around and found a man with a knife. he suddenly ran at her miru tried to run and tripped. she then closed her eyes. and suddenly she felt another presence. she opened her eyes and saw in her hands she had guarded herself with a keyblade named OATHKEEPER she then felt secured and began to fight back. ever since then she felt a power that connected her with others and that she must find them and restore peace to the worlds.

Keyblade(s):------------oathkeeper final judgment

Posted ImagePosted Image

Magics(if any):------------- life magic and light magic mixed with water, wind, fire, magnet, gravity, earth

Appearance: ------------ my profile pic

Current location:------------ where you guys are im hiding.

Homeworld:------------ Radient garden

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"Don't let it go out or you will die and become a heartless and a nobody", said Kel. "Time to go to the keyblade graveyard", said Kel.

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(Then I guess Kyle has his heart too. xD)


Kyle sent a ball of darkness at him from the front, and had the Keyblades come at him from behind.


When they arrived, they found the Graveyard empty, as Kyle was using the Keyblades.

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(I'm not looking for the keyblades)


They got to the keyblade graveyard and started to look for a person they had to kill and bring his heart to the dark ones so that they could make him into a heartless and a nobody. "This is it, start looking for probably the other person that's here with us in this deserted planet, it must be him" said Kel.

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"what that *meow* happened" said Vincent. Vincent looked over at kel. "what happened to the Keybaldes. Vincent felt that tug was stronger then before. "gah, that one hurt, what i feel something is still here". he looked out the cliff. "there is something over there Kel, shall we have a look"?

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