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Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Darkness

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"Calm down Terume you don't need violence to end this how about Skylar and I walk away and you stay here by yourself *suddenly kyle stepped in* what the, what are you doing here man we were about to run away from this freak" said Kel.

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"Kyle you better calm down I'm gonna have to fight along side with you" said Kel. *takes out cerberus keyblade* and starts fighting.

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"kyle... Kel... just leave me," says Skylar as she dismisses her keyblade and walked towards Terume. Terume blocks Kel and pushes him back and takes skylar's hand.

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"you'll die if you continue.," she looks at him with tears in her eyes, "he's mocking you. haven't you noticed he's not injured at all... please just stop." Terume disappears from kyles grip and takes skylar's hand again. "shall we take our leave?" says Terume. Skylar nods they go to leave.

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"I won't believe it. Not after she sacrificed herself to try and save me!" he said. A portal of darkness formed under his body as he slept and he went into the Realm of Darkness.

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