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Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Darkness

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Strife jumped up on a Dustflier and started flying over Radiant Garden. He fired down random shots of ice at everybody he could see.

"HahahahaaHAHAAAAHAAAA" cried Strife sadistically.

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Johnny had finished his shower and threw on some clothes he had found in a dresser. The house wasn't ideal for size, but at least it was unoccupied for now. Johnny sat on the bed and looked out the window. In the distance he saw a Heartless ship go by, reminding him of just how different this world was compared to his.

"How on Earth am I gonna get out of this one?" he said as he drifted into sleep.

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Kel became bored and opened a portal to castle oblivion, he opened the door and said "Hello, is someone in here". No response came to him so he just kept walking.

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Skylar wakes up in the basement of Castle Oblivion and punches the floor. "damn it!" she cried out. She looked around and gets up with a limp but she's too weak to heal herself. She limped over to a door and goes through seeing Kel in front of her. "KEL!!!," she cried out.

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i know I just wanted to invovle DTD too lol) Skylar falls to her knees. "please," she begged?, "help me."


Terume smirks and vanishes and appears behind Kyle and blasts him with dark firaga

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Terume uses darkness to trap Kyle in a cocoon then slashes at him with his keyblade as the electricity didn't phase him.


Skylar smiles as though as she was someone else. "thank you," she says. "I owe you."

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Terune laughs and blocks it easily. "your weak boy," he mocked. then he sensed something and glares. "damn she's awake and escaped. seems she found a friend. hm better take care of that." He opens a corridor and goes through closing it before Kyle could make a move.

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"Don't worry girl I got you", said Kel. "Now we need to get out of here, maybe we should go that way" said kel while pointing at a door.

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