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Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Darkness

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then,Xeimizah answered,-......no,because 100 years ago i have made a mistake and made all the worlds succumb into the darkness....but now.....- then,Xeimizah`s dark aura has been realised....-i`ve made up my mind,i will protect the light at any cost!Last Charge!- Xeimizah use Last charge then all of the neoshadow including darkside and hunter has been eliminated.-THIS is my answer,i`ll never join forces with the side of the dark!-Xeimizah has answered of Kyle`s question.....

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"Then you're of no use to us. And you shouldn't even wield the darkness if you aren't even going to side with it!" Kyle said. He lunged at Xeimizah, slashing at him.

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Kel leaves the battlefield and goes to twilight town near the train station. "The people of twilight town must be in a bad condition with all this weird things happening around them, haha they must be freaked out", said Kel. "Maybe I should go say hello to the people to see what would happen, and see their faces when they see me", said Kel while walking down to the struggle arena.

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