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Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Darkness

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Kyle dodged some of the attacks while blocking others. "So, you have my Master's Keyblade, huh?" he asked. "And how did you get that relic of a Keyblade?" He jumped back, Oblivion glowing with Darkness, and Sleeping Lion crackling with Electricity. He slashed both keyblades, sending a blade of Darkness from Oblivion, and a bolt of Electricity from Sleeping Lion.

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Tarou defended, and sent his own dark waves, and Tarou jumped over the magic and came down on Kyle with a blade pointed straight down at him, sending Faith magic infused with Darkness at him and coming up behind it with a downward slash.

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Kyle melted into a portal of darkness and came up behind Tarou. "So, you can wield darkness as well, eh? Why not give in to it? It's so very powerful, and you could be so much stronger for it. Plus, you won't have to die, which is always a plus." he said. He spun Oblivion around and slashed at his back, while swiping in an uppercut with Sleeping Lion.

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Tarou as sent flying forward from the surprise attack, and skidded into the wall. He made a big hole in the wall, leading to the gizmo shop. He climbed out, and hiss rage grew. 2 more keyblades appeared floating behind his back. Chaos Ripper and Void Gear. He glided toward Kyle with such fast speed, and Chaos Ripper and Void Gear attacked his back while Tarou used Two Becoming One and Rapture to attack his front.

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Kyle was able to block one to his front, and one to his back. However, the other two landed hits, cutting him a little and causing him to bleed. "You're better than I thought." he siad. "Looks like I'll have to get serious." He cried out as darkness started to flow around him. More Neoshadows started to appear and lunged at Tarou.

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"Oh really what you gonna to do about it huh" says Kel to xeimizah. *takes his keyblade out* Lets see if you got the guts to face me and my keyblade. "I'll summon a couple more neoshadows to see what you really have in mind" says Kel.

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dude, you can't just cut his head off and push him like that. For one thing, that's god modding, for another thing, it's killing someone else's character without permission.

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Chaos ripper cleaved through the neoshadows, and Tarous ran through the path it opened to attack Kyle once more. Out of 2 of the keyblades, shot Salvation magic infused with darkness at him while the other was hurled at him, spiraling waves of darkness around it.

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"Oh really what you gonna to do about it huh" says Kel to xeimizah. *takes his keyblade out* Lets see if you got the guts to face me and my keyblade. *slashes his head off his body* then he uses his gravitational push to send him off flying.


Another keyblade appears and spirals over to Kel and kills him.

Meaningful double post. No punishment for me lol. But still,

DTD, I gave you a warning. One warning is too much for you. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png


Disregard this post. I gave him

one more chance. One more time, and

I'll kick him out.

Edited by Roxas1432

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dude, you can't just cut his head off and push him like that. For one thing, that's god modding, for another thing, it's killing someone else's character without permission.


I didnt really kill him Im just waiting for him to dodge my attack and do some other things thats why I had it like this * *

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Okay, where were we? Oh:



Chaos ripper cleaved through the neoshadows, and Tarous ran through the path it opened to attack Kyle once more. Out of 2 of the keyblades, shot Salvation magic infused with darkness at him while the other was hurled at him, spiraling waves of darkness around it.

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Kyle's eyes glowed yellow and his ears grew pointed as the darkness increased in intensity. He sent two Dark Salvations at the magic and ducked under the thrown Keyblade. He caught it with his foot and spun it around, sending it back at Tarou as he summoned a Darkside to aid him in battle.


(Hope this doesn't seem too powerful, he is a Master, after all)

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(Don't worry, you're fine.)

Tarou is clawed by the darkside and flies back into the wall.

2 more keyblades appear at his side and fly off to occupy darkside.

Tarou's Master's Piece of Heart gets up and attacks darkside as well (lol I forgot about MY summon.)

Tarou's eye pupils turn red and he sends an 'X' shape of dark waves at him with his keyblades.

He then speeds through the center of his X and attacks Kyle by sending the 2 keyblades

in his hands to attack his back said and the other two cast dark faith at his front.

Then jumps back and lets the X take effect.

(And yes, Tarou is now at his ultimate form. If I go too much higher, I would have to kick myself off my own rp. lol)

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He was born in a town named Laku Mato kind of an ancient chinese town his always beeing good and always defends his friends

kingdom key


his black has white hair, white shoes, black gloves, green shirt, black pants

Traverse town

Laku Mato

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"You are quite strong Tarou, but I'm afraid you aren't quite strong enough to take on a Master such as myself." he said. "This is a trick I learned from my master!" He raised his hand and hundreds of Keyblades came out of the ground, forming a shield around Kyle to block the attacks, and then shooting at Tarou. "Let's see how you deal with this!"


(Hope it's not too much, summoning the Keyblades from the Keyblade Graveyard to assist him in battle. Though it does come with drawbacks, as most strong powers should.)

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LOl, Zeha, that would mean you're right next to where we are fighting. xD lmfao.

Either way, I approve. Don't get in that way of our battle. Come up with a good introduction for yourself. lol




Tarou backflips, forms his darkness around him, and surrounds the darkness around the keyblades. He jumped on his darkness and used it to control it, as a sort of riding thing. Tarou flies down, sends X shape waves at him from all angles, and summons all his keyblades together, has them all charge up dark faith at once, and combine them into one beam and flying down closer to kyle and releasing it. Then, following it, Tarou comes down with a downward slashing combo with his dark claws since his keyblades were just done casting a spell.

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Kyle dissappeared through a portal and said "Nice try, but you'll have to do better next time." He exited at another district and fell to his knees, his Keyblades dissappearing. "Damn, I'm still not strong enough to hold that form for very long. Had I been able to, he would have surely fell to me. Oh well, I just have to find this world's Keyhole and that'll be the end of it." he said to himself, getting to his feet and limping off. He was extremely weakened from using so much magic and darkness, not to mention his Keyblade Summoning technique he displayed at the end. It was all he could do just to keep walking. Though he was sure his opponent would be just as weakened as he was, from all of his skills and techniques.

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Tarou regained consciousness sometime later. The sky was dark, and it was raining and thundering. The rain on Tarou's face felt refreshing. -...that's right....the darkness took me....but...what....happened?- He tried to move his legs, but they wouldn't then he felt the accumulated fatigue. He couldn't move. He focused on the sky above. It wasn't dark yet, it was just night. -Which means...I may still have a chance.- He heard a sparkle, and his keyblade appeared in front of his face. He grabbed it, got up slowly, and saw a bright light coming from the fountain. It had the shape of a keyhole. -So, it was here all along.- His keyblade spoke to him telepathically. "Hurry! The dark one will come!" I pointed my keyblade, and a light beam came out. The beam entered the keyhole, and Tarou heard a loud click. Then Tarou collapsed. THe keyblade mustered his will to get up....now...he could just rest....

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Side:Dark. (Light or Dark)

Name: Strife

Age: 16

Bio: As his name suggests, war and strife gives him pleasure. His ultimate goal is to enguf the world in darkness where people fight and despair for eternity.

Keyblade(s): Diamond Dust

Magics(if any): Ice

Appearance: Posted Image

Current location: Radiant Garden

Homeworld: Twilight Town (Please, no disney worlds, unless you make sense of why your homeworld is disney)

Or give a big paragraph or two that explains all these. Leave anything out, and it won't be accepted.


I realize its not done but i do not want to make a bio right now. i'll edit it in tommorrow.

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Kyle stumbled around and found his way to the 2nd district again. He heard the click of the Keyhole being locked. "Darn him, he found the Keyhole before I did. No matter, my Oblivion, being a Keyblade of Darkness, should be able to undo it. One Keyblade to lock it, another to unlock it." he muttered to himself as he stumbled around, searching for where the Keyhole might be. Had he the strength, he would have summoned Heartless to search for it for him, but he didn't.

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Approved for now, Strife.


Tarou woke up, and it was daytime. His joints cracked heavily as he got up.

-Damn....how long was I out.....- Tarou thought.

There was nobody outside, and there were rusted keyblades all over the place. A just result of the battle with Kyle the other day.

-No sense in staying....-Tarou readied his keyblade glider and flew into the lanes between.

-Now....If I were a guy who wanted death to worlds....where would I go?-

Radient Garden caught his eye. He landed into Radiant Garden near a fountain.

He saw the same overgrown mouse he did in Twilight Town, running away from the fountain area.

"H-hey! WAIT UP!" Tarou shouted. The mouse kept running. Tarou ran after the mouse, into the town


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Sorry it took me so long to reply and get involved. I was at my job)


*they hear a psychotic chuckle being heard and Skylar emerges from the ground with a shadow on her head* aww what's with the fights? *looks at Kyle* way to ruin a nice little town

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Kyle saw Tarou leave as he rested in the Abandoned House in the 3rd District. Now with his strength back, he continued his search for the Keyhole, starting in the 2nd District, where he heard the Keyhole locked. He sent his Neoshadows to search for the Keyhole while he sat back and rested more.

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