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Shadow The Keyblade Master

KHBbS Terra=Xemnas My thoughts

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After the possible millions of theories of Terra being Xemnas and that it is indeed true thanks to the latest Tokyo Game Show Trailer for the game of Vanitas speaking to Ven about Terra's exsistince is dissapering I have to say this, I did not become a fan of the theory until 358/2 Days how Xemnas was so secretive about why he wanted Kingdom Hearts and that many members questioned it it had got me thinking I had begun connecting the dots my own ...in truth I believe Master Xehanort helped create the first Nobodies.


With the replication program which is revealed in the secret diary in 358/2 days Vexen tells us a little more along Xemnas in story, I believe Xemnas wanted Kingdom Hearts to restore his best friend Ventus this is why he wanted to befriend Sora and try to destroy Roxas. He made Xion so she can absorb Roxas to become Ventus,why I say this is how it was revealed to each person she looks differently to others which was why Ventus made his second cameo appearance the way he did..Plus for some odd reason thaks to roxas memories as we saw Xion began doing attacks Ventus used which that even delves into more questions for another time.


If you think about the sora timeline Xemnas had plotted to recreate history,He used the same fate he had with darkness and used it with Riku however Riku escaped his fate with help of Ansem The Wise while Terra well we will learn how he submits to darkness.


My final thoughts are while alot of people how I saw made fun of Terra=Xemnas like how people did theories Axel=Riku it makes it funny how the fans who make theories can be right while the deniers are left to "Oh my god how was I wrong" type feel or thinking, The creator had hinted who Xemnas was at the very begining of KH2FM many were too blind to see it,perhaps when Sora fought Terra maybe Xemnas became Terra again, it makes obvious sense if you put it that way so if that were true the Organization members well obviously except Xion and Roxas are all alive again as their Somebodies. Anyway I'm ending my post now so I don't get into ranting too much.

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Terra is not xemnas u sore it in kingdom hearts 2 final mix u can fight him in it


-sighs- That is why I even brought that up in my first post to keep it simple you need to really pay attention to the various trailers, the Secret Ending Trailer to Birth By Sleep in KH2FM and a lot of the dialog in 358/2 Days heck did you even read my topic at all and just post what you said. The Dots were made for us to connect them with the various hints in KH2FM the BBS trailers and 358/2 Days, I assume the Entire Organization Somebodies will be in this game due to "3" Members revealed.


Face the facts their in front of us unlike the Riku=Axel theories Terra=Xemnas is true due to Master Xehanort and his apprentice of the Riku lookalike in Armor,Apprentice Vanitus...my goodness people really need to read then to just say what they will to these types of threads.

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who xemnas really is was already reveled in khII heres an easy way to figure it out. take the x out of xemnas and rearrange the letters and you get the name ansem. does anyone remember this?

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yeah i always thought that and i've beaten days that terra is xemnas simply he wanted to bring back is friends he was talking to aquas armor in KH2FM and in days he said to roxas when he was asleep "so sleep has befallen you again my friend" (or something like that) like something happens in birth by sleep and i think roxas is ventus andgot locked away in sora in bbs and ventus got set free in hollow bastion and cause xemnas was in hollow bastion (KHFM) he saw him get set free and when he found him in twilight town he named him roxas so org 13 would not suspect him of something and speaking of whick i think he found nobodys and promised them a heart so they can help him get his friends back.

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After the possible millions of theories of Terra being Xemnas and that it is indeed true thanks to the latest Tokyo Game Show Trailer for the game of Vanitas speaking to Ven about Terra's exsistince is dissapering I have to say this, I did not become a fan of the theory until 358/2 Days how Xemnas was so secretive about why he wanted Kingdom Hearts and that many members questioned it it had got me thinking I had begun connecting the dots my own ...in truth I believe Master Xehanort helped create the first Nobodies.


With the replication program which is revealed in the secret diary in 358/2 days Vexen tells us a little more along Xemnas in story, I believe Xemnas wanted Kingdom Hearts to restore his best friend Ventus this is why he wanted to befriend Sora and try to destroy Roxas. He made Xion so she can absorb Roxas to become Ventus,why I say this is how it was revealed to each person she looks differently to others which was why Ventus made his second cameo appearance the way he did..Plus for some odd reason thaks to roxas memories as we saw Xion began doing attacks Ventus used which that even delves into more questions for another time.


If you think about the sora timeline Xemnas had plotted to recreate history,He used the same fate he had with darkness and used it with Riku however Riku escaped his fate with help of Ansem The Wise while Terra well we will learn how he submits to darkness.


My final thoughts are while alot of people how I saw made fun of Terra=Xemnas like how people did theories Axel=Riku it makes it funny how the fans who make theories can be right while the deniers are left to "Oh my god how was I wrong" type feel or thinking, The creator had hinted who Xemnas was at the very begining of KH2FM many were too blind to see it,perhaps when Sora fought Terra maybe Xemnas became Terra again, it makes obvious sense if you put it that way so if that were true the Organization members well obviously except Xion and Roxas are all alive again as their Somebodies. Anyway I'm ending my post now so I don't get into ranting too much.


dude... i had no frikin idea that ther was a possibility that terra is xenmas. and i thought that axel was rikus nobody because sora and riku were best friends and so was axel and roxas. and why the hell does roxas look exactly the same as ventus? and is ventus soposed to be soras dad or somthin? could please answer my questions and please dont hate on me because of them

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Ok, let me point out some things that you guys are like EJGIUEWHNt>!RHU#


1) The fight with Terra was non-canon, so basically, it was just a secret fight like with Xemnas in KH1FM

2) The Axel=Riku is pointless now because that reveal Axel's real name in 358/2 Days (which is Lea, and it is said Lee in English) and it really doesn't make any sense.

3) Ventus aka Ven cannot be the father of Sora, if he was, by the looks of him he was probably 15-17, then that means Sora is 4 in Birth By Sleep, so that would mean Ven was 11-13 when Sora was born. I can't imagine Ven having sex at that age. And who he did it with O_O

4) There is a huge possibility that Terra can be Xehanort aka Xemnas, due to what Xemnas said in KHIIFM and 358/2 Days, but remember what Xehanort's names without a x. One would be No Earth, and Terra means earth in Latin...so we can't just conclude that he is Xehanort/Xemnas, no matter how much evidence we have, even though we got some pretty good ones.


Thank you and enjoy the rest of your stay xD

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Terra is not xemnas u sore it in kingdom hearts 2 final mix u can fight him in it


that fight was non-cannon meaning it has nothing to do with and kingdomhearts story line to any game


^^^ to the guy up here xemnas without the X is "ansem" and xehanort wthout the X is "another" and "no heart" both comfirmed my normura


and just because they dont have the same elemental name doesnt mean he still cant somhow be terra..

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Just saying. I was just pointing out that Xehanort is No Earth without a x. Honestly, I do believe in the Terra=Xehanort/Xemnas, but No Earth is just bugging me...

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