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KH3D The Trailer

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keyblade that keyblade hes got it back already so his plans already underway time to find out what xahanorts planning i know i said i was going to wait for this game to come out in english before id go looking into anything but after seeing this trailer i cant help it ive got to find out more

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so sora and riku start out in their KH2 outfits (riku has his short hiar their also) then move to their KH1 outfits then go into their new outfits thats trippy but thats so cool and xhanort has his keyblade back!?!?! omg how much you wanna bet that that part with xhanort and braig is like the endding or the secret ending? omg this game is going to rock!!

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Kyaaaaaa. *w*


It's funny, because, I actually heard about Xehanort's Keyblade being shown over a day before anyone posted about it on either site, but.... I'd gotten it from a Chinese site and I wasn't entirely sure on how to translate it (because it otherwise covered everything else the same as every other report so far had). I'm glad to see it with my own eyes instead of just reading about it.


That's the DTD room, right? >3

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Oh my goodness, Riku's short hair looks alot better in the begining than in his 15 yr old self. Hooot~~





Omg wait.....so that means Braig and Xehanort are back in their "human" forms........oommmggggg, so is this what they'll have to deal with for the rest of this game?!

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Wouldn't be TGS without a low quality Kingdom Hearts trailer leak, would it? :P

The end was a neat surprise to me, because they're finally including that keyblade into the plot.


How did Braig come back since no one killed his heartless ??!! O.o


It's a flashback, to when Xehanort was Ansems apprentice. It's his lab, if you freeze the scene and look close enough.

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Where the heck is the part with Xehanort and Xigbar?! All I saw was Ansem's computer room with a guy in there who I couldn't tell who he was and then Xehanort's keyblade appeared. I guess the guy in the room must have been Xigbar but how did they know? And I thought he was supposed to say something?

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listen those organization character are dead and the heartless are gone

so the orgelele are beak witchs keyblade,s

tink about it

look Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded English Secret Ending agean then you know

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That's the DTD room, right? >3


Yeah, the room Xemnas inputs the princess of hearts names on the computer and also to enter Tron.


Also, it's funny cause I had a just today before I woke up that the trailer was going to show today, and it did. lol

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Yeah, the room Xemnas inputs the princess of hearts names on the computer and also to enter Tron.


Count the letters. I'm pretty sure he's entering the apprentices names along with 'Another' in KH2FM. I've checked this before. >>

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