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horror game

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ok, so we're going to play a little game, the first 10 people to reply with their name and a bit of a bio on themselves get to play. Every 5 turns you will have to vote on one person from your team to be sacrificed...




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Seems interesting enough.

Hi! My name's Keyblade King 12. I'm a writer, mainly, my most notable project being the script for 'Team Wayfinders' BBSA pilot. I've got accounts on a number of different sites. Eg Youtube, DevaintArt and FFN.

I would describe myself as stubborn, a bit of a hypocrite, I can be nasty when I want to be, but I can also be nice. I'm a passionate person and very protective of people. Even those, who I don't know very well.

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^kinda like that only it can be more brief like

name: john smith

job: police officer

personality: emotional but generally happy

other info: <put whatever you want here

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Name: Dice

Job: Street Racing in L.A

Personality: If you get in my way, I'll drop some knowledge on you.

Other: Owns a Viper GTS-R, has uber awesome sunglasses and has two cans of nitrous

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Name: Roxas

Bio: Roxas uses a TON of hairspray to keep his hair pretty. He watches alot of anime, and sleeps over in the park when he's bored. He picks up random sticks and thinks they're keyblades and throws them at stalkers. He had a dispute with the leader of the organization, a stupid one.

Roxas: Hey, Leadie-weegie, can I wear regular clothes? I hate this jacket.

Xemnas: NO!

Roxas: But...


He now lives in an alleyway.

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