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Digital Monsters Academy. A Digimon Roleplay. (RP)

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(Yeah I suppose Muchina can be controlled by other people. We really do need more teachers to be made though.)


Edward and Hawkmon sat down near the front. Edward's favourite subject was English and Professor Urahara seemed like a nice guy. So he knew he was going to enjoy himself.

"Hey again Ed." Muchina said, smiling at the young boy. "Up front. That's what I like to see. Means you're a total kiss-up, who'll do anything I ask." He joked, or at least Edward hoped he was joking.

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(xD so fast)

"Wow a Renamon" Kin said as he walked in the room with the others "Where its tamer? Does it have one?" Kin asked as he try not to get too close to the Renamon. "By the way how the scan go, Aldryn?" Kin put all his hopes on the bet that Aldryn could help him save his digimon still.

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(wow... huge teleportation pwers my char has... going from the cafe to the classroom in a snap... oh well, gotta play along... being one of the top students in this school means doing the impossible)

(Oh and plus50living, you don't mind if I implement the Tamer Points system, do you? It makes some sense in the way that it grants people access to premium facilities and new stuff for their rooms)


Aldryn took the scans out of his case and showed them to him. Two forms(Gazimon and Agumon) were shown in black while their centers were a bit blackened. Wolf's wasn't so bad but Shadow's was almost completely covered by the darkness and normal people couldn't even see the Digi-Core if there wasn't a white outlining. "That white out-lining is the last fragment of Digi-Core not consumed by the virus. It's also the protective barrier you keep putting up with your cards." he said, finishing his coffee and putting the plastic cup in the garbage can. "Well, now we need a virus-resisting Digimon or a powerful Vaccine Digimon. But for now, let's do class. You'll need Tamer Points for various functions around the Academy." he said, sitting down and petting Patamon. He took out his notebook and waited for the professor to start the lesson.

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[O_O I thought you were in the classroom my bad, bro I could have edit it.]

"Okay but I thought Wolf was losing to virus because he attacked the other digimon but Shadow is the one who is losing to it" Kin take his d-power from Aldryn and sit down in his seat. "Don't worry, Kin" Shadow said from Kin's d-power "We'll be fine just keep your mind on school." Kin know shadow was just try to make him feel better but still play along for the time being.

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Allen sat down in the class and realized that he forgot Terriermon. Allen raised his hand "Sir I forgot my Digimon in my dorm may I go run and get him?" Allen asked


Then his bag started to shake. "I'm right here" Terry yelled as he jumped out to the ceiling and used his ears to spin him the rest of the way down. Allen looked at the Renamon and watched it roll its eye as it went back to meditating. Allen grabbed Terriermon and put him on Allen's neck.

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Cassidy was already in the room just being quiet. Nothing much had happened that Cassidy wouldn't expect. Puttimon was still on her head while Kokomon had took a spot in front of her. "I wonder when something interesting is going to happen?"

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Urahara counted the number of people in the room and nodded. "That's all of us right? Great! Well everyone. Welcome! As many of you know my name is Muchina Urahara. I teach English and also oversee the Kendo Club. Now as a school like any other, digimon academy is designed to teach you things you can use in the real world. Even after you're no longer having adventures with your digimon. You'll mainly be learning about the kind of stuff you'd be learning in any other English class. But I'll also be teaching you about digital runes and the digimon's own writing."

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"Know that's something interesting isn't" Cassidy said to herself not bored out of her mind anymore. "Something and something that the digimon might already know a little as well." She then got out her notebook and a pencil while using Kokomon to hold up her bag. "Can I have a turn now?" Koko asked Cassidy quietly. "Next class all yours Coco." Kokomon smiled and got quiet.

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Allen was making a steady beat against the table until Terriermon fell off of his head and was sleeping. Allen stopped beating the pencil and wished that class was over soon, he had PE next and he knew it would be way more fun than whatever class this is. Allen woke Terriermon up and started playing tic-tac-to with him and kept winning. Terriermon wasn't good at strategizing but luckily Allen was so they made a good team in the small fights they've been in.

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(This is the timetable Corrupted Keyblade. Period 1: English writing Period 2: International Writing (you get to choose ANY language for this class) Recess Period 3: Math Period 4: P.E Period 5: History Period 6: Science Lunch Period 7:Digimon related Studies. There's no way we're doing all of this, but this is what plus50living put as our timetable.)


"Okay guys. Pencils down. Dorumon, please collect everyone's papers for me please." The beast digimon went about getting all of the sheets that the kids and digimon had. Muchina had told them to write a story in the time they were given to test how well and fast they could actually write.

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Aldryn gave Dorumon his 4-page assignment. He could've written more but he didn't want to overload the teacher in the first day of school. It was hard being always placed as a role-model student. Why was I born a genius? Well, I can't really say I don't like it, or that I'm better than the others because of it. Some people have it some don't. The people who don't have it, work to get it. he thought, looking his digivice, where Patamon was sleeping. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have met this little guy... he thought, smiling a bit and waiting for Urahara to give them their next assignment. I know this teacher from last year, although I didn't have classes with him. They said he was pretty cool. he thought.

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While chris was busy working. Guilmon walked over and sat next to Renamon who was just minding her own business

"So what are you actually. A virus?" He asked

"...I'm data" She responded for the first time...?

"oh..." It was a bit awkward for him to start a conversation. Even to a female...Well isn't that a bit embarrassing?

Guilmon got his bag and started to eat some bread

"You shouldn't eat food in class..."She said

"Do I have to share? Cause I don't mind!" He gave her a bread.

"....Why thank you." She took it and ate a piece "It's good!"

"I know! Master makes it himself and I always eat it as a snack." He exclaimed with glee.


It's nice to See Guilmon make friends....


"AH! O-OF COURSE NOT!" He shook off his daydream face.

"Oh? Then come up and explain to the class what i was talking about." He demanded

"Um...Okay...." Chris got up and stood up.... "Uh.....Well...We were..learning something about.....err.....um...." He just stood there quiet...

"Don't day dream again. Okay?" He pointed to his seat and told him to sit back down

"..." Chris sat down hiding his face of shame....

"ooh....Chris is in trouble~" Guilmon said.

">_>" Chris glared at Guilmon.

":'D" Guilmon went back to eating.

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Edward finished with time to spare. It was only six pages long. But there was no theme or anything set and that almost limited him in a way. He was a fast writer and even faster at making up stories and strategies and with Hawkmon whispering to him, helping him, that made him even quicker. It would take him awhile to mark though...


Urahara received all of the papers and sighed. He was in for a long time marking these. Oh well. Work's work. Could be interesting. "Alright everyone. Class' over. Get out of here."

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[Couldn't get on the other day because I moved]

Kin fail asleep in class without know it and by the time he wake up its was too long to take the test "Nooooooo!!! How did I fail asleep? Now I am a dead man walking" Kin thought to himself before looking at the paper and seeing that it was already done "Huh? Did I do this before passing out? Well I guess I've got lady luck on my side for now."

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"off to the next class!!" Chris got up and helped Guilmon up

"Master! Where is the next class :L" Guilmon asked

"um....I don't know." He turned to his classmates

"Do you guys know where the next class is?"

"Oh and yes kin you did fall asleep :D" Guilmon replied

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"I do........" Cassidy looked at them while hugging Puttimon and Kokomon finally on her head for the next class. "You want to show all of you where it is........" She looked at them with a small smile and waited for an answer from at least on of them. "And I can show the others too if you need them as well..........."

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Aldryn stood up and went to the door, leaning on the wall. "Next class? I can guide you there. I have the map of the whole school in my head. Cassidy, would you please help this classmate of yours?" he asked, Cassidy, giving her his hand, while bowing a little. Patamon came out of the Digivice and landed on Aldryn's head. Al is in love! Al is a pedophile! Al is in lo-" he was saying, before Aldryn shoved him into the Digivice again. Returning to his previous stance he looked at Cassidy's eyes with a simple smile. "So, shall we?" he asked again.

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Cassidy was laughing a little because of the digimon and Kokomon was snickering as well from what she saw. "Ok then let's go before Kokomon decides to join in with your's...." Let go of his hand and started walking with everyone else following her to the next class. "This should be fun........." She said this with a smile.

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Edward exited the class, knowing that he was heading for another language class. He was pretty sure he could remember his way around, but it would be best to follow those in front of him.

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Aldryn smirked a bit and followed the little girl closely by. This girl seems too shy. I guess I'll have to help her integrate the class. Maybe something Digimon related? he thought. The next class was General Languages, which meant they could choose whatever languages they wanted to learn. Of course Aldryn was already enrolled in several of them but some more wouldn't hurt. "So, which languages are you guys choosing?" he asked, trying to make a conversation.

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"Nothing much all I want is more on English and to learn Spanish................." She the went quiet as soon as the got to the class room. "If you guys need anymore help i'll be willing to help you out with anything.........." She sat down waiting for the teacher and the others. Puttimon just sat in front of her sleepy eyed from the trip here and all over.

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[My bad if your not okay with you Rixku]


How did my work get done by its self?Why would anyone do that for me? I guess asking myself won't get that question answer anytime soon, now will it?


"Oh my bad Guilmon I didn't get any sleep last night I was too worried"

Kin then got up and told the teacher he was not feeling well and then was send to the nurse's room with Cassidy.

"Sorry the teacher had you come with me" Kin said as he walked down the hell to the nurse's room.

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"It's okay I don't mind really........." She followed along the halls with a soft smile on her face before looking down to the ground. She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it before landing at the nurses office. "Here we are Kin............."

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