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Digital Monsters Academy. A Digimon Roleplay. (RP)

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Kokomon saw this and started to head over to the twin. "Um........." Koko looked at Terriermon and continued. "I'm Coco nice to meet you." She then looked down and her expression went blank.

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"I guess this academy has a lot of tamers with two digimon. Sup I'm Kin and this is one of my digimon, Shadow." Kin said once he saw the newest tamer behind.


"Hey, I'm black-agumon but call me Shadow that's what my tamer named me." Shadow after his tamer stop talking.

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Aldryn looked at the boy that came to talk with him. "Yes, I am. Is there something wrong?" he asked kindly. "What is it that you want from the great duo of the "Digi-Genius" and the "Holy Digi"?" Tokomon asked, making himself look grander than what he actually was.

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"Nothing I was trying to thanks Aldryn but if his really a genius then I may need his help. Do you know of a way to stop a virus in a digimon's data?" Kin thought that this could be his best bet at saving his digimon.

Shadow keep looking at the new tamer.

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Aldryn laughed a bit. "Digi-Core data manipulation, huh? You're really sneaky, you must've been a hacker." he said. "Oh, don't worry, roughly half of the students in this Academy are hackers who found a way to "see" the Digital World. I was actually the first to see the actual data layout for it, or at least a portion." he said. Tokomon tilted his head a bit. "What he's trying to say is that he'll be glad to help you in any way, since he loves challenges." Tokomon said, jumping from his head to his shoulder.

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Cassidy's head popped up at that. "I think I know a bit about those." She ran up to Kin. :"If I had a copy of the data I could help a bit" She looked at Kin waiting for his answer.

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Terriermon held out his hand hoping that coco would change into Lopmon showing the similarities they had "sorry he's always wanted to meet a lopmon because their breeds are twins and whenever they are together they get stronger and Terry has been waiting to meet the one who every Terriermon is supposed to have a connection with" Allen said as he turned tithe boy


"hey I'm Allen this is Terry and Gabu I know original right?" Allen then heard about the virus and remembered his trip to the digital world "hey I have been to the digital world for about a week and I go there everyweekend, it heals and relaxes my digimon and I don't know something with the digital world is helpful maybe we could go there and see if it helps out"

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Edward wandered around the campus aimlessly. From what he could see the school was state of the art. The buildings were huge and the school seemed to have everything a little kid wished his school would have. What interested Edward was the dojo.

Inside Edward found the type of place he practised Kendo in. In fact there was a human man practising it right now. He had some sort of animal digimon with him.

"Come on Muchina! Keep going!" Edward watched in amazement as the man slaughtered all the dolls that were set up as his opponents. It didn't even look like he broke a sweat and it seemed like he had been doing this for hours.

The man must have noticed Edward because he took off his mask and breconed him over. Edward came and the man spoke to him in English. "Hi, you must be a new student. My name's Muchina Urahara. I teach English here."

The two talked for awhile, and Edward enjoyed the other man's company. But eventually he left, feeling much better with himself. The man was...interesting.

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"Impossible my laptop which had the data was destroy once the virus attacked my digimon" Kin said to Cassidy.

Kin then heard Allen say something about the digital world "Ha, hacking a Digital Gate open is easy if it has something that will help my digimon, right Aldryn."

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"Well Coco was a lopmon for a bit but a little something happened." Puttimon had claimed the spot on Cassidy's head again. "Yay I have my spot again!" Putti yelled happily. "You love my head now don't you?"

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Aldryn closed his eyes for a bit. When he opened them, he looked extremely satisfied. "That won't be needed. Wasting time hacking a gate to a place we hardly know where we're going to land is a waste of time." he said. Tokomon jumped forward and landed on Aldryn's hands, which he had stretched. "Yes, Al's totally right. We have all the materials here in the Human World. Besides, it's against the rules to hack Digital Gates." Tokomon said, proud of his partner and full of himself.

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"You guys want a digital gate?" Edward asked, re-entering the dorm. He pulled out his digivice from his pocket and went over to where he set his bag down. From it, he brought out his laptop.

"My digivice has the ability to open up a digital gate, without hacking." He told everyone. "But it will drain my digivice's power and that means I can't help Hawkmon, but I suppose I could open it for you guys. Why do you want to go to the digital world, anyway?"

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"Best not make that woman mad at me but thanks to wolf its most likely too last" Kin thought to himself.

Looked at Aldryn and said "I don't really care what we do to save them. All I care about is if we can save them."

As Edward run in and open the gate Kin thought "Thanks for making my hacking skills good for nothing..... "

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Allen laughed. "That's Terry's favorite spot as well" Allen said as he turned to the guys "Well is it still against the rules if a company hacked it, I bought a game device and every time I open it, It sends us to the digital world at the same place in this cave. Its strange but its like they wanted me to use this to open gates but this way Edward and Hawkmon can come with us, because it helps if we aren't the only ones, the more the merrier and the stronger our team" Allen said

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Cassidy decided that she would run in the gate. "I want some action and maybe this will be it." She grabbed Coco and got ready."What's the point of staying here anyways?" She started running after Kin.

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(See, my avatar? That's Aldryn's position right now...)


Aldryn put his head on his hand in frustration. If they so wanted to get punished when a teacher saw them using a gate outside of class, it wasn't up to Aldryn to stop them. "I'll be in my room. Don't call if you need..." he was saying when he heard a beep. A message came in his Digivice iC. "New System Upgrade... Al, we can use this power surge to digivolve me as well!" Tokomon said. "Okay! System Upgrade ON!" he said as lifted his digivice. A light came from inside and Aldryn shot it at Tokomon. "Tokomon digivolve to... Patamon!" the little guy said, as he morphed into a still small creature with bat wings for ears.

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"GUYS WAIT!" Kin yelled "Is no one even hearing Aldryn out?" Kin said as he stopped everyone from going to the digital world.

"He said we don't need to go there yet you guys" Shadow said as he jumped up and down.

"Sorry about that, Aldryn. Now like you were saying?"

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Allen looked at Aldryn "sorry but we gotta try to help his digimon." Allen said as he was ready to walk through but stopped when he saw Kin jumping around. "We heard him but I think we should go anyways, I'd just like to help your digimon and I'm fine with going alone to find out how." Allen stopped speaking when he saw Tokomon change into Patamon. "Aldryn you gotta let Patamon go to the digiworld now that he can make huge movements through the digiworld." Allen suggested wanting to go to the digital world anyways no matter if it were now or latter tonight.

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"No you were right... I can't control Wolf and even Shadow sometime because of my hacking days I'm hurting my digimon because what I did back then." Kin held his head down low again.

"If guys want to go then do what your heart is telling you I'll stay with Aldryn for the time being and try to save them from here."

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Aldryn turned away. "Well, if you're sooooo sure that you can find a cure in the Digital World, where data corruption will only worsen, so sure that you even contradict me, the first person to be able to see the data stream of the Digital World in its raw form, then go ahead and take the infected Digimon there, so that their data can get even more corrupted and dispersed through out the whole world. I'll be in my room. Pata, let's go." he said to the little Digimon hovering by his side. "Roger that partner! Let's go! To the World of messyness!" he yelled and followed Aldryn.

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Allen but his hand on Kin's back "I understand partially how you Gabu isn't my digimon but my friends. He died back in the digital world. Computers are a hassle but they are blessings, I'm sad that my friend died but I also gained two new friends. Look you have two digimon who care strongly for you just be happy you have them and I will try to help find you a cure." Allen said


Allen turned to Aldryn "Bro, I'm just trying to help, I'm not saying that you are wrong and i'm going to be able to find a cure, I'm just saying it isn't going to hurt, and I don't want them down there I just want to go down there and find a cure, I'm going no matter what but I was just offering an idea for something I should search for." Allen said starting to get a little annoyed "I understand you are smart and were privileged enough to see the layout first but just know sometimes you will be wrong, whether it be now or anytime, just be aware."

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"Don't get lost down their, bro" Kin said to Allen as he watch him getting ready to go "Let's both try our best to find a cure here and their."

Shadow and Kin run behind Aldryn before their go to far away.

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Edward sighed. "That's a shame. I was kind of looking forward to going to the digital world. We haven't been since that Monochromon incident." He reminded his partner who laughed and nodded.

"Oh well. Guess I'd better get to my room. Get my stuff sorted. We've all got school tomorrow, right?"

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Chris finished sorting his cards. Guilmon came running in

"I'm bored!" He yelled

"Well don't worry...It's only....7, and we have some more time for training or anything!" Chris excalimed

"I'm hungry...." Guilmon said with squinting eyes

"OH oh! I know!"

Chris got up the table and yelled out

"I'M GONNA MAKE SOME DINNER GUYS! YOU WILL LOVE IT!" He yelled at the top of his lungs

"OH OH YES! PLEASE! MAKE YOUR FAMOUS DISH!" Guilmon ran around starving and excited!

Chris got a chef hat out of his bag and looked at everyone

"I'll be right back~"

He ran in the kitchen and started banging on pots and pans ETC. Dinner was being made!


(Slow down guys! 30 notifications? xD)

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