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Bringing games to North America and Europe

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I made this topic for people to sign petitions so that games have a better chance of coming overseas. If you have a game you want either find a petition or start one, then post a link to it and say which game it is. I suggest that everyone signs each petition so that everyone has a better chance of their games coming over. I'll start by saying that i want Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney 2 to come over so I have signed a petition found at http://www.petitiononline.com/AAI2US/petition.html and Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton here http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/laytonvswright/

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I have to agree with Sora96 on this one. petitions are pointless and are just a complete waste of time. There's no point in starting or making a new petition just to have a game come out. Because the company who made that game will most likely just either ignore the petition entirely, or just respond with a "we thank you for bringing so o much support for this game. but we are deeply sorry to say that there are no plans to release it to NA/PAL regions. we hope you accept our apology and c continue to support us". Just looks at Project rainfall and the petition for MML3.

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Dang, I really wish that Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney 2 and Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is going to only be in America. I'm so dissapointed, but I kind of think that the petitions are useless.

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