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999 is awesome

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I absolutely loved this game! It was so incredibly mind-twisting and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I loved everything about it - the story, the characters, the gameplay, music, etc. Oh, man, and I've heard they made a sequel for this as well! Loved it! xD

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after looking at your picture i became depressed because miles edgeworth 2 isn't coming to north america and professor layton vs. phoenix wright hasn't been announced, but yes a spiritual sequel to 999 has been released, I have two major questions though.

1: who was all involved in the Nonary game

2: how does Akane inform you of the truth is gone thing after getting the coffin ending

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^^ Yeah, I'm quite upset at that as well. I heard the second game of AAI was so much better than the first, but hey, I'm pretty sure Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney is gonna be localized. They'd be crazy not to localize it.


I'd love to answer your questions, but I wouldn't want to spoil anything for any lurkers out there who might be interested in playing the game.

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Just say *spoiler alert*



















































then add a bunch of spaces then the message

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