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Hunter Hawk

Text Hawkie's stories: Kingdom Hearts 3 Story...

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Well, I have a pretty long theory what it will happenen just after Sora's and Riku's Mark of Mastery Exam. I'm still not sure if I should post it, becuse of the other members. Maybe they'll say that I'll ruin the whole KH storyline and mess up everything. So, what do you think? Should I post it? And is that good idea?




( 1 ) The Ones Who Need To be Saved - Done

( 2 ) Farewell - Done

( 3 ) Portal To Realm Of Darkness - Done

( 4 ) Searching - Done

( 5 ) Castle Of Forgotten Memories - Done

( 6 ) New Treasure Hunt? - Done

( 7 ) Betrayal - In working...

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Chapter Two: Farewell


Two Keyblade Wielders went outside, to leave Mysterious Tower.


Sora: Let’s see if that works. *touches piece of armor*


In the moment he touched it, armor covered his entire body. It was in shining golden and black color, with several silver details.


Sora: How cool is this! *makes battle pose and summons his Keyblade* How does your armor looks?

Riku: *touches his piece of armor as well* Let’s see.


Riku’s armor was black and silver with some red details.


Sora: It suits well with your Way to Dawn!

Riku: *summons his Way to Dawn and makes a battle pose* Now let’s try those Gliders.

Sora: Ok, I’ll be first. *tries to throw his Keyblade and nearly hits Riku*

Riku: Hey! Watch it!

Sora: Sorry, I’m kinda new at this.

Riku: Just throw it already!


Sora threw his Keyblade in the air. For some time it was just spinning like a boomerang. Then it started glowing until it fully transformed into something that looked like a floating skateboard.


Sora: *happily shouts* Pure awesomeness!!! *jumps on the floating skateboard, trying to get a balance*


His Keyblade Glider looked pretty much like his armor. With black and golden color it also had some shapes of his strongest Keyblade, Ultima Waepon. He truly rode a Keyblade Glider only once, when he and Riku fought with Xemnas. And yet, Riku was the one who was driving. He was only a passenger.


Sora: *finally gets balance* What are you waiting for? Come on!


Riku threw his Keyblade too, but it was much different than Sora’s. It looked like more like a floating motorcycle, than a skateboard. Glider was silver and black, with cool shapes as well. On each side was a wing. White bird’s wing on the right and a black bat’s wing on the left.


Sora: Now that’s a style!

Riku: *rides his Glider* So, where are we going first?

Sora: Home, of course!


With those words they waved good bye to Mickey and Yen Sid who were looking through the window.


Mickey: Are you sure they’re up to this?

Yen Sid: I don’t know, but the starts do.

Mickey: But, was it good idea to not tell them about Master Xehanort? Now that his Heartless and Nobody were destroyed, he’ll come back!

Yen Sid: You’re forgetting a very important thing, Mickey. Master Xehanort doesn’t exist anymore. Only his heart does, in a false body. And they already have one other goal to complete. Sora and Riku aren’t enough to defeat him all by themselfs.


Mickey only confusedly looked at two glowing spots that were disappearing and then on three starts who were hardly glowing.


Kairi still sat on a Paopu Tree, her favorite spot, deeply thinking. What if he’ll go on another journey and that with Riku? What if they won’t come back? She’ll be all alone.


Namine: You’ll never be alone, silly. I’ll always be with you!

Kairi: Namine?


Girl with long blond hair sat right next to her. But she was foggy like a ghost.


Namine: Don’t worry, everything will be ok! Trust me I can feel Roxas inside him.

Kairi: I guess… wow what’s that?


She pointed her finger at two lights in the sky. One of them was coming down, straight into the sea. Kairi saw how it loudly fell into the sea.


Riku: Sora! Are you ok?

Sora: *splitting water* Yeah, I’m cool.

Riku: Told you, you need to learn how to land with this thing.

Sora: Hey, I perfectly landed with it! I only mistook sea for land.

Riku: Yeah, right.


Sora swam to the beach where Kairi was waiting. She fell in Sora’s arms.


Kairi: Oh, Sora. I missed you so much.

Sora: Yeah I missed you too.


Sora looked straight into Riku’s face who nodded and went elsewhere, giving Sora and Kairi a little privacy. They both walked beside the beach, while Sora explaining things to her.


Kairi: *sadly* So, you’ll go on another journey again, along with Riku…

Sora:*suddenly* Come with me, I wanna show you something.


He took her to their secret hideout. Old drawings with Sora’s and Kairi’s face were still there. Kairi looked at them with smile.


Sora: Listen, wherever I’ll go, even into the deepest darkness or the brightest light, I’ll always know you’re here, waiting for me. *takes Kairi’s lucky charm from his pocket* Don’t worry one day I’ll come back to return it.

Kairi: *smiles* Oh, you!


They laughed together in each other’s arms. After some time passed Sora stood up and left the hideout along with Kairi. They went to the Paopu Tree where Riku was sitting. Both of them sat on tree as well. For some time they were just staring into a beautiful sunset.


Riku thought about a new journey ahead and how they will meet Keyblade wielders from the past.


Kairi thought how she will be alone again.


Sora didn’t actually think about anything. He just stared into a sunset, trying to memorized it, like one friend told him to.


When the night came Riku stood up and looked to the sea. He touched the piece of armor, which completely covered him. Sora was about to do the same, when Kairi looked at him.


In that moment foggy figure appeared alongside her, along with another foggy figure that appeared next to Sora. Roxas and Namine were staring into each other’s eyes, until they hugged. Riku didn’t actually see them, but he knew they were there.


Namine: Stay strong and please, don’t let anything bad happen to Sora. Promise? *stretches her pinkie*

Roxas: *stretches his pinkie as well* Don’t worry, I will. You watch over Kairi for me.


They made a pinkie promise just before they disappear back into Sora and Kairi. Sora touched the piece of armor and along with Riku summoned his Keyblade glider.


Together they flew to the world where they could enter into the realm of darkness, while Kairi watched how they slowly disappear into the sky.

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Uh no it shouldn't.


Anyways I think this is actually well written, unlike a lot of other fanfics out there. Good job, I look forward to the upcoming chapters.


Yea it should in fact.....(oh no ) srry ......... but dude it should.

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Chapter Three: Portal To Realm Of Darkness


Leon was quietly standing against the wall. Thanks to Sora, Hollow Bastion almost fully transformed back into Radiant Garden. After that, its shine drove away all the heartless and nobodies. Some of the darkness remained, but it wasn’t that dangerous than before. It only stayed in outer areas, much away from the city centre.


Hollow Bastion… I mean Radiant Garden Restoration Comminute didn’t have so much work now that city was safe. Everybody was just lazing around. Cid went doing all sorts of new programs for Tron, Yuffie and Aerith were talking all the time and Leon was trying to find anything new. His wish came true when he heard a crash in outer areas. He quickly ran in the direction where smoke was coming.


Riku: But I’m telling you Sora, you’re a terrible rider. Why don’t you learn to drive it first?

Sora: Oh, shut up! I perfectly rode it, until…

Riku: you started doing somersaults! Try to get more serious.

Leon: Sora? Is that you?


Swordsman stepped closer to Sora who seem pretty much smoked by fire from his flying thing.


Leon: Is that a Gummi Ship?

Sora: Eh, actually no… *raises his hand summoning his keyblade, causing glider to disappear* It’s a new toy, keyblade glider.

Leon: Anyway, it’s nice to see you again. Man, I was so bored. *looks to Riku* And you must be Riku. Sora told me a lot about you.

Riku: *desummons his keyblade and smiles* Nice, to meet you too, Leon.

Leon: So what brings you here?

Sora: We’re on rescue mission to …

Riku: *covers Sora’s mouth* We were sent to find someone in the Realm of Darkness. Yen Sid said there is portal somewhere in your world.

Leon: Never heard about it… but Cid may know something about it.

Riku: Ok, let’s go.


Sometime later, they were already in Cid’s house.


Cid: A portal to the Realm of Darkness, eh? Let’s see. *looks over computer data*

Yuffie: Hey, why didn’t you tell me that you’re here?

Sora: Hi Yuffie!

Yuffie: I bet this one is Riku!

Riku: Hello to you too, Yuffie.

Sora: Where’s Aerith?

Aerith: Did someone called me?

Yuffie: There you are! We have visitors.

Aerith: Well, hello there…

Cid: *loudly* I found it!

Sora: Really?

Riku: Let me see.

On Cid’s computer was a map of outer areas. There was a small glowing spot.


Cid: Here’s the darkness that hasn’t left, but don’t worry we’ll erase it soon.

Sora and Riku: NO!!!

Yuffie: Wow, what’s all the fuss about?

Leon: They need to get to the Realm of Darkness.

Aerith: Why?

Sora: There is someone who needs to be saved.

Riku: Yeah, that’s the whole reason why we come here.

Cid: Well, that’s the problem. Tron scanned that area about week ago and he found out something very interesting. It really is a portal to Realm of Darkness, but only in one way.

Sora: What do you mean by that?

Cid: You can go in, but you can’t go out.


Riku deeply thought for some time.


Riku: Either way we’ll go.

Sora: Riku? Are you sure about this?

Riku: Yeah, come on. Let’s go.


When they were about to leave, Leon stepped closer.


Riku: No, Leon. We have to do this by ourselves.

Leon: Ok. Be careful then.


Two boys silently flew with their gliders to the spot that was on Cid’s computer. Area didn’t seem special or something. Until they saw some kind small lake filled with black and purple liquid. In the centre was a small hole, big enough just for one person. Sora was about to go in, when Riku pulled him back.


Riku: Are you crazy? We have to make plan first!

Sora: Ok, ok. Our plan is to go in, take Aqua and bring her back. But what are we going to do with one - way thing? You know, we can go in and we can’t go out.

Riku: *senses something* Wait, just give me a sec.


Riku closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the hole in the lake of darkness. He threw a stone in it. He felt how something opened and then closed. That’s it!


Riku: Sora, I have some plan.

Sora: Ok, I’m listening.

Riku: The hole in the lake of darkness lets only in, but I know how to make it to let out as well. You will go in and in the moment it will let you in, I’ll use my Stopga spell. I hold it until you return.

Sora: Riku… are you sure you can handle this? Stopga will suck most of your energy while you’ll hold the portal.

Riku: I know it’s risky, but there’s no other way. Trust me! I can handle this. You try to find her as soon as you can.

Sora: *nods* Then I’ll go.

Riku: *nods as well and summons Way to Dawn* On three, right?

Sora: Yeah, on three you’ll cast Stopga and I have to be in it.

Riku: Ok, one… two… three… STOP!


He casted the spell in the moment Sora jumped in. The hole froze and stopped moving. Sora already disappeared in a depth of darkness.


Riku: Good luck.


Sora was quickly falling in the darkness when he saw shining something. It was small and blue. He used his armor and glider to follow it. His eyes adapt in dark, so he could see where in the realm of darkness was. The Dark Meridian! The same place where him and Riku were just after Xemnas’s defeat. Fortunately Kairi’s light opened the portal to their home.

It looked like Aqua didn’t have that kind of luck.


Suddenly Sora slowed down, because he spotted something. There were two figures. One dressed in black coat was sitting on the rock and other was hiding its head behind its hands. The other one was sadly sitting on the shore. Sora took a closer look on the other figure. It was a girl, who seemed about 4 or 5 years older than himself. She also had short blue hair and was dressed in black, white and blue clothes. When he slowly got closer, she quickly stood up and summoned a weird keyblade.


Aqua: *seriously* Who’s there? Show yourself! *nearly attacks him*

Sora: *steps closer* Take it easy! I’m not your enemy.

Aqua: Who are you then?

Sora: Just let me explain…

Hooded person: You finally come. It’s been a long time… Sora.

Aqua: *confusedly* You’re… Sora?

Sora: Well… yes. How do you know my name?


Aqua’s keyblade fell on the floor and disappeared. She happily hugged Sora.


Sora: Hey, nice to meet you too, but I can’t breathe.

Aqua: You have no idea how long I been wondering in the Realm of Darkness. It was so scary, until I met this guy. He also told me your name and that you’re only one who can set things right!

Sora: *looks to the figure* Who are you? And how do you know my name?


The other figure removed his hood and revealed his long light hair. He looked to Sora with his golden eyes.


Sora: Ansem… the Wise?

Ansem: It’s been a long time, my friend. I was waiting here for a whole year to finally meet you. And now I need you to listen to me very carefully.

Sora: Sure, whatever you say.

Ansem: My research data rests within you. You have to use it to set things right. I spent my entire life to study hearts, but yet your heart is only one I truly studied. You are the one who will open the door to light. Now go! Take Aqua back to the Realm of Light and find her friends. You can only beat the ultimate darkness gathered. If you’ll be defeated not only you, but all connected to you will fall. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can’t fight everything alone.

Sora:*little confused* Right, I understand. I’ll go then… but what about you? Aren’t you going back with us?

Ansem:*smiles* Don’t worry, my job here is done. I only waited to meet you…


With those words, he went to the ocean. He went further and further, until he fully disappeared in the dark ocean. Aqua tried hard to hide her tears.


Aqua: He was only one I ever speak with here…

Sora: Don’t worry, we’ll go back and save your friends.*smiles* You can count on me!

Aqua: Ok, let’s go then.


Suddenly he felt a pain in his heart. For a moment he saw Riku, who barely stand beside the lake of darkness.


Sora: We have to hurry! *summons keyblade glider* Jump on and hold tight on me!


Fortunately glider was big enough for both of them. Sora was riding it as fast as he could. From the Dark Meridian was a long way and yet he couldn’t see much, because of the darkness. Aqua noticed that and summoned her keyblade. She casted light spell, who lighted way a bit. Light was just Sora needed. He quickly recognized the hole and flew towards it. When they came out Aqua couldn’t believe her eyes. She was finally out, seeing light of the day!


Sora landed on the ground next to the small black lake. He ran to another boy who stood beside the lake. She followed him too.


Sora: Riku! I made it! I found Aqua.


Aqua stepped closer to the white haired boy. He smiled.


Riku: Nice to… meet you… Aqua.


He couldn’t say more. Riku collapsed right into Sora’s arms.


Sora: Riku!

Aqua: What’s wrong with him?

Sora: He’s exhausted. The whole time I was in Realm of Darkness, he was casting Stopga. Without him I couldn’t go save you.

Aqua: *summons her keyblade* Maybe I can help. Heal!


But the spell didn’t do much. Riku only managed to open his eyes a bit.


Sora: We need to take him back to the city. I’m sure he only need to rest.

Aqua: City? By the way where are we?

Sora: That’s Radiant Garden. Have you been here?

Aqua: Yeah, that’s the last world I visited before I fell in the Realm of Darkness.

Sora: *tries to support Riku* Can you please carry him? I’ll summon my glider.

Aqua: Ok.


Incredibly glider was able to carry three people! Together they went back to the city. Sora was ridding, while Aqua carried Riku in her hands.

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