DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 19, 2009 *ALOT OF PHILOSOPHICAL TALK HERE* AND SPOILERS FOR DAYS!!!! Okay so we all love/hate/like Sora. That is a known fact. But there are many things about him that just aren't right. I mean YES Sora is the "Key" or whatever the hell it's called but I'm talking about what is this key? And when there's a key, there is a keyhole to go with it. Sora's abilities have ranged wide but here are a few examples: Axel was able to show emotion after coming in contact with him, not a common trait for a Nobody. He was able to harbor Kairi's heart. Something I have yet to see anyone else do. In KH2:FM, after Axel's death he had come into contact with Roxas one last time through Sora. Science seems to always be wrong when Sora is hypothesized. (such as with Xemnas & DiZ's plans) The fact of Namine even exsisting -------------------------SPOILER----------------------- His strength was able to be split between Xion and Roxas for a rather long period of time. Roxas was given many emotions such as when he cried after the death of Xion or the several times he is enraged And that Ventus is Contained within him --------------------------SPOILER OVER-------------------------- This has made me ponder what he is. Not an average human i suspect. (OMG I SOUND LIKE VEXEN) Hopefully, he's not an Ancient, lol, but i have a feeling that Namura has something up his sleeve to reveal. BTW How else would Sora be so uninevitable? and also may i note that his eyes glow? Has anyone else noticed that? It can't just be me who sees it... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneezes 73 Posted October 19, 2009 LOLL Oh yay, I'm not the only one that thinks Sora isn't very normal. 8D XDD Sora an Ancient...LMAO. Maybe...Sora is holy or something and he's an angel ? /shot Pay no attention to that hypothesis. 8D Now that you put all those explenations together, Sora does sound pretty abnormal. His eyes glow 8D? Maybe it's the lighting or the sunlight... 8D /shot I dunno what else to say, but I do agree with you that Nomura is planning something. =) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 161 Posted October 19, 2009 Digi I like how you think ;p I agree he's more than human...a chosen one perhaps? I mean for real: He's able to fall form very high up and survive, take major hits, take a sword to the heart, and jump very high o.o Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CodedbyDays 12 Posted October 19, 2009 this is interesting thinking. i think that this'll all make at least a little more sense in bbs. btw, use[ spoiler ] [ /spoiler] for a spoiler tag. (without the spaces) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 19, 2009 He is also capable of sensing things (such as before a huge Heartless/Nobody shows up) @Jenyflo Almost EVERYONE calls Sora an angel lol, even I did in my fanfic @CodedbyDays yes, probably, I think Sora has more behind those "OMG" blue eyes....... On another Topic. WHO'S WAITING FOR SORA TO BECOME EVIL?! *raises hand* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CodedbyDays 12 Posted October 19, 2009 On another Topic. WHO'S WAITING FOR SORA TO BECOME EVIL?! *raises hand* what? but sora's too dumb to be evil! /shot for hating sorayou could just have the same effect by giving him a chainsaw. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 19, 2009 Lol i meant by the ENTIRE DREAM in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts. It CONSTANTLY hinted on Sora falling into the Darkness TWICE. He did once, now I'm waiting for the second Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CodedbyDays 12 Posted October 20, 2009 Lol i meant by the ENTIRE DREAM in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts. It CONSTANTLY hinted on Sora falling into the Darkness TWICE. He did once, now I'm waiting for the second oh I wasn't thiking about that whole thing. yeah, now that I think about it, Sora might go into darkness. i hope we don't have another kh1 riku though... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus 161 Posted October 20, 2009 Sora, evil? Nah ^^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 20, 2009 mmm i always imagined something like he doesnt remember who he was and wants answers.....but that's just a dream that i had (lolz "I've been having these weird thoughts lately") but umm yeah.........i don't think Evil is the word for it but i meant......angst...or something close to that.... and (OF COURSE!) Riku would probably make it worse and Kairi would make it better (EVEN THOUGH I WANT IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneezes 73 Posted October 20, 2009 Sora evil... That'd be one sexy guy. 8D /shot I'm also waiting to see if he turns evil, lol. That would definitely grab my short attention span. 8D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxas is da one 1 Posted October 21, 2009 he is a freking god he dies it says game over you say contunue he is back to life omg infanant lives god god god alert!!!!!!!!!!!lol im jk anywaysssssssssssssssssssssss sora is chosen one always will be... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 21, 2009 Lol, nice one! *SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC AGAIN* that reminds me! Now that i finished Days, i can whip out my AR and find out what to type in to get into God Mode and unlock Sora...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brunoncyryl 0 Posted October 21, 2009 I don't need a weapon! My friends are my power!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heartless666 14 Posted October 21, 2009 I don't need a weapon! My friends are my power!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 21, 2009 I think he is pure of heart too! (but i still believe that his memories will convince him that he is doing the right thing when he's actually not) BTW the banned kid got it from Kingdom Hearts Wiki (I noticed the things that i added to the Sora archive to the site.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krizkee 1 Posted October 25, 2009 Sora, my friends, is a hero :^D And everyone knows hero's = good guys. Good guys x bad guys = Video game. Video game = Adventure. Adventure + Time = Level ups. Level ups + Good guy = Sora. Sora x Bad guys = conlcusion. conclusion = happy ending. ..... wtf did I just do. Okay, what I meant to say is I don't think Sora's like the Incredible Hulk or Jesus, or anything. He's the protagonist and thus entitled to be like a-frikin-mazing :^D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneezes 73 Posted October 26, 2009 8DD!!!! O LOL. WHY THE FREAK DID YOU JUST USE MATH ON A KH SITE. I'm already failing Geometry D8< =P!!! OF COURSE SORA IS JEEBUS. He's freakin smexy. Unlike Axel. 8D O LOL. Watch now, as the flames proceed. :^}D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigiMoon93 2 Posted October 27, 2009 Mmm there;s more than just the usual border of good and evil witness Riku, he was in between..........and Axel was neither.......... and LOLZ Jesus..............that was as random as ever lolz But REMEMBER THIS: What if Sora thought he was doing the right thing? 0.o then....like, Riku would have to fight him and (of course) lose.......and then what about Kairi?! WTF WOULD SHE DO!? all she'll do is shout names.........and then there will be a huge explosion and Riku will try to drag his wounded body to safety and Sora would want Kairi to join him (doing the Riku/Light/Axel hand offering thingy) and then as they embraced, Kairi would stab him and cry and then Sora would..... ...........i guess you can tell by now that i have had that dream more than once.............. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crimson 14 Posted October 30, 2009 hmm I think that there IS a possibility of Sora going evil, even if he doesn't realise it himself, If you take the popular theory into account regarding BBS: That perhaps MX possessed Terra and thus evil Xehanort was born. Maybe MX will come back and attempt to possess Sora in the future? Yeah, it sounds like a cool idea. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites