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Pokemon academy, Year 2. The sequel for Year 1

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A letter arrived.

Greetings returning students!

I am pleased to annouce that the academy

is now enrolling new and old students!

Now this year we will have you all fly by airplane!

Quickly get aboard!

You guessed it! A sequel!

"Hey! I'm the pilot! You must be a student. Say tell me bout' youself dude"

"Which dorm are you in by the way"

Articuno students are thriving students that are considered

the honor kids. They are very knowledgable

in the pokemon world

Zapdos Students are in the middle, They are experienced and know

alot, but still need more information.

Moltres students have little or no idea about the pokemon

world. They need alot of learning before

setting off in there adventure


Age: (you have aged 1 year if you are from year 1 RP)


Year: (1 if you did not participate in year 1, 2 if you are a returning from year 1)


Main goal after graduating the academy:

Dorm: (year 1, you have an option, if you were from moltres, you can stay or go to zapdos, if you were in zapdos you can go to articuno or stay in zapdos, articuno can't do anything :P)

Trainer card:

"Oh! Cool!"

The pilot goes to greet the teacher

"Hey! You must be the teacher! What's your occupation in the academy?"

"The classes i know are."

Pokemon battling

Pokemon Bonding

Pokemon cooking class (making poffins and pokeblock etc)

Pokemon survival

Egg care

Pokemon ranger studies

History of the pokemon world

Pokemon wild life studies

The study of the Legendary Pokemon.

"Which do you teach?"


Age: (if from year 1, you have aged 1 year)


Home town:


Did you participate in year 1: YES/NO

Trainer card:

"Oh cool. Hey here's the list of people that can get in to be honest"

He shows you the roster list











1. Christopher (Plus50living)








"They needed to cut back to 8 now, last year was flooded. Oh we are about to take off!

First i gotta tell you the rules"




YEAR 1! xD

4: Have fun!

5: If you do not like someone, let me know and we will

settle it.

6: I want proof that you read the rules. I'm serious. Change your text color.

"I better show you our Headmaster's Paperwork"

Name: Christopher

Age: 30

Occupation: Headmaster and Cooking class. ujelly?

Hometown: Celadon city.

Bio: Same as last year! He is still a child at heart! He loves fun and education as any other jolly teacher would be! Although he will be strict when he needs to.

Trainer card: Posted Image

I should tell you how to make a trainer card and how to post

it on your sign up.

Head to this link http://www.pokestadi...on/trainercard/

After making a trainer card, Save the image of the trainer card

to your desktop.

After that. please go to


There a forum code will be generated after

uploading your trainer card.

But please do not use it in your signature, i do not want

you guys to waste your space on your siggy :D

Now the locations of the school are as last time

Same pokemon as usual etc.


"Sorry about that. Say before i forget i should

let you know about our disciplinary deans!"

I have been receiving a few complaints

from other roleplayers. I will keep their names anonymous.

Rules WILL be strict this time. And to help me out with that, -ventus- will also

check up here from time to time.

I chose her because she is actually

very mature, even though she's young :P

Both of us will discuss who will and will not be

in the roleplay.

I deserve the right to decline or accept any sign up for any


Do not get angry at me.

Remember that arguing never solves problems.


"Oh wait! Forgot about our uniforms!"

Moltres: http://imageshack.us...oltresmale.png/


Zapdos: http://imageshack.us...zapdosmale.png/


Articuno: http://imageshack.us...ticunomale.png/


"Pretty cool eh? The head master has improved them into very fine detail!"

"Oh we are about to take off! We better get along."

Everyone boards and sits on the plane.



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I want to do pokemon ranger studies, ill be back with info later, and I cant make a card, school wont allow


Hmm alright, ima be waiting then x.o

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Name: Takuya

Age: 19

Occupation: Pokemon Ranger Studies

Home town: Pallet Town

Bio: Very intellegent person, and has already become a great Ranger, he now wants to help young people become great rangers just like him someday. He has 2 sisters he takes care of, and 1 brother, all his siblings are very great with pokemon and know how to treat them right, he looks foward to starting his new job.

Did you participate in year 1: No


What do you want me to do about the trainer cards? I cant do it.

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^Let’s say graduation was in May, giving the trainers at least three months before their return.


Name: Remus Silversword


Age: 17

Hometown: New Bark Town


Year: 2


Bio: A lot has changed for Remus since his last year at Pokemon Academy. With the new confidence and strength that he gained in his last year, he proceeded to win an unprecedented four contests in the month of June. After claiming his fifth ribbon in the Lilycove Fourth of July Contest, he packed his bags and headed to the Evergrand Festival for the Hoenn Grand Festival. In his prior six tries, he never made it past the first battle round. But this time around, he proceeded to win match after match, landing himself in the final. After a stunning battle, the victory was Dawn from Hoenn. Not discouraged, Remus returns to Pokemon Academy for a second year to hone his skills further. He tried to convince the headmaster to allow him to run a coordinator class, but due to his age, he agreed to be a student for the year.

Main goal after graduating the academy: Win the Grand Festival, and possibly teach budding Coordinators.


Dorm: Articuno


Trainer Card: Posted Image


^His main team, however, he can rotate Pokemon in and out of his lineup in the sig.

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Name: Sarah


Age: 17



HomeTown: goldenrod city


Regeion: johto


zapdos dorm


year 1


Appearance: Sarah has blonde hair that goes to her waist. she has blue eyes and is about 5.5ft tall


Bio: Sarah has become a better trainer and now has competed in both contests and battles she has beaten all the gyms in johto and has a new prized team. she is excited to go to the acadamy for a second year and is ready to battle and learn. she took over the daycare buissness. but when she received the letter she immediatly passed yit on to Her siste June to take over the buissness until she returned she honed her skills and became the top cordinater in johto.


reason: her friends




Pikachu- has a moon shape on its tail.

LV. 50 Electric


Swampert- ability drizzle can be activated at anytime.

LV. 60 Water/Ground


Torterra- is a kind pokemon that lets sarah and her pokemon stay on his back.

LV. 65 Grass/Ground


Smeargal- has a gold paint. has a giant move pool

LV. 80 Normal


Honchkrow- one of Sarahs friends from last year and sarahs eleventh egg

LV. 50 Dark/Flying


yanma- sarahs newest pokemon in training

LV. 5 bug/ flying

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Luna and Lord, I want some more information on y our characters! extend the bio :D, and you missed some parts, please read the rules again! ;)

And if you can't get your trainer card, GTFO Just put your team in. ANY, but no legendaries

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If you can't find the rules, here ya go.




YEAR 1! xD

4: Have fun!

5: If you do not like someone, let me know and we will

settle it.

6: I want proof that you read the rules. I'm serious. Change your text color.

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Luna and Lord, I want some more information on y our characters! extend the bio :D, and you missed some parts, please read the rules again! ;)

And if you can't get your trainer card, GTFO Just put your team in. ANY, but no legendaries


Guess that means I'm good!


And the Legendaries... let's try not to go there again! :P

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Name: Axel Rukianami


Age: 21


Region: Kanto


Home town: cinnabar island


team: too many to count


Subject :Pokemon survival


Classroom number: Park


Appearance: Axel is 5.7. he has brown hair, green eyes, and wears a white t-shirt and a black jacket. he wears black running pants, and has a locket with a picture of his mom and brother in it.


Bio: Axel was born and raised in cinnabar island. he was very smart and always was found in the library. then one day when axel was 10 his brother was leaving for Johto but before he left he gave axel a pokeball and inside that pokeball was a kangaskahn. then he departed. an hour later the bad news came. the boat had sank because of a gyrados. axel let his emotions take the best of him and he ran to the volcano. there he trained for 6 years and remained alone he was seen by a few hikers and his name was given "the shadow child" people beleved he was dead but he knew how to survive. then the day came when he returned because the cinnabar library was on fire and he helped take out the fire. the people were shocked to find Axel had returned. axel went back to his home to find it abandoned. he was told his mother had left and his father as well. he then decided to search for them as he travled the globe defeating Gyms one by one. and competing in local, regeonal, and worldwide tornaments. but he still was know for his survival and found a job that needed it. so here he is


So all in all Axels life was screwed up


joined year 1

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Age: 16

Hometown: SlatePort

Year: 2

Bio: Same as before

Main goal after graduating the academy: Being Hoenns Elite Four.

Dorm: Articuno

My trainer card is in my signature.

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Name : Hazimie

Age :15

Home town :Nuvema Town

Region : Unova

Year :2

Bio : After hazimie has graduate,hazimie has become a new pokemon champion.then,hazimie takes on a trip to go to the Kanto Region.then,hazimie managed to get 8 badges at there[here`s the link about my stories after i graduate and before year 2 begins:http://kh13.com/foru...-master-part-1/].now.....Hazimie has a new ultimate goal......becoming a pokemon master!

main goal after graduating the academy :since hazimie has become a champion,he wants to become a pokemon master....

Dorm : Articuno

Appearance : Black T-shirt,White Sweater,Gray Jeans,wearing the Champion Cloak and wearing his Senior Red`s cap.

Trainer Cards :Posted Image


Pikachu - LV 90

Musharna - LV 80

Braviary - LV 82

Serperior - LV 84

Emboar - LV 88

Samurott - LV 84

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NAME: C.G. Radker


AGE: 17


HOMETOWN: Mauville City




BIO: Callie Grace Radker had started out young and careless, oblivious to most of her surroundings like a normal child of her age. She would always ride her bike, going to here or there on Seaside Cycling Road no matter how many times she passed the same area. The girl would never feel more free when riding, the cool breeze and the scraped knees were simply implanted in her memory since her younger days. As she grew, Callie discovered her facination with tinkering and began to act on it, working Rydel's Cycles for fun and some extra money on the side. It could be slow at times, but there was always a weary adventurer close by, or a broken bicycle. Her love of pokemon began when her first pokemon, Matthew the Shinx, was brought back by her parents as a souvenier from Sinnoh. She was around 14 at the time, and it was a perfect opportunity for her to began a pokemon journey.


Slowly, her team of pokemon grew, but not without its tragedies. Durring her journey, she lost one of her flying types, a Pidgeot named Dallas and released another, Greek the Farfetch'd. She didn't feel right keeping one partner, but not the other. The only other pokemon besides Matthew left was Pride, her Flareon. Along with Matthew, they refused to leave her. When the journey was done, she had began to relax as the house filled with more pokemon from regions other than her own. After witnessing the death of a defenceless Taillow, she was reminded of her other pokemon. Hoping to devote her life to something that mattered, she went to a local school before being transfered to the Pokemon Academy as an Articuno. At first, she was reluctant to go and battle again, but she had to, so her goals could be reached and maybe she could feel a little more at ease.


GOAL: To learn everything about pokemon, so that some day she could help wild pokemon who are hurt or broken. She also wants to continue fixing, experimenting, and making bicycles or other types of transporation.


DORM: Articuno

Posted Image

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arrow, -ventus- oblivionrider, and ace are accepted, the others need to read the rules. i'm being serious, we are not going to tolerate. you have until 9:30 pm PST until i start the roleplay without you.

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Hey can i still join?




Max Elico

17 years old


year 2

acrticuno dorm


Max has purple eyes, a purple vest, a white t-shirt, jeans, and black shoes, and white hair, light skin tone


he is a dream maker and has the record for the longest winning streak and is still growing. he is very skilled and will always be found in a battle.


to improve his streak


Sableye with wonder guard, huntail, gorabyss,

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Name: Nathan (Night)

Age: 16

Hometown: Magnesia Town

Year: 1

Bio: Nathan was born in Shinto, a region directly north of Johto. Given his first starter by Professor Maple, he went on an an adventure with his rival Danica and conquered the region of Shinto. However, after a gruesome battle with the members of the Shinto Elite 4, Nathan was badly beaten by the champion. Determined to learn how to become a battle trainer, Nathan enrolled into the Pokemon Academy, where he is studying and training hard to one day beat the champion of Shinto.


Main goal after graduating the academy: Going back to Shinto and taking the role as champion.

Dorm: Articuno

Trainer card: Swampert, Pupitar, Kadabra, Deino, Luxio, and Dratini.

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