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Azure Flame

What NES games will you get? (3DS Ambassador Program)

What NES games will you get? (3DS Ambassador Program)  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. What NES games will you get? (3DS Ambassador Program)

    • Super Mario Bros.
    • Donkey Kong Jr.
    • Balloon Fight
    • Ice Climber
    • The Legend Of Zelda
    • Wrecking Crew
    • Mario Open Golf
    • Yoshi’s Egg
    • Metroid
    • Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link

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Why does he need an excuse? It's his poll, he can do whatever he wants with it


Oh, it needs to cover every option? So, what about 'Attempted to download, but lost internet connection partway through' 'Downloaded illegally' 'I didn't get into the ambassador Program' and the option to choose which games you'll purchase once they become publicly available.

There're a tonne of options, you can't cover everything.


Why do you always have to reply to everything? lol I agree with Rob.

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Enough about if there should be a "none" option or not, please. Sure, this isn't the best poll as it can't be answered by everyone, but you have to consider the difficulty in coming up with something to ask every day. Azure Flame is doing a great job, most polls have been of a great quality. I'm sure after one person telling him what he should have done, he'll take it into account for future polls... you don't need to say it over and over.

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