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KHBbS A Master Eraqus Description/Phrase (Maybe?)

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tutti frutti. I was looking for longer versions of KH song's and came across an extended version of the song for Armor of the Master on Youtube. I scrolled down to the comments for anything amusing and found that a person made a phrase, or a description, which seemed, at least to me, something Eraqus would say. This phrase was belongs to 'thebeastyking' off of youtube, so credit is completely given to this person.


"Master Eraqus: My students! Please forgive me! I'm sorry i failed you! Ventus, your light will over-power your darkness! Aqua, your wisdom and courage is a guiding light to all you meet! And Terra, my son, i will give you my light so that the darkness does not fully consume you! THE DARKNESS CAN'T HAVE YOU TERRA AND NEIHTER CAN XEHANORT!!! now come my precious students! my spirit is in the armor! show me that you can face the ARMOR OF THE MASTER!!!"



But I find this pretty good and well written. This should have been place in BBS somewhere, but oh well. Even though this is short, it goes straight to the points of what happened during the course of the game. What are everyone else's thoughts on this phrase? (Again, credit goes to 'thebeasyking' from youtube for this phrase)

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