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Do you want Sora to be the main hero forever?

Do you want Sora to be the main hero forever?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want Sora to be the main hero forever?

    • Yes, Sora is awesome!
    • No, bring in someone new!
    • Maybe change it up every so often.

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Do you want Sora to be the main hero forever?


I don't really want him to be the main hero forever, because that would get old fast. I think they should bring in a new hero every so often to spice it up a bit, like with BBS and Days.

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He is such a loveable character how could you NOT want him to be the main character?


Also Nomura said that he'll stay the main protagonist for ever since Nomura has a special bond to that character. AND I LOVE IT!

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not much point in this poll namora already said soras going to be the main hero all the way throw the series


The point is to ask for our opinions on that. We all know what Nomura said.

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I choose 'change it up a bit' because that's how the series is now and it keeps things interesting. We've had Roxas, Riku, Terra, Ven, and Aqua be protagonists in their own stories. They should continue that but keep Sora in the mix as well ^^

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I adore Sora and am quite pleased that he will stick around. <3


But I also like how they've been doing things, BbS was a nice little change by introducing new characters. If they keep things up and give us new characters or focus on another character the way they've been doing so far, *except Days, just...no* then I'll be a happy fan. :3

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I like Sora, and we haven't seen much of him lately in the KH universe, so I'd like to see him back for a few installments.


However, he is THAT hero, the guy who has values, morals, an unwavering sense of justice, right, and wrong.... that can get pretty old, so they should introduce new heroes every now and then.


Either way, though, Sora's going to be around until the day KH dies.

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I want to be similar to how it has been so far with Sora being the main protagonist of the series with a few games here and there where the main characters have been for an example, Roxas or Terra.

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I like Sora and he is awesome he hasnt been around lately buuuuuut thats not to say that i dont want things to change i mean Sora is awesome but i dont wanna play as 50 year old Sora LOL xD

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Oh , I actually thought it was meant like the possible next saga and if I'd want Sora to be forever the main char but since it's not that , I'd prefer with different ppl . I loved Days and bbs was awesome so if they have more unexplored parts to show us I'd be happy to oblige . But yeah Sora as the main char sounds abt right . The whole story kinda revolves arnd him either way xD

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