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Rebecca Black

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shes aight but her music sucks just saying


well i heard she's comin out with a new alum!I'm excited! :D

well she didn't right Friday and mt moment was good!

I also hear she's coming out with a new album!I'm excited!

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Friday is, to this day, the single worst song I have ever heard in my entire life.


My Moment was better, but it's kinda stupid for her to write a song all about how she's so special now that she is famous (famous for writing what is widely considered to be the worst song ever made), so that doesn't help much.


So in summary, she makes crappy music and thinks she's so special because her YouTube video went viral.


So yeah, not a fan.

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Just so people know, Friday wasn't written by her. There's some company that produces music, hoping to find the next Justin Beiber, THEY are to blame for Friday's horrible writing. Rebecca Blacks singing however, isn't excused by this, which is why they lather it with autotune. But in my honest opinion, she's not horrible, she's just forgettable.

And her first choice for career really shouldn't have been a singer.

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lol, no i don't like rebecca black. i mean i have nothing against her personally, but i am not a fan, i do not like her music. one of the math teachers at my school played "friday" all day on friday, every friday, really loudly. so that song just gives me a headache.

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lol, no i don't like rebecca black. i mean i have nothing against her personally, but i am not a fan, i do not like her music. one of the math teachers at my school played "friday" all day on friday, every friday, really loudly. so that song just gives me a headache.



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Our teacher did that after someone said they hated that song lol. She is cocky cause she has a deal now I believe, but again she really doesnt have talent

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If anyone's heard her on America's Got Talent, she went on without autotune and the difference was so freakin' obvious, it was actually quite scary. I don't blame her for the songs that she's sung. Friday's tune is quite catchy (the lyrics are awful!) My Moment kinda annoyed me, because it's a song about how she became famous, which seems really vain and arrogant to me. (Again, I'm aware she didn't write it.) She would do much better as an actor, instead of a singer.

BUT, I think she's just another whiny ass bitch who thinks she's better than other people because she's famous. The main reason for this thought is the way she's been acting and specifically her dropping out of school.

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