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Wolf on the Run

Survival of the Keyblade (sequal to return of the keyblade)

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Ezios eyes Open "finally found you" Ezio then summoned a light corridor and appeared in destiny island behind Ashton Ezio smirked "ive been looking for you Ashton" ezio then summoned his keyblade and just after a light corridor appeared and joe walked throw with his eyes closed then breathing a siy of releaf until he opened his eyes joe looked "ashton Ezio Azura what the hell the did i just walk into" joe summoned his Oathkeeper

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Azura simply closed her eyes. "1.His body is not lost in the worlds...it needs to come back on his own. 2.Last time you told me something similar. My heart got crushed by the darkness. 3."Azura says as she summoned Master Xehanort's keyblade and pointed it at him. "GTFO the Islands."Azura says as she shotted a beam right at Asthon. Roxel jumped up and grabbed Asthon. He spun and slammed him against the ground. He then jumped back and got besides Azura. Azura simply stared at Asthon. After making her life hell. He was the last person she would eve trust. Azura then turned to Joe and smiled. "Welcome to Insanity."

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Ashton then disappeared.'' If you really think you can beat me, then come to Hell. The gates remain open. There is only one way to close them. That's by defeating me.''said Ashton's voice as he returned to Hell. Ashton then jump to the lowest level and waits for them. He hopes they'll bring Alex because he isn't fully free until the chains are broken. He then saw giant monsters. They were called the Hells will.


Meanwhile a man appeared infront of Azura and Joe.'' Damn. I missed him.'' said the man. He had white robe on with chains on him, black sword in hand, and black banagaes over his right said of his face.'' I can take you to Hell. My name is Kokbuto.''

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Ezio smirks "I need no help to get to hell" Ezio then disappeared in a flash of black joe and azura then looked to each other "azura i dont think we should go down there any time ashton ever wants us to follow him somewhere he has a reason behind it a reason that usally makes him stronger"

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'' If we go, then we can seal Ashton into the depths of Hell. I have the power to do so. All I need is a team that can buy me sometime to have me set up the seal. Once that happens, then when he's sealed, all the evil spirits will be suck be in Hell and the gates will be again sealed.''said Kokbuto as he opened up a flame portal.'' This will take us to Hell. I'll tell you everything you need to know to surive Hell.''said Kokbuto as he waited for their reply.

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Azura looked at Joe and noded. She then looked back at the guy. "Sorry but...I'm not interested right now at the moment...maybe later...."Azura says as she got distracted slightly by the curved palm tree. She then looked at Joe. "Um...I need to check up on something..."Azura says as she walked away towards the curved palm tree. She went through the door and walked around in the darkness for a while. She then re-surficed on the bridge. She got over to the palm tree and stared up at the fruit for a while.

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joe looked at Kokbuto joe took hold of his gun blade "azura this all seems to familour to me" azura looks at joe unshore "it just feels like ive had an encounter like this before and when i went along with it what happened as the result it wasnt good" joe then looked at the fire gate and then to Kokbuto joe then with out letting on activated his eagle sense seeing red around Kokbuto along with yellow joe smirked "Okay i think i might as well go along"

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Azura then walked back with a Poapu fruit in her hand. She stared at the gates of hell and then at the poapu fruit...she got the poapu fruit away. "(Maybe killing him off will help me find him...)"Azura thinks. Her memories were starting to become so active,she was at the verge of crying once in a while but she would hold it in. She looked at the guy and at the portal. "I've been through it once....I'll go through it twice...Roxel. Let's move."Azura says as she passed through the portal not even paying attention to the guy or Joe. She just felt....hollow and sad. Roxel followed.

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'' Alright, Now, ya all know about Hell. People who are bad get sent there. They are called sinners. I'm one as well. That's why I have these chains. You can ecaspe Hell if your strong enough, but you won't be free unless the chains are off. Once we get in Hell, make sure you don't die. Once you die, you'll be chained and forever kept in Hell. Also, Sinners can't die in Hell. They get killed, but be reborn in five minutes. Those are the rules of Hell.''said Kokbuto as he then sat down on a rock to wait for Joe's and Azura's answer.

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joe looked at kokbuto "ya ya what ever lets just get moving" joe then began to walk towards the gate he began to think blocking his mind off from anyone and everyone joe began to think "now i know what why to fight ashton while in hell the only way i can fight with out breaking his chains" joe then walked throw the gate and saw hell joe called out "ashton come out"

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"Whatever,let's just get this over with!"Azura says as she walked through the portal along with Roxel. She ended up in the darkness and then in a bridge. She looked around to see smoke,darkness,lava,blood,everything everywhere. Moaning of those who have commited sins and have been cursed to live here. "My my..."Azura says. She then summoned 'Darkness Seeker' and Master Xehanort's keyblade and looked around. "OK Asthon. Come out come out wherever you are. I might take on your offfer!"Azura says as she walked around with keyblades at hand.

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'' He isn;t here. He's in the deepest level. This is the first level. The deeper we go, the more pain you'll see. Just make sure you don't die.... Great, they sensed us.'' Giant skull like creatures then appeared.'' Guys! Run!"' said Kokbuto as he started running. Azura and Joe followed.'' If we get caught by them, not only will we die, we'll also will be send to the deepest level.''said Kokbuto as they kept running.


Ashton sensed them.'' Seems they arrived. Let's hope Hell's will we get them before they get here.''

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joe and azura ran behind kokbuto




on the lowest level of hell Ezio appeared in front of ashton "a ashton pleasure to meet you in person for once" ashton looked up at ezio "a yes i should introduce myself i am ezio and im here with a propasition for you if your will to listean that is" ezio smirks

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"Oh gee. Fun."Azura says. For a second she though that maybe Hell wasn't that bed. "This could be a nice place to train in though.."Azura says as she runs off right behind Kokbuto. Azura looked over to Roxel. "Roxel..scan this area..."Azura says. Roxel then got his Heartless eyes witch scanned every bit of darkness around. Roxel gave her a thumbs up. "Good...cause actually...I wanna stay here for a while..."Azura says. Feeling strange,like if this place would make her stronger,guess it was the darkness that was inide her making her think that.

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Dom notices Marluxia's facepalm. She doesn't feel to confident about this reaction. She follows the sound to find Demyx playing his sitar. Dom studies him for a moment. She turns back around to face Marluxia.

"This guy is going to be helpful?" Dom asks. "This guy's a lazy bum at best."

She turns her head to face Seran.

"I mean come...on?" Dom says slowly, noticing Seran's distracted look.

"You alright, Seran?"

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Quentin held his head, Dom put her hand on his shoulder.

"you alright, Saren?" she asked. Quentin shook a little.

'Saren...' he looked to her and nodded.

"I'm fine... jsut alittl eunder the wind." he said. she nodded.


Demyx finaly stopped playing.

"Thank you, I'll be here all night!" he yelled. he seemed to of already gotten a fan base. The group got closer, quentin's head kept hurting. they got over to him when his fan's subsided.

"Hey there, I'm the rockin'...Marluxia?" he asked sudenly fearful, Marluxia sighed.

"Demyx." he said. the guy nodded.

"We need your help." he said. Demyx sighed.

"look, I'd like to help... but before that, there's something I need YOU to do." he said. Quentin nodded.

"Alright, shoot." he said. Demyx smiled.

"okay, When I got out of purgatory, I finally had the chance to browse some worlds, so I went by Atlantica." he said, Quentin nodded.

"go on." he said.

"And who would of known but I dropped my sitar pick." he said, Quentin sighed.

"And you want us to get it." he asked, Demyx nodded.

"Yeah, I left it near the king's palace, it should still be floating... it's blue." he said. Quentin sighed.

"Alright... I'll get it, I've been there, you two keep searching." he said. Dom and Marluxia nodded. quentin started to walk away, then Demyx followed him.

"Hm, you know I think I should really come along... since you might have trouble finding it." he said, quentin slowly nodded.

"alright." he said, Demyx raised his hand and created a portal, the two walked through.

(ok, in this RP Quentin is gonna hang with various org13 members, so this is a Q/D centric mission.)

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Azura slashed around and avoided getting attacked. "This place is pretty rough. None less from hell."Azura says as she jumped up and avoided an attack from those skull creatures. She looked down and closed her eyes for a second. "(Maybe I'm not strong enough..maybe that's why I can't find him.)"Azura thinks. She had been training and searching for 3 years...but each time seemed like if either she missed him or he simply wasn't there. Azura kept running.

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After a while Mizu and Vexitus were rid of the heartless and regardless of their flimsy fighting many were suspisious as to their identity, Vexitus being the first to notice. ("Mizu..I think we are busted.") he thought over to her, sheething his sword. "Those heartless only appeared for one reason!" "Yeah!...and they only attacked you two!" two soldiers shouted to them, poitning their sworads to them. In that instant they were surrounded and it looked as if they would have to fight, a portal opening up behind them. ("GET THE HELL IN!!!") yelled a woman's voice in Mizu and Vexitus's heads. ("Who is this?..How did you get this channel?") ("Stop talking you idiot!...Just get in the vortex already!") Vexitus looked over to mizu and nodded. ("Cummon..this is our way out...") he said, backing up into the portal with Mizu.

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Mizu and Vexitus backed up until they passed through the portal. The portal then dissapeared. "Those who wield the key shall be chased by darkness. For the key shall be the answer to the problems of the worlds...yeah right..."Mizu says to herself. She looked at Vexitus and then turned. She saw a light. "Must be the other end of the portal."Mizu says as they walked towards it and ended up...somewhere.

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Vexitus and Mizu ended up in a large metalic room filled with machinery, test tubes, and computer monitors. "Weird lab.." Vexitus muttered, looking foreward to notice a figure appear as a door opened by itself. From first glance Vexitus thought it would be an older woman but in fact- "Good you two made it. Diden't know an attrificial space tunnel would work...guess I even surprise myself. It was a young woman who appeared to be Mizu's age with long pink hair that reached her hips and a white lab coat which proved she owned this lab, judging from her statement she was responsable for bringing them here. She approached Mizu and Vexitus and popped a blue sucker into each of their mouthes, blueberry flavored. "Suck on these it's my special Elixer candy...you should be back at full strength in about a few seconds." She said, adjusting her silver belt to keep her red jeans from sagging down, a metal belt buckle in the shape of a flame glinting off the light in the room, the buckle a bright silver. "So why." Vexitus started, the woman interupting him. "Did I bring you two here? Because let's just say we needed you back here..." She muttered, Vexitus tilting his head. "Me?..but I don't know you....neither does Mizu." He said, the woman holding her hand up. "Let's just say you did....look I'll explain everything later. But first off my name is Mimi...just call me Dr. M because honestly...I hate my name." She said in a low growl, Vexitus and Mizu looking at eachother for a brief moment. "So mind...briefing me here?" Vexitus asked, the door opening again behind them as a large muscular man came in. He had red skin and twoheavy gauntlets on his fists, wearing a sleevles black shirt and sporting the same belt buckle as Dr. M, the man quickly looking at Vexitus. "Ah!..I see you have found him!...how about a quick spar like the good old days the,!" He said politely, as if he were a boxer, his british accent heavy. "What!?" Vexitus said, Mizu getting in front of him defensivly. "Knock it off Raiga! His memory is wiped...he won't remember a thing for a while!" Dr.M said, walking over to Mizu and gave her a look that said ,"It's alright." Raiga sighed. "Tis a shame...and I am most sorry to you young miss. I pose no threat. It's just we used to have a friendly spar now and then." He said with a laugh. Vexitus was tired of this. "Alright explain!" He yelled, Dr.M and Raiga nodding to eachother. "Fine then...if you two will have a seat?"

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Mizu stared at them and then they saw them reffer to two chairs that were around. Mizu looked at Vexitus and shrugged a bit. They both slowly satted down on their chairs and looked at them. "Who are you?And how do you know Vexitus?"Mizu asks as she still had her blade at hand just incase. She just felt as protective as ever...she didn't felt comfortable around strangers in an unknown world either.

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joe and the others keeped on traveling throw hell making there way to the bottem floor




ezio looked at Ashton "owe being a bit quite are we" ezio then grabbed ashton by the neck "im making you an offer the least you could do is hear me out" ezio then throw ashton against a wall "now ashton i know you want joe and azura down here to brake them chains of yours but joe has gotten smarted since you meet hes already figured your plan out by now im guessing using his new skills to figure you out and by now hes figured out the way to fight you with out braking your chains so i offer you this i brake your chains for you so you will be completly free and you can regain all your power so when the time comes to destroy all the worlds you will owe me something in return for freeing you so what do you say ashton" ezio then exsteands his hand to ashton

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Dr. M started. "To know who we are stop asking questions and let us talk." She said. "First off we are a group of natural born warriors who were gifted with Fullbring and have mastered the weapon over the years. Only a long while ago we had lost our leader which was Vexitus. And before you go off saying it's not you just shut up because we can explain why you don't know anything." Raiga continued. "A while back one of our own named Viline Masters became roudy in his obsession for power and even threatened Vexitus's title as or leader and was banished from the fullbring clan. He was not pleased and came back years after with a dark army of heartless and begace quiþe stronger...we were victorious but at a price..losing our leader." Dr.M picked back up. "I can't really say what you did Vexitus. You used some sort of power that finished the bastard off but at a price to yourself. Age regression took place and you became a small boy and your memory was completly blanked out. All that was left was your Fullbring and your jacket." Raiga continued. "After the fight Dr.M studied what happened to you but soon someone came and kidnapped you here..your mind so fractured you would forget things moments after they occured. We have been looking for you since...by that time we understood what happened to you and saw what you have been through...so we decided not to drop all this back on you till now." He said, Vexitus looking down as his hand, summoning his keyblade. "And this?...you know how I got it?" He asked, Dr.M standing up. "Before you were taken I had attached the dark powers of an achient keyblade wielder. And afterthat the natural events just took place." She uttered, Vexitus sighing. "So that's why I could never communicate with my keyblade..it's not ment for my heart." Raiga sat up then. "So now do you understand?" Vexituis shook his head. "Hard to..considering I can't remember a shred of it."

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Ashton slashed Ezio away.'' I don't need you.'' Ashton said as he killed Ezio. Ezio was then turned into lava and bonded to Hell. Ashton then saw Azura and Joe arrive.'' Ah, there you are.'' said Ashton as he got on the ground.'' Break my chains.'' he said. He saw them say no.'' I see. I guess I have no choice.''said Ashton as he disappeared and reappeared behind Azura. He kicked away Joe and placed his hand on Azura's head.'' I shall awaken your inner darkness. The darkness you kept lock up for so long.''said Ashton as Azura's eyes widened and darkness started coming out of her body.'' Welcome to Hell.''said Ashton as his chains were then broken by the darkness Azura kept hidden for a long time.

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Azura felt the darkness surge. She couldn't even move. Suddenly. It all snapped and the darkness raged up tremendensly. Like a raging volcano of pure darkness. Azura screamed as she felt her body burn as the darkness ranned through her vanes and started to taint her heart. All of that darkness eh had kept hidden inside,all of tha darkness she had learned and tried to keep control of. All of that was getting out now. It overwhelmed her. "(I...I can't...fight back...)"Azura thinks,mostly as a whisper. Finally it calmed down. Azura's eyes were a little bit rolled back,now only being white. She fell on her knees and stood there numb for a while. Roxel freaked and attacked Asthon.




Mizu was just more confused than before,but she tried to understand and go with the flow.

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