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Wolf on the Run

Survival of the Keyblade (sequal to return of the keyblade)

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Edge was still wearing his silver armor as well as his mask that hid hisface, grabbing the strange creature from his sleeve and holding him up with both hands. "Why trust me all of a sudden?" He asked, the thing slipping from his hands and onto Azura's shoulder at her command. Edge looked up as Azura uttered his true name and he was very surprised that she could just feel him in her heart so quickly, looking down with a sigh. "It only took three years huh?....finally realized your dream like I said you would." He muttered quietly, looking past her to see someone else coming.

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Dom was a little dumbfound by the reception she had gotten, but she pushes that aside and walks up to Joe.

"My name is Dom Lock." She says. "I'm a member of the Hollow Bastion Defense Force. Several months ago, I summoned a Keyblade. A few hours ago, I was given an invitation to come here by a Master Lawrence. He said I was to go for him."

Dom stubbornly dig in her pocket and pulls out the pass.

"Here." Dom says, a little testily.

She throws the invite, but it doesn't travel a foot from her. The invite falls open. It is like the one Azura has. Also, a slip of paper slips out of the invite.

(If Joe chooses to read slip of paper, here are it's contents.)


"Dear Master Joe,

You do not know me nor should you. I have very carefully kept our paths from crossing. My name is Lawrence and I am also a Keyblade Master. Many years ago, I found the girl who brought this to you. In secret, I tested her to see if she is worthy of the Keyblade. She proved to be so. Though she requires little more training, I can not supply it. I will not explain why. For now, please help her develop her skills as a Keyblade wielder. She can be a valuable ally in future times.

Regards, Master Lawrence."


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after joe had read the letter he snaps his figures and the ropes around dom disappear joe then turns his back to Dom "theres only one way to find out if this so call Master Lawernce is a real person i must confer with Aqua her being the only keyblade master to be on these worlds for over a 1000 years and the only reason any true masters are here to this day is because of here being trapped in the realm of darkness for all them years and even then me and one of my friends were the first keyblade weilders to be ranked as masters once she did return" joe looks to dom "you will be coming with me to a world called Radient Gardens (note radient gardens and hollow bastion are considered different worlds in this rp) were we will discover the truth"

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Dom gets up and works her muscles.

"Sounds fine." Dom says, still wondering what the hack is going on.

She crosses her arms.

"So, who are you and what's on that paper you just read?"

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Quentin sighed walking out of olympus colloseum, Hades seemed to be rather busy. All with the new games going on, always saying how the others never went to see him and such. Quentin created a portal and walked through, he re-appeared in twilight town.

'Home sweet home' he thought to himself. he saw people walk by, the place was populated more. However...

Quentin turned to see a group of heartless. he sighed.

"Might as well..." Quentin said, a keyblade forming in his hand.

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joe looked at Dom "my name is Master Joe one of the first keyblade weilders to be choosen in over 1000 years and also a desendent of the hero of light Sora" joe then looks at the letter "as for this its a letter to me from that so called master of yours saying you might need some training" joe then summoned a light corridor "but before i don anything with you im bring you to meet master Aqua now step throw and be on guard when we go throw theres bounty hunters and assassins out to kill any keyblade weilder they find" joe then summons his Oathkeeper as he walks throw the corridor

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Azura stared at the boy. She could tell he was very familiar. Extremely familiar. She swear she had his name at the tip of her tounge,but at the same time,she couldn't remember or find out why he was familiar. It's like if all of her memories of him were with her in a second and gone in the next. "Um..."Azura says. She couldn't manage to summon not even one of her blaes and point it at him. "Ok..."Azura says. Roxel stared at Azura and rested on her shoulder.

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Dom takes a deep breath. It's official. She's not getting her old job back. Dom pulls her gunblade from her bag and straps it to her right leg. She summons her Keyblade and follows Joe. Her mind drifts to this Master she is suppose to have. Did that guy in the black robes say he was her master? Why? She switches to questions that she can get answers to.

"This Master Aqua the same one from the old stories?" She asks Joe.

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"As I thought..." Edge said with a sigh as he turned his back to her and began walking toward a dark corridor. Leah's words began to ring through his head,"You now fight in a world where your past self never existed....you will be a ghost to anyone who ever knew you. I suggest you prepare to wander alone....a lone wolf." He thought to himself, getting closer and closer to the corridor. In that instant a ghost version of a younger Vexitus was walking by the armored man in Azura's eyes, the image vanishing after a while.

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once throw the light corridor joe looked to dom "ya its the same aqua from that story of the keyblade graveyard the one who destroy the X-blade along with her after me and a few of my friends saved her from the realm of darkness we also revived her old friend ven who had been sleeping in castle oblivion for all them years turned out vens heart had traveled throw my familys blood line for years launching its self on the first born of each generation eventually it ended up in me and one way or another i got it back to ven and one point and he woke up" joe then heard running he quickly drew his gunblade "dom down" down then lowered down and joe quickly shot someone point blank in the head Dom looked at him surprised "he was going to kill you if i hadnt of kill him first thats what these bouty hunters and assassins are like remember that" joe and dom began to walk into town

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Azura stared and she then felt a sharp pain in her head as she saw a bunch of memories of him. She helded her head and stared as he walked away. "V...V...Vexitus?"Azura asks. She stared at him and walked foward a bit. "Vexitus...right?"Azura asks. She helded her head. "Um,you had a parthner...was it...Mizu...or something..."Azura says trying to remember. Roxel gets to Azura's head and stares down at her.

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Dom nods.

"I know." She says. "I've had to cart away several would-be 'Keyblade killers.'"

Dom looks around.

"That guy was an amateur. He is almost assured to have had a partner some where."

She catches two guys quickly look away as her gaze passes over them.

"We've got two possible attackers. Your one o'clock. Standing at the entrance to the house."

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joe looks at them "no threat assassins alright but not the ones we should be worried about" joe then walks up to the two men and talks to them dom could not hear him joe then waved to her signaling to come over to him joe then walked inside the house quickly followed by Dom once inside joe saw aqua "Aqua its been to long" "Joe it has hasnt it how are you" "fine but we have problems" "i know i heard but what brings you to me" "this" joe hands aqua the letter and she reads it she then looks at him "i have no idea who this lawrence man is who ever he is he may be a master of some sorts but i can tell you hes no keyblade master" "understud"

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Edge stopped walking into the portal as he stopped when Azura mentioned Mizu, Edge having no idea where she ended up after 3 years. He had suceeded in saving her from the relhm of darkness...and then nothing else. Edge slowly turned around to face Azura completly, his long hair flowing behind him. He began to contemplate going back to them, being with his friends and fighting beside them again as it seemed they would be needing him. "You have more pressing matters to attend to right now Azura...and one of them is not remembering me." He said stubbornly as he quickly turned, walking back to the corridor again. "It's Edge..." He told her,vanishing into the darkness he appeared from. Edge ended up in Destiny Islands where it was raining heavily and it was for good reason. "Why have the worlds been crying as of late?" He asked himself, suddenly noticing the rain ceasing to strike his armor. "Why have you refrained from crying?" Asked the girl Leah, looking down on Edge with her golden eyes.She held her umbrella overthem both as she spoke. "Why are you here?" "To ask what you plan to do next....Vexitus." It was surprising to Leah that Edge did not snap at her. "Contemplating returning to the keyblade wielders?" Edge shook his head as he stared up into the darkened sky. "Not yet....I have to find someone..." "Oh?...and who might this be?" Leah asked, Edge not responding. "Very well...." Leah then vanished and so did the protection from the rain, Edge not minding it right now as he continued to stare into the clouds. "Mizu...." He said under his faceless mask, wondering what star (world) she was.

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Dom shrugs. So the guy that sent her to Castle Oblivion wasn't a Keyblade Master. Suspect. Which means that Dom herself was suspect as well.

Dom steps forward and bows slightly.

"Master Aqua, My name is Dom." She introduces herself. "I...am not sure why I have been led to this, but I would like to learn how to use my Keyblade."

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joe and aqua looked at dom aqua then looked to joe joe then nodes "i understand i know what to do i already have my other students training that way" joe then looks to Dom "Okay Dom looks like i'll be taking you on as a student since aqua has desided to retire since that last battle we held in hollow bastion" joe then looks to aqua "but aqua can you find ven if you can tell him to put an investigation in on this is called master Lawrence have him see what he can find" "of course" "and aqua be careful the worlds are no longer safe for us" "i know" joe then summoned a light corridor were going back to castle oblivion Dom"

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Dom nods. She bows to Aqua, then follows Joe. She is quiet for a moment.

"Thanks." She says to Joe. "I know that wasn't an easy decision to make with this Lawrence guy being an unknown. So...thanks for taking me on."

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once throw the corridor joe turned to Dom "hey either way it would of turned out i would of taken you as a student Dom im not about to throw any keyblade weilder out into the worlds with everyone against us not unless i know they can handle them selves and the best way to see if someone can handle themselves its by using this castle" joe then snapped his figures and a card appeared infront of Dom "use that card and walk up to the door show the door the card then walk throw once throw you'll face your greatest trail your memories some good some bad understand"

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Quentin finished with the heartless. He sighed.

"well... not much for me here..." he said to himself. he sighed.

"Hard to believe.. it's been years..." he said to himself. he looked up at the clock tower.

"Oh... the old days..." he said reminising, back then when he was a kid, he use to sit upp high ont he clock tower and watch the sunset, just like the generations before him. he dessumoned the keyblade.

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Keyblade or normal weapon: Sharpshooter Keyblade

Home world:Radient Garden

Appearence:Mizu has long silver hair that reaches to her waist,even though she has it in a pony tail. She has long bangs that frame her face. She has pale like skin. Blood red eyes. She wears a sleevless leather zipped up jacket witch works for a shirt. Black jeans that reach just above her knees. A red belt. Black boots with red laces and desighns. A black lace choker with a red heart charm. Black fingerless gloves with red heart designs.

Bio:Mizu was created to become Vexitus' 'protector' or so. After the last time she saw him she got seperated from him and lost his memories of him. She has been wondering around Radient Garden and around the other worlds. Slowly regaining her memories of him.

was your character in the last rp:Yes.






Azura slowly returned back to the castle and walked around. She stared at the girl and then at Joe. She shook her head and then walked around the place and stood still for a while. "(THis is the last place I saw him...)"Azura thinks as she breaths holding in some small tears.

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'' You miss him don't you?''asked Ashton. A ghost of him was visable. Azura turned and she grew anger.'' Hey clam down. I can't do anything in this form. I need Alex's help to destroy the gates so I can be free. Still, I haven't forgave any of you. I shall turn ya's life into hell when I break free. When I do, you'll ask me to stop. Hehe. To bad you can't kill me again. I'll tell you where he is, if you free me.''said Ashton as he held out his hand and waited for Azura to give her answer.

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Azura stared at him and glared at him. "Like hell I'll free you. You won't trick me again."Azura says trying to slap his hand out of the way but her hand just passed through his hand. She glared at him. "I miss him....alot. But...I won't free you. I won't doom the worlds. If you think you can trick me like you did years ago. It won't work."Azura says. She glared at him. "I won't let you destroy the worlds. They may want us dead. But I won't let you. I'll die just to get you back to hell."Azura says.

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Edge could not help but stare at the sea as the sky began to clear and the storm lifted, the sun shining down on the clear water as he saw his memory smack him in the face. A beautiful girl was wearing all white and looking out to sea with a smile on her face as a young boy ran clumsy to her from the shallow parts of the water, Edge shaking the memory away as he made another corridor to go to Twilight Town, not expecting to be reunited again. He appeared at the old mansion's gate and noticed it has been locked again for some reason. "What is this?" he asked himself, suddenly surrounded from behind by five Invisible heartless. "Beasts...." He said, charging at them as he summoned his full bring. (Rowdy Ruble starts going) after a while Edge realized that he was still at twenty percent strength and was not even able to fight off these by himself, groaning as he refused to use the keyblade. "Damn...."

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A figure looked through the window of the mansion. It was Mizu. She stared as she saw a boy fighting off against some Heartless. "(He seems...like the one from my dreams?)"Mizu thinks. She then ran downstairs and summoned her keyblade. She got downstairs and opened the doors and ranned out. She stepped around the gates and then pointed her keyblade upwards. She then shotted a whole bunch of bullets into the air. The bullets came flying back down getting the Heartless on their tracks. Mizu used her keyblade and opened the gates so she could pass through. "You need help?"Mizu asks as she walks towards him and then stops as she sees his face.

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