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Ultimate Oblivion

xehanort story continue

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to all fans of my story, today iam making a continue of my story in a rp. i will be the narrator and xehanort. i need some1 be luna and yen sid. i need 1 person to be a twilight user(control light and darkness) and 2 ful light person. i am doing this because i ran out of ideas.

rules: no godmodding(except summon but only once), control other characters(except answering back hi or hello) and no swearing and no using characters that exist in the original game


if u want to read the begining of my story, click http://kh13.com/foru...xehanorts-life/

(update: accepting more people)

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name: sola (name refers to solar=sun)


Powers:using keyblade,power of light and is good learning magic.

Apperiance:Green sleeveless t-shirt,small grey coat,blue double belts (two belts) and brown pants and flame pictured shoes.

his hair is brown and pointy and his eyes are deep blue.

world: Pathless town,being destroyed by darkness.Now training under different wizards to learn all the magic there is.

Heart:Pure light (so he do not want to learn about darkness)

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Powers:more physical than magical controlling darkness and light able to use magic.

Apperance:black spike hair sliver shirt black unzipped jacket with heartless logo on the back, blackish sliver jeans and sliver and black shoes.

World:Traverse town

Heart:Tainted light able to use darkness and light

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Name:Taio ( sun in japanese)


Powers:Able to control light with the use of the sword of sun hes heart never falls in to darkness....

Apperance:Tall,brown hair,wears a white, torned lab coat,a black t-shirt with straps and white jeans torned at the knees

World:Secreria, the world of secret magic, light and mythical creautures....now is threatened from the darkness

Heart:Pure light,no space for darkness

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Name:Yen Sid


Powers:He can give life to brooms,chairs,mops etc. The source of his powers is a blue hat that was gifted from his grandfather but because his spiky hair he doesnt wear it. He uses the power of light and he knows a lot of magical abilities: he can summon mythical creatures and he can release light balls

Apperance: Silver spiked hair, he wears an unzipped blue robe,silver shirt and and black trousers.

World:Twilight town-mysterious tower

Heart: Pure light that can fight darkness

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Name:Towairaito (Twilight in Japanese)


Powers:can only have control the following keyblades Way to the dawn and Two became one(Oblivian and Oathkeeper formed togeather) His stealth and power is about as powerful as yin-sids magic.

Apperance: long silver hair,grey t-shirt with a checker hoodie (un-ziped) ,black baggy pants faded grey at the bottom, blue eyes, black white and grey necklesses.

World:lived between the light and the darkness,then at age 10 he desided to live in Transvers Town.

Heart: half light half dark


Back-story(optinal):he was born when a nobody had slayed a heartless and took the heart it had stolen,the nobody came from a smart being and took the heart and swallowed it because it knew it was what it needed to be whole, so the nobody it once was took a form of a small boy,after so many years living in between the light and dark he thought it was only fair to call him self Towairaito

he comes and go's in the story sometimes helpful sometimes trying to prove him self.

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