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King Demise

new kh title maybe

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Well, as I just said in a previous thread before this was made(response to someone else with this same info but from different site lol), it would make sense for BBS V2 to be on the Vita(Square tactics), but that's only if it's a game.

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Please not on the Vita! I just got my PSP!


As an unrelated side note, does anyone know a way to play games online without buying a new system, i.e. the Vita.


You mean games for the Vita to play on your computer?

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well,if it was fake,someone sawed lots of trouble for it xD

its fine by me,if we can have more kh games while waiting for kh3.

i mean after bbsv2 has appeared,we have possibly wait just two years for kh3 (if kh-team begins to work for it in next year)

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Look, if Square were to make a BBS Volume 2, it would be on the psp vita. I'm sorry for those of you who want to play it. But Square is going to realese Kingdom Hearts handheld games until the day Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out.


Yeah, my guess is that it would be on the vita, but who knows. They could also make more KH games on the 3DS, but idk. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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How can you even do Birth By Sleep 2? This just confuses me. Birth By Sleep is OVER! Nothing else to tell.


Haven't you seen the secret endings/episodes in Birth by Sleep?

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