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Peace Out, Peeps <3

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Well, as you've all read Kairi's blog and such, I think it's important that I get a say, and inform you what happened.


First, some of you are confused. kairi ASKED to be unmodded. The reason for this is that she doesn't like me as a person, she thinks I'm an asshole and such. Why does she think this? Well, she thinks I pick mods for the wrong reasons. But, this is wrong. I pick mods because I like them as people, and they're a valuable addition to our team. The reasons Kairi says are not true.


Also, for those of you saying that KH13 is "crashing and burning", and that "we should start a rebellion" or whatever: Why? Just because a mod doesn't like me (for wrong reasons), nothing has changed. Honestly, I am not doing anything wrong to kairi at all. I'm not trying to "get with" any of you, and KH13 is not dying. Read this if you want:



(9:02 PM) Kairi: and you tell me not to be irresponsible on the forums.....

(9:02 PM) Kairi: tell yoda to get on! i miss him! Dx

(9:02 PM) Daniel: Don't be so indirect, if you think I'm being irresponsible, just tell me.

(9:02 PM) Daniel: How am I irresponsible?

(9:03 PM) Daniel: You realise that, anything I say, and you're annoyed at me for, "Yoda" actually decided it with me?

(9:03 PM) Kairi: dont type paragraphs for me, im on my cell here, okay...

(9:04 PM) Daniel: How am I irresponsible?

(9:04 PM) Kairi: first of all, if you're going to make 3 mods global mods again, a 4th mod really isnt that necessary.

(9:04 PM) Daniel: Yes it is, Aaron and I decided that we should have one mod for each section.

(9:04 PM) Daniel: Plus, we wanted a mod from a non-USA timezone.

(9:05 PM) Kairi: so....two admins and a mod from aussie. sure, that makes perfect sense.

(9:06 PM) Kairi: give me another "convincing" reason.

(9:06 PM) Daniel: Please, stop using so much sarcasm. Just gets annoying.

(9:06 PM) Daniel: We have 3 mods from the USA timezone.

(9:06 PM) Daniel: Why not 3 from Australia?

(9:06 PM) Daniel: As the forum expands, we need more mods.

(9:06 PM) Daniel: We used to get like 200 posts a day, now that we're getting 600, we need more mods.

(9:07 PM) Daniel: Is that really your only reason for being angry at me, that I appointed a 4th mod?

(9:09 PM) Kairi: whats the point of telling us your not going to appoint a mod unless we all agreed on one?

(9:10 PM) Kairi: and then you lied to me about what cella and kaiso had to say about clue....

(9:10 PM) Daniel: Kaiso and Cellar both said she would be a good mod, I asked you, but you couldn't give me a reason why she wouldn't be a good one

(9:10 PM) Daniel: No I didn't.

(9:10 PM) Daniel: Tell me, how did I lie?

(9:10 PM) Daniel: Honestly, they told me that they'd like her as a mod.

(9:12 PM) Kairi: orly?

(9:12 PM) Daniel: Yes, that's what they told me.

(9:12 PM) Daniel: What did they tell you?

(9:13 PM) Kairi: then apparently cella and kaiso cant be honest with you striaghtforwardly

(9:13 PM) Daniel: Well they should know they can tell me anything.

(9:13 PM) Daniel: What do they think?

(9:14 PM) Kairi: ask them. theres a chance they might tell you.

(9:14 PM) Daniel: They're not online at the moment, so I can't.

(9:14 PM) Daniel: Can you tell me or not?

(9:15 PM) Kairi: i'll only tell you that we all agreed clue would fall under the "good-person-but-not-a-good-mod"

(9:16 PM) Kairi: besides, everyone is feeling a different air about the forums suddenly...

(9:16 PM) Kairi: i log on yesterday and i get like 15 offline messages from people asking me why clue is a mod...

(9:17 PM) Daniel: Do you actually have, any reasons at all, why she wouldn't be a good mod?

(9:17 PM) Kairi: most werent exactly positive..

(9:18 PM) Kairi: oh, we thought up plenty so we could add her in with the other "flawed" people....

(9:19 PM) Daniel: Okay, so

(9:19 PM) Kairi: for one, we agreed that if you were looking for timezones, why not get a mod from europe or something..

(9:19 PM) Daniel: I don'tknow anyone from Europe that I want as a mod.

(9:20 PM) Kairi: she really isnt that active, i mean, now that you already made her a mod, she might be...but anyone would do that...

(9:20 PM) Daniel: Just wanna point out

(9:20 PM) Daniel: That I gave her a small section

(9:20 PM) Daniel: Because of reasons like that

(9:20 PM) Daniel: She only really has to deal with introductions.

(9:20 PM) Kairi: seriously, not a lot of people actually like her.mainly because she rarely signs on...

(9:20 PM) Daniel: Because I'll still be looking at Website and News

(9:21 PM) Daniel: She signs on heaps

(9:21 PM) Daniel: Just not when you're awake

(9:21 PM) Kairi: i rarely see her in thee "members who were online today" except on weekends or something.

(9:22 PM) Daniel: She's had a lot of irl stuff recently, but that's over now.

(9:22 PM) Kairi: look, my battery's about to die, we'll have to finish this convo later. x.x

(9:22 PM) Daniel: Okay, one more question

(9:22 PM) Daniel: Why is luzzekatt so angry?

(9:22 PM) Daniel: Same reason?

(9:23 PM) Kairi: she's angry because cella and i told her we were getting a new mod, and you were basically insisting on clue.

(9:23 PM) Daniel: Do you realise a lot of people don't like you as a mod? Lol.

(9:24 PM) Daniel: And, so what if I insist on Clue? It's the admin's decisions

(9:25 PM) Kairi: a lot of people dont, i can easily point them out, but you cant hold that against me anymore.

(9:25 PM) Kairi: seriously DC, i'm getting so sick of you and your attitude.

(9:25 PM) Daniel: What attitude?

(9:25 PM) Daniel: Can you seriously tell me

(9:25 PM) Daniel: So what, I picked a new mod

(9:25 PM) Daniel: I do not see the huge problem.

(9:26 PM) Daniel: When can you get on a computer?

(9:30 PM) Kairi is now Offline

Session Start: Friday, 16 October 2009

Daniel (dchiuch@gmail.com)

Wilson (kairiwilson1@hotmail.com)

(10:16 PM) Daniel: Hey.

(10:16 PM) Wilson: hey

(10:16 PM) Daniel: Lol, should we continue?

(10:16 PM) Daniel: (9:25 PM) Kairi: seriously DC, i'm getting so sick of you and your attitude.

(10:16 PM) Daniel: That's a very strong thing to say

(10:16 PM) Daniel: Honestly, what have I done

(10:16 PM) Daniel: Apart from appoint a 4th mod

(10:17 PM) Daniel: What makes me so terrible?

(10:17 PM) Wilson: i told you already, your attitude

(10:18 PM) Wilson: it seems the bigger kh13 gets, the bigger your head gets. >.>

(10:18 PM) Daniel: Give me some examples, of my attitude.

(10:18 PM) Wilson: well...for one you act like a power-hungry asshole...

(10:18 PM) Daniel: No, I don't.

(10:19 PM) Daniel: That's a very strong thing to say

(10:19 PM) Daniel: Show me HOW I act this way

(10:19 PM) Wilson: yes, you do

(10:19 PM) Daniel: Where have I done that?

(10:19 PM) Wilson: you ALWAYS have to be in charge

(10:19 PM) Wilson: it's ALWAYS your decision

(10:19 PM) Daniel: It's mine and Aaron's website, of course we're gonna make the major decisions?

(10:19 PM) Daniel: But I give you guys a say as well.

(10:19 PM) Wilson: gee, what a say...

(10:20 PM) Daniel: If you had an actual problem with Clue being a mod, then you should have told me

(10:20 PM) Daniel: But you didn't, apart from "a feeling"

(10:20 PM) Daniel: You had no actual reason

(10:20 PM) Wilson: i could find plenty of reasons, and all of them you would simply put aside as me being a bitch about it

(10:21 PM) Daniel: Well you didn't say

(10:21 PM) Daniel: I gave you the opportunity to say

(10:21 PM) Daniel: But what am I meant to do when you say "oh, I have no reason. I just have a feeling"

(10:22 PM) Daniel: "power hungry asshole" is not what you should call me just because I make decisions about my own website?

(10:24 PM) Daniel: And another thing, Aaron and I make these decisions together. Don't get angry at me specifically just because I'm the only one who bothers to talk to you

(10:25 PM) Wilson: i get mad at you because Aaron's never really around.

(10:25 PM) Daniel: So apart from me choosing my own mods

(10:25 PM) Daniel: Which I'm perfectly allowed to do, seeing as it's my website.

(10:26 PM) Daniel: Do you have an actual reason for how I'm a power-hungy asshole?

(10:26 PM) Wilson: you're also a stubborn asshole

(10:26 PM) Wilson: meaning everything i say, you would refuse to listen to

(10:26 PM) Daniel: What is one thing i have refused to listen to?

(10:27 PM) Daniel: Stop being so insulting.

(10:27 PM) Daniel: You know, when others call you a bitch and tell me to unmod you, I stick up for you.

(10:28 PM) Wilson: you've said that before

(10:28 PM) Wilson: then your going to say that you're considering unmodding me

(10:28 PM) Daniel: No, I'm not.

(10:28 PM) Wilson: then we'll get into an arguement

(10:28 PM) Daniel: I just want you to stop insulting me like that

(10:28 PM) Daniel: Learn some ****ing respect.

(10:28 PM) Wilson: and then you'll ask me how i feel about being a mod...

(10:28 PM) Wilson: you do the same ****ing thing over and over again.

(10:28 PM) Wilson: and making clue a mod isn't going to make her like you any more.

(10:29 PM) Daniel: That was not my intention.

(10:29 PM) Wilson: hell, she even told me she doesn't like you much at all now

(10:29 PM) Daniel: It's funny, because she quoted that to me and said "lol, I'm lying"

(10:29 PM) Wilson: and absolutly NO ONE thinks she should be a mod

(10:29 PM) Wilson: well, except for you and your stubbornness, of course.

(10:30 PM) Daniel: If you're gonna say that, then I have to bring up again than hardly anyones wants you as a mod.

(10:30 PM) Daniel: *that

(10:30 PM) Daniel: Stop being insulting, really.

(10:31 PM) Daniel: If you're gonna call me an asshole, and stubborn, and power-hungry, then have actual reasons for it.

(10:32 PM) Daniel: Me making decisions about my own website is not being power hungry

(10:33 PM) Wilson: go tell it to someone who cares.

(10:33 PM) Daniel: See, now you're being stubborn. I'm willing to discuss this, and listen to what you have to say

(10:33 PM) Wilson: bullshit

(10:33 PM) Daniel: But you never confront me about things, you just go and insult me on the forum

(10:33 PM) Daniel: And to other people.

(10:34 PM) Daniel: If you weren't stubborn, then we'd discuss this now.

(10:34 PM) Wilson: there's nothing to discuss.

(10:34 PM) Wilson: unmod me.

(10:34 PM) Daniel: Why?

(10:34 PM) Wilson: do it

(10:35 PM) Daniel: What, do you want me to?

(10:35 PM) Daniel: Or do you think I want to?

(10:35 PM) Wilson: why are you hesitating?

(10:35 PM) Wilson: it's MY choice if i want to be a mod or not.

(10:35 PM) Wilson: not yours.

(10:35 PM) Daniel: I know it is.

(10:35 PM) Daniel: You don't want to be one?

(10:35 PM) Wilson: i'm done with kh13. unmod me.

(10:36 PM) Daniel: Well fine, it's your decisions.

(10:36 PM) Daniel: *decision.

(10:36 PM) Daniel: Can we discuss it though?

(10:36 PM) Daniel: What changed?

(10:36 PM) Daniel: A couple of days ago, you were fine.

(10:36 PM) Wilson: stop procrastinating and unmod me.

(10:36 PM) Daniel: I want to discuss it first.

(10:37 PM) Wilson: unmod me

(10:38 PM) Daniel: Tell me why, first.

(10:39 PM) Wilson: you don't need to know

(10:39 PM) Wilson: unmod me

(10:39 PM) Daniel: Stop making demands, lol.

(10:39 PM) Daniel: If you want me to unmod you, then don't be so difficult.

(10:39 PM) Daniel: Discuss this with me.

(10:40 PM) Daniel: http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2304&pid=48591#pid48591

(10:40 PM) Daniel: Okay, now explain this

(10:40 PM) Daniel: What, you're annoyed about having your own section?

(10:41 PM) Wilson: UN

(10:41 PM) Wilson: MOD

(10:41 PM) Wilson: ME

(10:42 PM) Aaron has been added to the conversation.

(10:42 PM) Daniel: Okay, look.

(10:42 PM) Daniel: maybe you'll talk to Aaron, as he's not an asshole.

(10:42 PM) Daniel: But, if you want me to help you, and unmod you.

(10:42 PM) Daniel: Then have a normal discussion.

(10:42 PM) Daniel: And tell me, why don't you wanna be a mod.

(10:43 PM) Wilson: unmod me

(10:43 PM) Daniel: Why?

(10:43 PM) Wilson: unmod me

(10:44 PM) Aaron has left the conversation.

(10:47 PM) Daniel has changed his/her status to Idle

(10:47 PM) Daniel has changed his/her status to Online

(10:48 PM) Daniel: Let me make it ****ing clear, I didn't make Clue a mod so that she'd like me.

(10:48 PM) Daniel: Stop telling people that I did.

(10:49 PM) Wilson: i'm not the one going around saying it

(10:49 PM) Wilson: *not the only one

(10:49 PM) Daniel: Well, I'm telling you now.

(10:49 PM) Daniel: That is not why I did it.

(10:50 PM) Wilson: okay

(10:50 PM) Wilson: enlighten me

(10:50 PM) Wilson: give me your bs reasons

(10:50 PM) Daniel: She'd make a good mod.

(10:50 PM) Daniel: I know her well.

(10:51 PM) Wilson: bullshit

(10:51 PM) Wilson: bullshit

(10:51 PM) Daniel: Honestly.

(10:51 PM) Daniel: Those are both true.

(10:51 PM) Wilson: unmod me

(10:52 PM) Daniel: Get Aaron to, if you're not willing to have a proper discussion with me.

(10:52 PM) Wilson: it's not working when he tries it

(10:52 PM) Wilson: nevermind, it worked

(10:53 PM) Aaron has been added to the conversation.

(10:53 PM) Daniel: Okay, this conflict is stupid.

(10:53 PM) Daniel: Let's just talk here and work this out.

(10:53 PM) Wilson: no

(10:54 PM) Aaron: i unmodded you

(10:54 PM) Aaron: we did what you wanted

(10:54 PM) Aaron: can we try to work it out

(10:54 PM) Daniel: You say I'm being stubborn, but you're the one refusing to discuss things?

(10:55 PM) Wilson: no

(10:55 PM) Daniel: Come on, we unmodded you.

(10:55 PM) Daniel: Why won't you talk?

(10:56 PM) Wilson: no

(10:56 PM) Wilson: now I'm simply a member, nothing more

(10:56 PM) Daniel: Yeah, I realise that.

(10:57 PM) Daniel: But as a normal member, when you call me an asshole and bullshit, without explaining why, I'm gonna take offense.

(10:58 PM) Wilson: well, you dealt with it before when i was a member

(10:58 PM) Wilson: I'm sure you can deal with it for five more minutes


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Well that is sad. I am sorry to hear that Wilson. I am not going to hate on DChiuch for doing this or Wilson for leaving. I think this just been a off-day for us just like Roxas was having in one of the missions he has.


However, this is riduclous people, a rebellion? Come on, this has actually gone too far. There is no need for a rebellion. One person is leaving and some of you guys make it look like it is the end of KH13. Also, there would be no need to start bashing on DChiuch (even if we haven't...yet). Otherwise, we would be as bad as KHInsider where they bash each so many times, usually from KH theories.


I don't be mean to be offensive in any sort of way, but this does need common sense. Just because a mod is leaving because she doesn't want to be a mod or even doesn't like a certain person, rather in this case DChiuch, doesn't mean we should start rebellions or start blaming it on people.


I do feel very sorry that Wilson is leaving us. And I know today has been bad since DChiuch got suspended and Clueless being a mod (which may be bad for you, but not for me). And today is being worse as she is leaving. But we need to keep KH13 under control.


Honestly, if this stuff is going to get out of hand, then (please don't start bashing me for this) I might as well ask to be Mod. I don't mind if I am or not, but we need to be relaxed.


So I am done telling you my story (I wouldn't call it a story but I can't find the right word for it), and we will miss you kairiwilson1. Especially as a mod as you kept things under control. Now that you are leaving...well it's going nuts -_- However, peace out to you ;)

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Not everyone was serious about the rebellion, since im assuming you didnt get the mass IMs im assuming you didnt see the IMSRSMAN people. xD that was frightening.


But yeah.


It's going nuts because theres only one side of the story out

tho dc posted the convo

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I know that not everyone was serious about the rebellion, but I was just saying to the people who decided that idea and yeah, I didn't get the IMs. I feel left out :(


And thank you. It really is going nuts. And that's why I thank DC for posting some stuff or otherwise I will bang my head if I see the words "REBELLION!!!" or any crazy shit like that, anywhere on the KH13 forum.

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I'm super sorry to see that you're leaving, even if I never really got to talk to you much.

And people, don't make this place like KHV when CtR was de-admin'd because she wanted to not be an admin[/align].

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Dam, I missed a lot of things while I was gone O_o. Anyways, take care then Kairi even though I didn't get to know you that much.

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@ DC: thanks for putting that up, i was feeling left out like i was the only one who didn't know. i don't see why clueless wouldn't make a good mod (personally i would have chosen someone more active like kushi, but still)


shame i didn't get to add kairi on msn before she left

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its my time to rant now 8D


You know kairi I don't think you should be so upset that DC put me as a mod, if that's even the reason that your pissed off. If I wasn't so active then how come I'm one of those people with post count up to 1000? Do you see me spamming up every thread in random? General section, the kh section and the introduction one? Some people with high post counts only got them because they talk about useless shit in every thread they post in. Do you see me doing that? I actually have the liberty to make an ACTUAL post with some meaning to it, rather than breaking into an RP with some other person.

To those who are mad at DC just because he modded me, did you actuallys see HIS side to the story? Do you even KNOW why Kairi is mad? And why are you guys mad anyway, you guys aren't even concerned in this situation. Luzze just because Kairi's leaving, your gonna leave too? Why must you follow every one of her moves, stop being a sheep.

Just because I haven't been active for a week or two, it's because I have a life OUTSIDE the computer and I cannot get on at times, I can't even talk to some members here because I have commitments on the weekends. I just started school again [ for this term ] and theres already alot of shit that I have to do.

Sure some people don't like me, So what? I don't have to be liked by everyone to be a mod, do you think prime ministers or presidents get ellected their role because EVERYONE in the whole freaking country votes them? No, theres those who agree and disagree, way of life people, get over it, not everyone's going to be on your side. If thats so hard for you then get off the internet.

And why did everyone PM kairi for me being a mod? You know, you could ACTUALLY come to me. I don't bite [ in real life i do 8D ] Dc is not an asshole. Of course he's the one to run this site, but that doesn't make him power hungry, be thankful that you even KNOW this site because him and Aaron created it. He does his job, runs the whole place, he doesn't abuse his power. If he did, it'd be in much more of a CHAOS place. Like what happened to Adventchildren.net, for any of you who knew that place. If you guys have such a problem with this change, your just being so ridiculous. Seriously.


I know all of this is making me sound like a real bitch, but truth be told :/ if you guys still have questions then pm the mods, rather than making a public announcement

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you have a good point there! I TOTALLY agree with you! :D just because DC put you as a mod doesn't mean every1 has to hate you! Just means ur a mod and other people have to GET OVER IT! I havent been on cos family problems and i went over Larxene12's house(wich i havent been since Augutst) cos she pulled me there and my mom was pushing(seriously) and yeah.

that is why I havent been on. You have your reasons and other have theirs. Doesn't make you horrible person does it? NO!

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