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Peace Out, Peeps <3

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Well I dunno about that; she said she doesn't want to say why so even if she did tell me and said it was okay for me to tell (which I doubt in the first place), it's not my place to say why and I'd respect that.

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I don't think anyone really "knows". Some people just have ideas and some have the oppurtunity to IM her, but I don't think anyone's for sure yet.


Also, Luzze, if you left this place could fall apart with person after person leaving, and that'd be a shame...

Kairi said she'd still check in a few times, so try not to worry too much.

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this place has already fallen apart. look around you! can't you see!?


Well, after reading her journal, I gathered that.


I'm sorry, I haven't been here in a while, and when I am I don't usually do much.

I just... have other things to deal with. -sigh-


KH13 rebellion, anyone with me? xD

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yeah ... I guess you know what this is all about then?

don't tell anyone ... they should ask her if they wanna know.


.. damn .. I'm not used to be this serious.

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Don't worry, I won't say anything. It's why I kept vague. But yeah, I think I've got some of it. :/


Ugh, everything's so messed up... it's turning the way of KHI and KH-Vids, and I think we all know how those ended up. -sigh-

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o well

hope you do stop in one in a walle and say hi

and stuff and bla bla [shot for not having a good fairwell note]

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Well, I'm lost...what did DC do? As far as I'm concerned, he's a decent guy. Given me some really good advice before...what happened?

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I love how you all want to contact me via KH13 PM system, but if you do, I won't reply. "^~^

IM and email are the two main ways you'll be able to contact me.

Aside from youtube and deviantart...



Reading back through the topic, I've picked up a little bit...

Luzze, don't leave the forums simply because I'm not going to be active anymore. Besides, you keep these forums alive. <3

Kushi, I love you soooooooooooo much!!! (and I still wish you'd get MSN Messenger, lol) I'm gonna miss youuu (and if anyone replaces me as a mod, I hope it's you! You deserve it! 8D )

Koolkingdom.....seriously, if you have nothing of any importance to say, don't say anything at all. Seriously, most of your posts are just you saying the same thing over and over again. Ugh. x.x

Fansunu, I'm sorry we never really had a chance to talk....hmm....you do has IM, right?? I can't remember if I added you or not........-ponders-

F[r]iend, lol, ILU. XDD But we're still up for the foursome. >83

JesusFreak, -hands tissue- No need to sniffle over wittle ol' meh. <3 -huggles-


Hmm......did I forget anyone...?



I love you all, but please stop pondering the topic. None of you are involved in it, so let's keep it that way for the better, okay..?


-group huggle-

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