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KHBbS BBS Secret Video Question

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This is very random, but during work I was asking myself this.

I think it's in the Secret Episode (or final episode),

Braig, Dilan, Aeleus, and Ansem the Wise find the passed out Xehanort at Radiant Garden. When Braig picks him up, he asks Dilan to carry Aqua's armor and Keyblade...

Aren't the keyblade wielders the only ones who can hold the keyblade? Wouldn't it disappear from Dilan's hand? Is it only the Kingdom Key that does it? (Example when Leon or Jack Sparrow tried to wield the keyblade) Or am I just over thinking this? haha

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The user has to consciously recall the Keyblade if I remember right (Sora uses it to pull a joke on Jack Sparrow at one point and snatches it from Roxas during their fight). Aqua never bothered to recall her original keyblade because she had Eraqus's in the RoD.

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The user has to consciously recall the Keyblade if I remember right (Sora uses it to pull a joke on Jack Sparrow at one point and snatches it from Roxas during their fight). Aqua never bothered to recall her original keyblade because she had Eraqus's in the RoD.


That's probably true

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Or she may have been unable to, being in the Realm of Darkness and her Keyblade being in the Realm of Light.


Yet Terra and Ven's keyblades were able to go from the realm of light to the realm of darkness. If their keyblades can do that, I'm sure Aqua's keyblade can too. Though, she did give her keyblade to Terra-Xehanort(who lost his memories, so the keyblade didn't go back to him when he awoke).

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Aqua seems to have disconnected from her old keyblade and inherited her masters. To my knowledge, a keyblade won't be recalled under duress, say, if the keyblade wielder is unconscious, or under attack. For example, Sora had to focus to recall his keyblade when he fought Roxas in KH2, and Leon was able to separate Sora's keyblade from him when he was unconscious.

It could also be related to Aqua willingly giving up her keyblade. Or it could be more simple than that, she doesn't know where Xehanort and her keyblade is, so she doesn't want to risk recalling it, because for all she knows, he's floating somewhere in space with it.

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Yes, she seems to have been cut her connection with her old Keyblade, and forged a new one with Eraqus'. Maybe she ordered it to stay with her friend, because he'd be safe with it. She IS very worried about Terra, and she would never call it back again; if she knew Terra could be in danger.

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