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What is wrong with Disney?

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So I read in a fourm a couple days ago that Disney is the one who is making the Kingdom Hearts series slow, they don't know want they want to do for Kingdom Hearts 3 so they aren't doing anything at all, and not giving Square the O.K. to move the series forward.

First, Disney went up to Square and asked them if they would make the game in the first place. That's how Kingdom Hearts got started.

Second, Not only is it a win for Final Fantasy to get publicized, but Disney too! After I played the first Kingdom Hearts, I went out and rented all of the Disney movies that were in the first game, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

I don't understand why Disney is being so complicated, but they really need to let Square be Square, the only thing they need provide is the worlds. What do you guys think?

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It's just because they're Disney. They what they do. Bunch of copyright freaks...


EDIT: I just realized that Disney will now send their assassins after me. I shouldn't go to work tomorrow...

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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Didn't Normura had to finish a project before they moved on to KH3?? Now they're saying it's Disney's fault. I'm so confused :unsure:

It's just because they're Disney. They what they do. Bunch of copyright freaks...


EDIT: I just realized that Disney will now send their assassins after me. I shouldn't go to work tomorrow...


hope u survive from those assassins :)

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Disney as done some good like giving Booom studies right to make great comics off of darkwing duck and ducktales.I also though this wasn't disney fault either but i guess we should blame disney of all problems in kh

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Disney is full of idiots, they dont make any movies we have seen lately. Walt Disney made them all, including Toy Story three. u people r gonna say how would u know, and ill tell u, my grandpa was one of the original Imagineers, and he showed me a design for that bear that smells like strawberries. So the point of this whole thing is to Say disney is uncreative, and if it Delays KH3 anylonger -loads shotgun-

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Disney is full of idiots, they dont make any movies we have seen lately. Walt Disney made them all, including Toy Story three. u people r gonna say how would u know, and ill tell u, my grandpa was one of the original Imagineers, and he showed me a design for that bear that smells like strawberries. So the point of this whole thing is to Say disney is uncreative, and if it Delays KH3 anylonger -loads shotgun-


ooh action! yeah, i really don't want KH3 to be delayed any longer ether

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So I read in a fourm a couple days ago that Disney is the one who is making the Kingdom Hearts series slow, they don't know want they want to do for Kingdom Hearts 3 so they aren't doing anything at all, and not giving Square the O.K. to move the series forward.

First, Disney went up to Square and asked them if they would make the game in the first place. That's how Kingdom Hearts got started.

Second, Not only is it a win for Final Fantasy to get publicized, but Disney too! After I played the first Kingdom Hearts, I went out and rented all of the Disney movies that were in the first game, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

I don't understand why Disney is being so complicated, but they really need to let Square be Square, the only thing they need provide is the worlds. What do you guys think?


1- Disney is worried that KH3D will be too complicated, they don't understand it, so they are worried nobody else will, and it won't sell.

2- They have nothing to do with the KH3 delays

3- You have to realize something, Disney doesn't make any money when you rent their movies. The movie store buys some copies of the movies, which makes Disney some money, but after that, it all goes to the movie rental company.

4- You should also know that KH is making profits that can be barely count as pocket change. It's not drawing in many fans, and its not making them much money. I mean, look at how many fans (Particularly fan girls I've noticed) think the series would be better WITHOUT Disney. If it weren't for the fact that it's basically a little extra money for them, with no real work on their part (The games are made by Square Enix alone, Disney Interactive, as far as I know, does nothing) beyond publishing.

5- On the topic of letting Square be Square, Enix really needs to let Square be Square as well

6- Last I heard, Disney didn't ask Square, they were more or less mutual in interest.

7- How exactly is Disney providing the worlds? There hasn't been a world based on a modern Disney show to date in KH

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You need to get your origin facts straight. It was Nomura(creator of KH) that went to Disney with his idea of Kingdom Hearts. Disney didn't like Nomura's idea at first(especially with a human-lion based Sora with a chainsaw that was suppose to have a Disney feel to it). After changing some things, then Disney liked it, and agreed to partner with Square.


Disney isn't holding anything back, as it is already explained what is.




How do you expect Square to get the worlds then? Square asks Disney for what worlds they want, then Disney agrees to it after reviewing the story of what happens in that world, and much more.

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Alas, as feeling like the only one over 20 posting is awkward enough, I must point out the fact you rented the movies after you played the game is both irrelevant and sad. I wouldn't have touched the game if I hadn't grown up on those movies. The only movie I hadn't seen was Nightmare Before Christmas, which was a huge fluke in of itself. You must have a really deprived childhood if you've never seen Aladdin, Hercules, Alice in Wonderland, Tarzan, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, and Peter Pan. Not only did I watch them religiously before I was old enough to understand them, I watched them just fine all the way until I was 14 and that was the time I felt I outgrew Disney. It wasn't until two and a half years later that I was exposed to Kingdom Hearts and my first impression was that it was a children's game that I was too old to be playing. But I'm so glad I picked it up anyway, because nothing relieves stress like beating up villains I was terrified of at age 5. I am truly sorry you missed out on that experience and feel you must have lived under a rock.


But on the same train of thought, yes, I went out and purchased some classic Disney movies in their new dvd format thanks to continued interest which must have inevitably stemmed from the Kingdom Hearts series. I'd not seen Beauty and the Beast since I was really little and so watching it at 18 after not seeing it in over half my life was like watching it for the first time and because none of my friends were there to see, I cried.


/end fond memories rant


Disney is more involved with the series than ever. If you look at the layout of Neverland in Birth by Sleep and turning on early morning children's television, you will see this very odd tv series that uses virtually the same layout of the island. The map for that adapted version of the area for the new tv show and the map that was used in Birth by Sleep ended up the same. And I'm pretty sure Birth by Sleep predated this show. Somewhere between Disney and Square there are collaborations going on that see the light of day in places other than the games. As disappointing as it was, Japan's version of Stitch (minus the Lilo) is another example.


In the end, though, Disney has diddly to do with the game. They are part of the approval process - not the design process, and certainly not the producing process. Nomura is the true genius behind the entire project, where plot is actually relevant. I'm sure they all sit down and discuss what worlds will be used and pass out some general ideas of how the game's characters can interact with the Disney icons, but you have to realize this isn't what's most important about the game.


In the end it doesn't matter what script goes down on each world, so long as the actual plot of the game is moving forward. Nomura designs the underlying plot in one go, and I'm sure its been in his head for years just waiting to show itself. Nothing so important is even capable of being ironed out and there is no giant negotiating process. The actual development of the game models and coding takes longer than the necessary Disney-related script discussion for minor non-plot related events. Disney is there to make sure they stay true to the feel of the movies, not restrict the creative process in such a way that would truly delay the game.


The bulk of the delays comes not from negotiation but from the actual amount of time it takes to sit the model makers and coders down. Once the ideas are all on the table, the longest stretch is just the technical aspect.


In the end, I have to say: You must be new.


In waiting for 'KH3' Square has produced the original 'coded' cellphone game, KH mobile, KH2 Final Mix, re:Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, re:Coded, Birth by Sleep and Birth by Sleep Final Mix. There is no delay. They're just doing other things first. They don't want the series to end so fast, so they're drawing it out - and that's that.


From the time Birth by Sleep was first announced it took four years to come out and that's acknowledging that were making three other Kingdom Hearts games at the same time, and I'm disregarding the fact they were working on FFXIII and Dissidia. It will not take us that long to get the next installment or the one after that because they won't be busy doing a handful of other projects at the same time.


Disney isn't delays. The work it takes to make a game in of itself is a delay. They aren't magical. We will be getting KH3 in less time it took us to get Birth by Sleep and that's a fact. Nomura already put his foot down a few years back and expressed his desire to focus on Kingdom Hearts and not work on anymore Final Fantasy related projects until his baby was done first. But just because Nomura feels this way it doesn't mean his staff is behind him. These same people are hired out to work on games all across the board and if he can't get them to focus on Kingdom Hearts instead of those other projects - that's where the delay is and has always been.

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Alas, as feeling like the only one over 20 posting is awkward enough, I must point out the fact you rented the movies after you played the game is both irrelevant and sad. I wouldn't have touched the game if I hadn't grown up on those movies. The only movie I hadn't seen was Nightmare Before Christmas, which was a huge fluke in of itself. You must have a really deprived childhood if you've never seen Aladdin, Hercules, Alice in Wonderland, Tarzan, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, and Peter Pan. Not only did I watch them religiously before I was old enough to understand them, I watched them just fine all the way until I was 14 and that was the time I felt I outgrew Disney. It wasn't until two and a half years later that I was exposed to Kingdom Hearts and my first impression was that it was a children's game that I was too old to be playing. But I'm so glad I picked it up anyway, because nothing relieves stress like beating up villains I was terrified of at age 5. I am truly sorry you missed out on that experience and feel you must have lived under a rock.


But on the same train of thought, yes, I went out and purchased some classic Disney movies in their new dvd format thanks to continued interest which must have inevitably stemmed from the Kingdom Hearts series. I'd not seen Beauty and the Beast since I was really little and so watching it at 18 after not seeing it in over half my life was like watching it for the first time and because none of my friends were there to see, I cried.


/end fond memories rant


Disney is more involved with the series than ever. If you look at the layout of Neverland in Birth by Sleep and turning on early morning children's television, you will see this very odd tv series that uses virtually the same layout of the island. The map for that adapted version of the area for the new tv show and the map that was used in Birth by Sleep ended up the same. And I'm pretty sure Birth by Sleep predated this show. Somewhere between Disney and Square there are collaborations going on that see the light of day in places other than the games. As disappointing as it was, Japan's version of Stitch (minus the Lilo) is another example.


In the end, though, Disney has diddly to do with the game. They are part of the approval process - not the design process, and certainly not the producing process. Nomura is the true genius behind the entire project, where plot is actually relevant. I'm sure they all sit down and discuss what worlds will be used and pass out some general ideas of how the game's characters can interact with the Disney icons, but you have to realize this isn't what's most important about the game.


In the end it doesn't matter what script goes down on each world, so long as the actual plot of the game is moving forward. Nomura designs the underlying plot in one go, and I'm sure its been in his head for years just waiting to show itself. Nothing so important is even capable of being ironed out and there is no giant negotiating process. The actual development of the game models and coding takes longer than the necessary Disney-related script discussion for minor non-plot related events. Disney is there to make sure they stay true to the feel of the movies, not restrict the creative process in such a way that would truly delay the game.


The bulk of the delays comes not from negotiation but from the actual amount of time it takes to sit the model makers and coders down. Once the ideas are all on the table, the longest stretch is just the technical aspect.


In the end, I have to say: You must be new.


In waiting for 'KH3' Square has produced the original 'coded' cellphone game, KH mobile, KH2 Final Mix, re:Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, re:Coded, Birth by Sleep and Birth by Sleep Final Mix. There is no delay. They're just doing other things first. They don't want the series to end so fast, so they're drawing it out - and that's that.


From the time Birth by Sleep was first announced it took four years to come out and that's acknowledging that were making three other Kingdom Hearts games at the same time, and I'm disregarding the fact they were working on FFXIII and Dissidia. It will not take us that long to get the next installment or the one after that because they won't be busy doing a handful of other projects at the same time.


Disney isn't delays. The work it takes to make a game in of itself is a delay. They aren't magical. We will be getting KH3 in less time it took us to get Birth by Sleep and that's a fact. Nomura already put his foot down a few years back and expressed his desire to focus on Kingdom Hearts and not work on anymore Final Fantasy related projects until his baby was done first. But just because Nomura feels this way it doesn't mean his staff is behind him. These same people are hired out to work on games all across the board and if he can't get them to focus on Kingdom Hearts instead of those other projects - that's where the delay is and has always been.



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(Uses Drive menu to activate Rant Form)


For the 1000th time KH3 is being delayed because the KH team is busy with vsXIII It has nothing, I repeat nothing to do with the production if so called "side games" copywrite issues Utada Hikaru's hiatus or Disney.



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