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Terra, Aqua and Ven's aging process

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I developed a theory at the end of BBS. It had to do with, not exactly immortality but the aging process of the three characters mentioned above after the events of or during the ending of Birth by Sleep. I think it's possible that Aqua, Terra and Ventus stopped growing.


Terra: When Master Xehanort entered his body, he start aging less rapid at first. Eventually, when Xehanort gave himself up to the darkness to become Ansem, SOD and Xemnas, the aging process stopped altogether because there was no body afterwards. So when Sora defeated both Ansem and Xemnas, Xehanort came back as the exact same age he was before he succumbed to the darkness.


Ventus: I think when his heart left his body, he was obviously still aging. By the time Aqua deposited Ven's comatose body in the Chamber of Waking, he stopped aging altogether. I know it's just a game, but Ven, so far, has lived years without having to eat, drink or go to the bathroom because the chamber has been keeping him alive for twelve years.


Aqua: I don't think her aging process halted completely but rather slowed down quite a bit. How do I think it started? When Aqua was thrust into the Realm of Darkness. While not succumbing to it or completely altering her appearance, I think the Darkness just maintained the age she was during the BBS or maybe only a year or so. Because I'm assuming she and Terra were eighteen during the events of Birth by Sleep. I know you might say that maybe Nomura or the other creators might've too lazy to change her appearance like they did for Sora, Kairi, Riku and Naminé. But it's just a theory!


So basically what I'm saying is by the next game when the three appear in KH3D or KHIII, I think they'll look the same age. I mean, from the footage from Blank Points, KH3D and KH BBS FM, they look the same age. Do you think my theory is plausible?

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Take out a few things you said, and my response is.... That's what Sherlock told me.


Terra-Xehanort is coming back from when he lost his body.

Ven stopped aging when he lost his heart.

Aqua is aging slowly since time in the realm of darkness flows differently than in the realm of light.

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i think it would be cool if the Kh people made the three age a little bit. Like terra to start looking sorta like master eraqus (like with a beard or something xD), aqua with longer hear (nothings cooler than a hero who keeps butt in fights and has long hair), and ven to look a little more like an adult (so that way hes not just like roxas incarnate) lol

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Not bad theories. Actually they're pretty believable. I don't really have much say on the ageing process in games and TV shows. People aren't shown to physically age that much concerning stuff like that.

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I know I don't post here a lot(I'm pretty busy) but I'd like to say that these are good theories. You also got to take into consideration the battle Sora had with Terra in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix,depending when Sora fought him(canonically) Sora could have released Terra's heart before the fight with Xemnas,this would also explain why Terra knew Sora's name when he met Ven again at the restored Land of Departure.

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Terra and Xehanort will look the same before they succumbed to darkness.

Ventus will looks the same, although he'll need two hours in the bathroom when he wakes up. (Too bad Castle Oblivion doesn't have bathrooms)

Aqua will look almost the same when she entered the realm of darkness (although some changes on her appearance wouldn't hurt, and how did she eat and drink?)

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