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Demyx whups Sora in 6 seconds

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*facepalms* Not mine... just found it... but, It's something that's really impressive. I looked through 5 pages here to see if anyone's put this up... but in case I missed anything, well... xD It's so good, it should be seen again. xD I also want to point out that Sora's got full life before he dies. xD Man... I am good. *smiles*

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Lol, that was funny. Demyx was probably like:



Sora: Hey, uh Demyx -tabs shoulder-

Demyx: LEAVE ME THE F**K ALONE -smakes Sora- Never interrupt my solo time

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<3 Yeah... I am not sure, but I think that you have to miss one of those prompts he gives you... >.> I always tried hard to beat those things, and I can't remember much anyway... I mean, I have issues with fighting demyx... it's a bit of a pain, actually.

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