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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D to be featured in upcoming Dengeki PlayStation

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man i cant wait untill the full interview is out and for the tokyo game show in september so close lol i wouldnt mind an early 2012 realese as long as its like in the first three months lol

Most likely it will be considering the date's being released right away after the new year.

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Yeah because remaking the shittiest game in the series is an awesome idea -.o


And lets not forget that "358/2 days won't be remade because it's already in 3D," by Nomura. Oh, and "no more remakes," by Nomura again. lol

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Yeah because remaking the shittiest game in the series is an awesome idea -.o


well lot's of people I know didn't like it due to the graphics so a remake with better graphics and some extra missions on those days that just went by would redeem the organizations game a bit. Maybe they can even add pinochio's world like they were planning to in the original days.

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well lot's of people I know didn't like it due to the graphics so a remake with better graphics and some extra missions on those days that just went by would redeem the organizations game a bit. Maybe they can even add pinochio's world like they were planning to in the original days.


The graphics were shitty, but that's not what made it a shitty game. The story did.

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... Re:coded, that is all...


I'm not roasting Re:Coded now because it was already a remake (a shitty one, but a remake), and Square Enix would have to be out of their minds to remake it again.

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.....and some extra missions on those days that just went by would redeem the organizations game a bit.




Noooooooooo thank you, the repetitive missions sucked as it was, there's no need to add oil to the fire. e_o

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If no new missions in the remake (if they do remake it) then they should at least add some scenes of what the King was up to before he saw Riku again...though now I'm discouraged of there being a days remake...

I'm guessing if they do the remake KH I they would still use same voices as the original only with updated sound quality...either that or kingdom hearts I remake sora would sound very grown up compared to the original sora...

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The graphics were shitty, but that's not what made it a shitty game. The story did.


And the gameplay, and the overall direction they took the game.

Also, the Panel system wasn't very good.

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Meh, I liked the panel system and the story. But meh, I will respect your opinions.


I wouldn't mind a 358/2 Days remake, but I don't really see any reason at all to make one, and it has been said there won't be one.


I think if they are going to do an HD remaster, it will probably be KHI&II, maybe Birth by Sleep (It was at the top of that poll thing, and combining it with I&II would make the whole package sweeter), and possibly Re:CoM (but that would be a bit redundant). Definitely in one disc/disc set. PS3 would most likely be the system, though I wouldn't count out a multi-console release either (would definitely buy if on the X-Box, but not sure if that would work out if BbS is part of it). Oh, and I think it would be quite stupid if they didn't use the Final Mixes for this.

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So... the action will be awesome as heck, a new trailer will be at TGS and it will be playable, the game will be release next year, and an HD remake of one of the games might be made for the 10th anniversary.


I don't know about you, but my day was made , thanks to those few words.



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Yeah because remaking the shittiest game in the series is an awesome idea -.o


Actually i think that days story is one of the best in the series, it runs emotions deep, goes way into detail about the organization and the friendship between Roxas and Axel.(because most people would have been confused going from KH 1 to KH 2), and the end was tragic. Even with the DS's limitations it's my favorite game in the series. but i'm definitely not saying putting it on the DS was a good call i would have liked it 100x more if they would have released it on the psp (especially the ps3). If you want to play a game that lacks story like "dragonmaster" has mentioned re:coded is that game.

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If no new missions in the remake (if they do remake it) then they should at least add some scenes of what the King was up to before he saw Riku again...though now I'm discouraged of there being a days remake...


I think someone mentioned before that there wouldn't be a remake of Days.

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yup I know but Nomura is known for contradicting himself...

I wonder how much it would cost if they do remake I and II (possibly with bbs) in one disc...

I would for sure buy a ps3 to play the Hd bundle of remakes.

They might need to remake CoM once more as it would seem like a plot hole for the new players they plan on attracting with these remakes.

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I think if they are going to do an HD remaster, it will probably be KHI&II, maybe Birth by Sleep (It was at the top of that poll thing, and combining it with I&II would make the whole package sweeter), and possibly Re:CoM (but that would be a bit redundant). Definitely in one disc/disc set. PS3 would most likely be the system, though I wouldn't count out a multi-console release either (would definitely buy if on the X-Box, but not sure if that would work out if BbS is part of it). Oh, and I think it would be quite stupid if they didn't use the Final Mixes for this.


This!!! This right here is how i feel minus the Xbox part (lol) but still makeing KH1&2 in a HD buddle on a single disk with the Final Mix addatives for the PS3 would be the perfect thing to do. And they may add Re:CoM that would be good to (guess it would be called Re:Re:CoM lol) as for adding BbS yes that would be great to again if it includes everything that was in the Final Mix. And have to add the theater mode to enjoy the cutsceens i remember some of the cutsceens that i like but cant see them unless i play the game all over again (or search on YouTube or on here lol) but yes if Nomura is thinking of an HD remaster thing he should deffinetly do it to KH1&2 with the features in their Final Mixes.


and why are people complaning about the story for Re:coded i enjoied it, it showed us how Mickey learned about Ventus status i believe and it also said what the letter was that Sora got at the end of KH2 lol but to each their own

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true recoded was the worst game story wise and also graphic wise

Days had a great storyline at least in my opinion.

I'm guessing this is all the news in this article?


Re:coded was the worst game graphics-wise? Um, Chain of Memories, and the original Coded would like to have a word with you.




Yes, I do kr!

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