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Dark Memories

Organization XIII Vs. Incarceron (RP)

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Xemnas leads the portal to Sesshomarex's room.

Rest, get as much as you need, I will protect you no matter what.

Oh.. Lord Xemnas, thanks, but you dont need to protect me.

I know it sounds weird, Xemnas said, but I need you alive,

Without you, we lose alot of powerhouse here.

Alright gotcha, do what you have to do then.

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I wonder how I would feel if I had a heart

Knowing the Xemnas wants to protect me?

Hmm, well maybe he needs me alive to protect him, he knows

im strong soo yeah.

Hmm, doesnt matter right now, I need to recover.

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Moonlight fell unconscience.

-River Flows in You By: Yiruma plays-

"Mato, wake up todays your first day of school, go wake up your brother!" Her mother yelled knocking on the door. "Okay mom!" Little 7 year old Moonlight(Mato) said. She then went to her brothers room and opened the door. "Yo! Sleepy head wake up! We have school today abd Xanders gonna be waiting for us!" Mato said shaking him awake.

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Silver sighed with relief. Moon was fine. He picked her up, and carried her to the local inn.

Once they were inside a room SIlver bought for the night, he layed Moon on a spare bed. Climbing into his own bed, he fell asleep, without being forced to by a spell, or from fainting.

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'i Can feel my suroundings, but where am i? I cant wake up...is this a dream? Or is it real? I hear everything outside. But why cant i talk or move?' Moonlight thought in her head.'

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Silver layed in his bed. His own mind drifting to some far off memory.



Its was just another afternoon. One Silver would never forget. There was one girl...her name, he could not place. She seemed diffrent. He remembered her from his past. She shoved past him, into his home. There was some talking, then screams. Silver walks into the room, seeing the girl, having just killed his parents. She turns to Silver, and says: "Join Us"

The memory ends there.

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Moonlight wandered and wandered through the worlds. She was lost in complete darkness. She then woke up startled. "Mommy!" Mato yelled. Her mother came rushing through. Little Mato was being surrounded by darkness. Her mother gasped at the sight. "Mato! Whats happening?!" Her mother yelled. "Mommy...." was all you heard from Mato before she was completly engulfed in darkness. "Mato!" Her mother yelled. "The names Moonlight, and your dead..." moonlight said laughing as a keyblade appeared in her hands.

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Silver woke up, wondering where he was. Then everything from the past few days came back to him. "Ugh...hey Moon...you awake yet?"

He said. He looked over, noticing Moon's bod shivering, as if experiencing a bad dream. Silver walks over to her, and shakes her lightly.

"Moon! Its just a dream....wake up!!"

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On the outside Moonlight shivered. She could feel tears falling.

On the inside Moonlight kept thinking of her flashback.

"Mato! Whats wrong with you?!" Her mother screamed. "Shut up!" Moonlight yelled. "But Mato! Please!" Her mother cried. "I said Shut up!" Moonlight yelled. She then shot her parents and set the house on fire. She dropped to her knees and cried.

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Kiru appeared at Destiny Islands. Something just seemed to draw him there. He wasn't very surprised to see Xaldin there. Kiru grinned, and summoned his Keyblade.

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Kiru pulled a memory deep from his mind.


He walked into school, feeling nervous. He was walking to class when he spotted a boy. He had heard about him. Silver.


He pulled out of the memory, and attacked Xaldin.

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"Its...Kuroi. Thats your last name...right?"

A large heatwave alerted Silver to a new presence. He turned.

"Axel." He growled.

"Heh. Well..well...well. Look who we have here. The traitor and his new friend! Xemnas ordered you both dead."

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I wish I had some healing ability, this is going to take foreever for me to heal

I mean seriously, im so badly injured I could have just stay on the ground to die

man. But I guess its fortunate that im alive, I get to protect Xemnas... Yay, Sesshomarex said scarcasticly.

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Kiru felt something make him raise his arm to block. It wasn't him. He got up and stabbed Xaldin. Xaldin stumbled into a dark corridor. 'Coward,' Kiru thought.

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