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the first atempt on xehanorts life *rp*

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Yen Sid looked at the girl and the boy.

"You are Eriqus's kids?" Yen sid asked.

"This is my pupil Moonlight, moonlight introduce yourself." Yen sid said as he looked at her. Moonlight looked up from her book.

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we are his pupils kara clearified shuddering at the though. we have come to see why this town is covered in darkness thunder said to yen sid can she use a keyblade thunder said pointing to moonlight

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Moonlight eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" Yen Sid said.

"She has some things you have to watch out for." Yen sid said looking at the two.

"Hey! Im sitting right here!" Moonlight said.

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Hoshi was sitting ontop of the train tower eating sea salt ice cream. I'm so tired, she thought, taking down all those heatless was alot of work. When she finishe eat the ice cream it had the word 'winner' on the stick. "i should hold on to this" she said and put in her pocket. Hoshi stared out into the sunset.

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yes i really think its a good idea she might get her keyblade while she is with us thunder said looking at moonlight. for all we know she could be very useful to the mission to save the worlds kara she tightening her hand *god its confuseing useing two characters*

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"Alright." Yen Sid said. He looked at Moonlight.

"Moonlight rise, Eriquss pupils you must know something about this child. Are you prepared to listen?" Yen Sid said looking at her then the others.

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Yen Sid nodded.

"Moonlight was created by pure darkness so she may tend to side with dark. You cant let her do this you must distract her. Moonlight doesnt know much about common sense or much about what people feel or do." Yen Sid said

"Shes not like most people so make sure soneone is by her side most of the time so she wont get into any trouble. She hasbt learned much so she may not knoe things you do." Yen sid said.

"Dear Moonlight, assisst them on their journey." He said as she nodded.

"'Kay" she said.

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trust me we will keep an eye on her he said and if she does get away from me he snapped his fingers and a data thunder apeared next to him he will keep her in check here he said passing her a keyblade you can use this until you earn yours

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Yen Sid nodded.

"Moonlight are you ready?" Yen Sid asked her.

"Yeahh." Moonlight said nodding.

"Assisst them on your journey with your lances and manipulations." Yen sid said. Moonlight nodded.

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Moonlight scratched her head.

"Kick some ass?? Chew bubble gum? Whats that?" Moonlight asked looking at him scared.

"Another thing." Yen sid said.

"The day i took her away from darkness she lostball memory of her past or what she knew so she may not know somethings you do." Yen Sid said.

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