vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 ok were starting now you can still join the rp if you sign up. Thunder woke to the sound of ringing bells. oh great he thought another drill he said running to wake up kara we have to go master yen sid and master eriqus need us probobly another drill he thought to her Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Kara yawned and got up. 'Not another one,' she thought out loud, knowing Thunder could hear her. She grabbed one of Thunder's hoodies and put it on. "I wonder what it is this time," she rolled her eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 he looked at his watch about 2:20 am he said irratated they could at at least heat this place up he said shakeing lets go he said takeing her hand and walking down the hall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 "Oi, they never do these things at a reasonable hour," she complained wiping the last bit of sleep from her eyes. "I wonder what it is a drill for this time?" She wondered continuing down the hallway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 i dont know he said as they arrived in the meeting room master what do you wish of us he asked him bowing. the worlds are in trouble the master replied thuder nearly jumped in surprise his hand tighted in karas what could be putting the worlds in danger he thought to her Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 'I don't know but whatever it is it needs to be stopped,' she thought back. "Do you know who is causing the danger?" Kara asked looking at the two masters in front of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 xehanort master eriqus said placeing his hand over his scared eye he has open the door to darkness hopeing to obtain kingdom hearts you both will leave tomorrow to stop him *better them then us master erquis thought did you hear that thunder though to kara are you freaking kidding me. yes master he said bowing he walked away with kara Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 "Wow," Kara said finding that to be the only word to describe their latest mission assignment. She looked over at Thunder who seemed to be excited. "Typical. Aren't you the least bit scared?" she asked looking at him knowing he was fearless by nature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 of course not he laughed showing his muscles were unstopable you and i im mad at the master though that was uncalled for that last thought he said telling her it but before we go i want to make something clear he said looking at her sternly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Kara took a step back. "What do you mean?" she asked looking at his face. 'He has never gave me that look before. Did I do or say something wrong?' She thought to herself looking at Thunder. "Are you okay?" she asked him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 he looked around checking to make sure the masters wernt around he gave her the look again and forcefully kissed her Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Kara looked shocked at first, the kiss catching her by surprise. "W-what was that for?" she asked blushing after he pulled away. She looked at him thankful it was dark enough to hide her red face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 to make sure when were on our journy no one sweeps you off your feet he said smileing and kissing her again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 She blushed again. "You'll always be with me. I don't think you'll give anyone the chance." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Sora 464 Posted August 2, 2011 Kira walked through the forest and jumped through the shadows. Kira felt something in the forest that he felt uncertain about the forest like something was in it. Kira had his cross bows in hands as he jumped from shadow to shadow. He jumped high in the air and then landed on his feet outside the forest. He put his cross bows on his back and started to run forward to get closer to the uncertain waves that stretched out farther then the forest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 2, 2011 Moonlight was wandering the town as a perfectly normal day. She was walking down then spotted nobodies and heartless. "Them again." Moonlight said summoning her lances. She then slashed them and they disappeared. "Im going to keep twilight town safe,no matter what." Moonlight said as her lances disappeared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 once xander was done packing he lay down in his bed wondering what to do and where to start looking... he bretrayed them he though out loud finaly he decided to ask kara what they should do and when they should he ran down to her room hey what should we do and where should we start looking he asked looking into her confused eyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Serah was packing when Thunder walked in. "Hey?" she asked confused. "WHere do we go first?" he asked her. "Um... how about we go to Twilight Town?" she suggested thinking of places where Xehanort would most likely be hiding. "Master Yen Sid has a place around there too so if we need anything or forgot anything we can always just stop by there." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 good idea he said as they reached the outside of the castle grounds stand back he told her hitting the pad on his sholder summoning his armor *the same armor as ven* and tossing his key into the air and summon his glider *the bahamut glider from ff 13* rady to go he said jumping on his glider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 2, 2011 Moonlight walked around and made sure no more heartless and nobodies were around. She then headed to master yen sids castle. She ran all the way there and once she got there she bowed to him. "Rise child no need to bow." Moonlight nodded. "Yes master. Oh, and i have checked around town and made sure there are no more heartless nor nobodies hurting the civilians." Moonlight said. "Good job child. How are the lances working for you?" Yen Sid asked her. "Okay i guess. But they will never replace my keyblade." She said sighing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Serah activated her armor and hopped on the back of Thunder's glider and held tightly to him. "I hate flying," she said laying her head on his shoulder. "Let's get this over with," she said as they began to fly away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 after 3 hours they finaly made it to twilight town wow thunder thought you can really smell the darkness here well i think we should go check on master yen sid thunder said leading kara to the tower Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHlover12 22 Posted August 2, 2011 Kara followed him holding her keyblade at her side. "Let's go," she said running toward the tower with him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 2, 2011 "Your keyblade was taken for a reason child." Yen sid said. "Yes master i know. But the lances are fine." She said smiling. "Come maybe you will earn a keyblade soon enough." He said handing her a book. "Read it." He said. She nooded and sat on the floor and read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 2, 2011 master yen sid he said takeing alook around the room and takeing karas hand and bowing who is she thunder said looking at the girl with lances Share this post Link to post Share on other sites