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I have two questions for all of you


What is your FAVOURITE boss battle?

AND http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png

What is the boss battle that you had the HARDEST time with?



My favorite is Parasite cage in KH1, mainly because i beat it quicker than DChiuch did, im so happy with myself


I had a really hard time with Leon (as i HAD to beat him, for recording purposes) Also becuase it was the first time i had played KH, it took me about 20 times:(


What about you guys?

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My favorite battle would probably be... both Riku fights in Hollow Bastion. Or the Ansem fight at the end of KH1. Or maybe Kurt Zisa. I had trouble with all of these when I first played the game years ago, so it's kinda fun to re-live those battles.

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I liked fighting Vivi in the struggle matches! I liked all the struggle matches! You smack them and colorful balls come out! What more fun than that?!


Hardest? Dem-Dem. and then after you fight him you hate him for a few months and then think he was absolutely adorable! 8D

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my Fav would be Cloud in KH1 at Olympus. When I first saw i thought he would be hard b/c I saw my friends get beat up by him so I was like ZOMG! *runs away* but his strategy was easy to read.


Hardest would have the be the boss that i had to get my brother to beat for me; Sephiroth in KH2. The thing with KH2 Sephy is that you get a VERY good Keyblade when you beat him and I wanted it! In kh1, you get nothing but EXP for fighting him (I never beat him in KH1)

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my favorite boss battle??? hmmm......

let me change that: my top 5 favorite boss battles!!! (1 is most favorite http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png)

1. Sephiroth KH2 (awesomeness!!! :heart: )

2. Xaldin

3. Xemnas (all Xemnas battles)

4. The Paradox Cup Battle where you have to fight Tifa, Yuffie, Leon, and Cloud all at once!!! :heart:

5. The Phantom Heartless KH (whatever that things called in Neverland)


What can I say? I love the "challenging" boss battles!! :heart::heart:

seriously, I loved the Sephiroth battle sooo much, I'd fight him, beat him, restart the game, repeat process...I did that for hours on end until I finally saved the game. :) *has random defeat-Sephiroth craving*


And the boss battle I had a hardest time with was Demyx the second time. Seriously, I'd finally defeat those darned clones in time, but then he'd kill me with his mad water skills!!!! And he's the WEAKEST of the Organization!??!?!!?!?! Because quite honestly, for me SAIX was the weakest!!! I defeated Saix in less than five minutes (seriously, my sister timed me, it was ridiculous.)!!!!

Now I'm really upset...why'd they make Saix so darn weak?!?! >:)

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my favorite boss battle??? hmmm......

let me change that: my top 5 favorite boss battles!!! (1 is most favorite http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png)

1. Sephiroth KH2 (awesomeness!!! :heart: )

2. Xaldin

3. Xemnas (all Xemnas battles)

4. The Paradox Cup Battle where you have to fight Tifa, Yuffie, Leon, and Cloud all at once!!! :heart:

5. The Phantom Heartless KH (whatever that things called in Neverland)


What can I say? I love the "challenging" boss battles!! :heart::heart:

seriously, I loved the Sephiroth battle sooo much, I'd fight him, beat him, restart the game, repeat process...I did that for hours on end until I finally saved the game. :) *has random defeat-Sephiroth craving*


Wow, U must have mad skillz! I hate all those bosses except Xemnas (I find him very easy)

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Were thinking about putting codes on our site.

Hope that might help you.


Lol, we are??


I suppose we could include a page of codes, though. What code inputting device do you all use?

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Lol, we are??


I suppose we could include a page of codes, though. What code inputting device do you all use?


code. inputting. device???

sheesh, no wonder i couldn't get any of the few english ones to work!!

*bangs head against wall*

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I have a lot of favourites. :] I really enjoy fighting Sephiroth, Terra, Marluxia [FM+ Marly, not Re: CoM], Roxas, Grim Reaper and Xemnas, aswell as others!

But as for hardest, I found Terra to be pretty hard at first, and when I was new to KH I found Demyx's second battle to be insanely hard...but that was because I didnt know how to equip abilities or different Keyblades.

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Because quite honestly, for me SAIX was the weakest!!! I defeated Saix in less than five minutes (seriously, my sister timed me, it was ridiculous.)!!!!

Now I'm really upset...why'd they make Saix so darn weak?!?! >http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png


he may have been weak. but i thought he was so much fun to fight, it was funny to watch him go BERSERK! my fave battle was the 4th and final battle with Xemnas. most trouble with? tied between Xaldin and Xigbar. they kept sapping my health like it was nothing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! but xigbar was more fun to fight.



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hmmm...guess my favourite is Sephiroth from KH2,Xemnas when fighting with Sora alone in the alleyway and the last Xemnas battle(cool outfit!) and the fight in what Cup i forgot where you fight Leon,Cloud,Yuffie and Tifa all at once!


The hardest in KHII would be Demyx in Hollow Bastion,repeated about 3-4 times....hate time limits!

In Re:CoM,its Axel...i can't remember how many times i lost to him!!! after numereous times of fighting him,i won at last after i change my deck to magic-based(water and thunder)..

In KH,its Phantom..gotta remember to have lotsa ether with you.

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my favorite ,eey? hmm ... I don't know O_O I got to go think about that *go think*


the hardest .... eey? (I like to say that xD) ... that got to be demyx or xaldin... oh no .... the HARDEST must be sephiroth ... I haven't defeated him yet ... xD

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Probably Luxord, Maleficent Dragon, Kurt Zisa, and Armor Xemnas


Luxord: Because SE gives something different than just a boss fight

Maleficent Dragon: A very awesome battle, which both hard and fun

Kurt Zisa: The battle went terrific!

Armor Xemnas: just the way Xemnas saying "OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" xD

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Fav boss fights- Both Riku fights in Hollow Bastion(KH1), Roxas VS Axel(with Dual Keyblades), Sephiroth(KH2) (so much easier that KH1).


Hardest Boss Fight-Sora VS Leon, Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie(I haven't beaten them yet, saving it for a rainy day) and Sephiroth(KH1)(never beat him).

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Favourite boss would have to be....

No idea really, I really like the boss battle in KH1 for Halloween Town cause it gave me the shits but was fun at the same time (:

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