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Oblivion 22

Soul Eater: The return of madness

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lets go

suki and shadow charge at sid suki jumps in the sky above sid shadow goes in close and attacks sid

grab him and i'll finish him off

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SOUL Menace

suki dives toward sid

sid you have a lot to learn

sid lifts a tombstone with his legs and tosses it toward suki suki manages to break threw the stone then sid tosses shadow toward him sending the two flying

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(Now that I am finally back online, I can begin Rping again :D )


Alex was now back at home after another day at school. "I guess we can start going on mission's tomorrow." Alex then walked to his bed room and got changed into a pair of cream three quarter length shorts and a white and orange top. Alex then walked back into the main room and oppened up the fridge. "I guess I'll cook." Alex then noticed that Alexia wasn't around. "She must be in her room." Alex then looked around some more and then closed the fridge. He then oppened up a cupboard and noticed something. "Ah ha, some Pasta should be nice." Alex then put the pasta in a saucepan and began to cook it. "That should be done soon." Alex then went over and knocked on Alexia's bedroom door. "Hey, I'm cooking Pasta, it'll be ready soon, ok?" Alex then waited for a reply on the other side of the door.

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~The day Shizu and Kara tried Soul Residence~
"For the last time, you do not move until Shizu is finished or you will lose some of your hair." Professor Stine said rubbing his temples. Kara had her hands over her chest and looked angry cause now she had some hair missing on the side of her head. "I said I'm sorry I can't really control how big my metal gets." Shizu apologized. Kara turned her head and closed her eyes. "Let's just try another time, maybe the 20th time is really the charm." Professor Stine said. "Okay come on Kara." Shizu transformed into his chakram and she caught it and got in her position. Both Shizu and Kara felt sparks in there souls and then screamed in sync again "LET'S GO SOUL RESIDENCE!" Both of them felt huge sparks of energy in there souls then there soul's combined. There energy level flew up to a very high level. Shizu's metal started to grow then expand and then Shizu started to grow steadily. Kara didn't move until she knew when it was time. Shizu felt so energized that the energizer bunny would envy. Kara jumped up very high in the sky and brought her hand back "HEAVY METAL THROWER!" she screamed and threw Shizu. Shizu hit the middle of the forest and a burst of energy exploded from him and made a small crater in the forest. "It worked," Kara muttered "It worked," Shizu muttered too and Professor Stine muttered "It worked," too.

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Alexia heard Alex. "Ok. I'll be out in a minute."Alexia says.She looked back down and finished making the small little drawing she was making. She closed the door and then stood up. She then brushed her hair a bit and fixed it. "There we go."Alexia says. She looked down slightly. "(I wish I knew about my past....)"Alexia thinks as she lowered the notebook and pencil and closed teh notebook. She stood up and then walked outside and saw Alex.

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Alex then had two bowls of pasta with bolognes sauce on top and put them on a table. "Here we go, I know I'm not exactly the best cook in the world, but I'm sure that it's edible." Alex said as he then burst out in laughter and Alexia joined him. "So, we gunna get a mission tomorrow? If you'r not up for it then that's fine, but we should at least work on our soul resonance. Don't you think?"

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Shizu and Kara finally got there Soul Residence, they went back to there home and got a good night sleep. They woke up at 8 o'clock (Kara had to shake Shizu really hard to get him to wake up.) and went to Lord Death's office. "Howdy ho children are you ready to go to Paris to destroy the kishin today?" He asked in his high voice that Shizu was getting used to. "Yes we are Lord Death, we are ready to go to Paris." Shizu said as Kara got a little white. "Okay, be ready for the kishin at midnight when he strikes." Lord Death said and then opened a portal to go to Paris. They walked through it and looked at the Efiel Tower and then the town and they smiled. "This is awesome!" Shizu shouted.

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Alexia looks at him and nods. "YEah,we should work on the Soul Resonance. And I'm up for a mission,the sooner the better,right?After all,we should get working on making you an awesome death scythe,the best death scythe of the entire world."Alexia says a little bit over confident. She then ate from the plate and licked her lips.She started to eat it all. She then straightened up and looked down a bit embarresed. "Sorry,it's juts,it's so good."Alexia says.

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Alex looked at her and then grinned. "No problem, I'm actually glad you think my cooking is so good. Next time you can cook." Alexia then seemed to freeze and Alex had a confused look on his face. "Hey, something wrong? Don't tell me you don't know how to cook?" Alex then burst out in laughter. "Oh well, I guess I can show you sooner or later." Alex then stood up after finishing his bowl. "Well, we should get some rest for tomorrow." Alex then began to walk over to the door to his room. "See ya in the morning... Partner." Alex said with a grin as he walked into his room and shut the door behind him. Alex then walked over to his bed and led down. "Time for some sleep." Alex then began to fall asleep. "I hope tomorrow will be cool."

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Alexia looked down slightly and then stood up and got his plate away. She walked over to her room and entered. She closed the door and layed down on the bed. "(I guess I still have alot to learn.)"Alexia thinks. She stretched and then turned to one side. She eventually slowly closed her eyes and started to fall asleep.


There were three shadowy figures. Two adults and one kid. Then another figure appeared and started to laugh,there was no noise,but it was noticable it was laughing. The two adult figures got ready. One transformed into...something,a weapon. The otehr figure picked it up and ranned to the enemy. The little kid figure screamed something...then black.

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Alex was in the middle of having a dream about something that he hadn't thought about in a while, he was wearing a pin-striped black suit with a red dress shirt, black tie, and matching black shoes. Alex was in a church that wasn't well lit, he was sat next to a piano when he heared a voice behind him. "C'mon Alex, play the tune." Alex turned to see it was his brother, Eric. His hair was a little longer than Alex's, but was also looked more formal and not as scruffy as Alex's. He was also wearing a suit and tie, Alex then looked back at the piano feeling hesitant to play. "Alex, there's no one here who will judge you." Alex then looked at his brother again. "Ok Eric, I'll play this one time." Alex said in a calm and relaxed voice, Alex then began to play on the piano almost vicioussly (Song:

). Alex then began to think to himself as the tempo of the song was increasing (This is how my Soul expresses itself.) Alex could then feel something was wrong as he got nearer the end of the song. (What is this feeling? This doubt?) Alex then finished the song breathing heavily. "That was hard work." Alex said quietly, he then turned to look at his brother who had his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. "Alex, I like how you play." Eric said simply, Alex was surprised and happy at the same time. This was a lot coming from his brother who had an extroadinary musical talent, Alex then smiled. "Thanks."


Alex then woke from the dream and still noticed it was still pretty early. "I'll lie in for a bit." Alex said as he led back down with his eyes open.

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The figures became more clear. It was a woman,wielding a scythe,and fighting against a witch. The little kid was extremely small,it looked like only a year old,and was being protected by a barrier. The woman fought and dodged attacks. She slashed and slashed. She dodged and then slashed again. The witch then did a huge attack that went towards her. Then-


Alexia woke up. She satted up and helded her head. "Wha..."Alexia says confused.

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Alex then managed to get himself out of bed and he walked out to the main room still in his shorts and t-shirt. He then got a bowl, put some cerial and milk in then and began to eat. "Today's not a bad day, all the cool days always start with cool mornings." Alex said as he was eating his breakfast. Alex then put his bowl in the sink and went to the bath room to take a shower, after about five minutes he came out and went straight into his room. Alex then dried off and got his regular clothes on, he then walked back out and began to put on his black converse. "She's still not up yet?" Alex then walked over to the door to Alexia's room and knocked on it. "Hey, I'm ready when you are Alexia."

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Alexia heard Alex. "huh?OH!Oh yeah,in a sec!"Alexia says as she jumped on her feet. She quickly brushed her hair and then got her boots on. She tied them up and she fixed her dress and fixed up the ruffles. She then opens the door and smiles at Alex. "Ok,lets go,"Alexia says as her tiara fell over her eyes. She fixed it back up and got it back in normal position. She smiled again and looked at him. "Let's go. I can't wait for the mission."Alexia says as she walked besides him and looked all pumped up.

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"Yeah for now," Kara said getting anxious about meeting the kishin and not i n a good way. "Hey Shizu, do you really think we can do this?" she asked looking up at the Eiffel Tower. "This place actually is very beautiful," she pointed out admiring the city's beauty. "Too bad we're here for the reason we are," she said getting depressed about the situation again. "Why did you volunteer for this one?!" she asked. "Next time we have mission assignments I'm going to duct tape your mouth shut!" she yelled remembering that day in class. She then balled her fist and punched Shizu hard in the stomach making him bend over holding it in pain. "Think before you speak next time!" she yelled then helped him up.

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Alex and Alexia left the apartment and were now on there way to school. "If we keep up at this pace then we'll get there a little early." Alexia nodded as she seemed excited and ready for anything, Alex grinned. "Well someone's up for a full day of hard work." Alexia chuckled and then nodded. Alex then noticed that the tall stairs were infront of them leading them to the school. "I never noticed how many steps there was until now." Alex then turned to Alexia. "When we get to the top we can practice our soul resonance and we can show off to everyone that you've got the greatest weapon in the world." Alex said with a sarcastic smile.

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Alexia stared at him and smiled. She chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll make you a Death Scythe faster than you think. I'll fight with all my ability and make you the best ever."Alexia says as she had made a promise to herself and she was going to accomplish it no matter what. She then looked down. "(That dream...it was so detailed...was it really just a dream at all...)"Alexia thinks. They then got to the top and Alexia turned to Alex. "Let's do the soul resonance."Alexia says.

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"Dear God Kara, what is up with you? I thought we could do this and I know we can. And what do you have on your knuckles? Metal?" Shizu said weakly. Shizu sat down and drank a little of his coffee and a bite of his pastry. "And with your strength and our new Soul Residence, we can beat this kishin with one throw. Don't be so down on yourself. Too bad this mission wasn't in Italy, we would be having pizza and pasta. God I love Italian food."Shizu said sipping his coffee again. "And plus, next time you get mad at me, hit the wall not my stomach I think you got my small intestine's really good." Shizu said rubbing his stomach.

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Alex grinned and began to glow blue. "You got it." Alex then jumped into the air and transformed into a scythe and landed in Alexia's hands. Alex then appeared in the reflection of the scythe. "Alright, I'm trusting you here, so let's do this properly." Alexia then nodded, she then twirled Alex around and made a crescent moon shape. Both their Souls then began to resonate and then they both spoke at the same time. "LET'S GO, SOUL RESONANCE." Alex's and Alexia's Souls began to resonate at a high frequency. "HAAAAAAAAAAA." The two then had a blue resonance aura around them. "Alright, the resonance is stable. We did it Alexia, this awesome."

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Shizu looked at his wrist watch that he set for Paris's time. "Its 6:35. We still got a lot of time left till the kishin come out. Wanna go somewhere?" Shizu asked Kara. Kara looked away angrily, even after his speech about they will destroy the kishin without effort. "Kara admit it your having fun that your hear in Paris. Come on," He got up and got her out of her chair and he looked into her eyes. "Smile we are in Paris. A great place filled with things to do. Let's do something." Shizu said smiling. Kara dropped his hands angrily and punched his chest. "Damn Kara, what happened to the wall thing?" Shizu asked weakly. She sat back down and looked away angrily. Shizu ran off and bought a beret. He walked up to Kara and smiled "Bonjour madam, will you have a nice Paris day while you are still here?" He said with a french accent. Kara got up and slapped him. He got his beret off the floor and dusted it off "Sassy madam, I like." He smiled and started to move his eyebrows. Kara looked disgusted and kicked him in the shin. "Ow Kara stop!!" Shizu yelled at her.

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Alexia looked down at Alex in his scythe form and she saw his reflection. Alexia noded. "Yeah...it was amazing...I'll make you the best...I promise."Alexia says smiling. She then saw Alex reflection change into someone else for one second. She shook her head. Was that real and just happened?Or was it just her?She looked around and then looked down she then looked at Alex in scythe form and she swung it around and then lowered it. "You're so light."Alexia says as she laughs a bit.

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