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Oblivion 22

Soul Eater: The return of madness

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Shadow scoffed and paused. She stopped the attack and sat on the floor.

"Guess im not as powerful then." She said not tryingt o hurt Aukis feelings by telling him he was stronger, she acfually didnt know. She then mads a barrier arouns herself with her lances flying around her making the wins pick up.

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Huh? shadow???she stopped her attack why?

(Did i hurt her feelings oh great now shes all moody i'm a horrible meister.)

Suki thought as he put his hand on his face and sighed.

Hey shadow are you ok did i offend you with something i said.

Suki asked as he walked up to the lances protecting shadow.

Hey shadow can you hear me.

Suki tried to reached threw the lances but his hand was cut.

Oww darn it those lances are way to sharp.

Suki said while grabing his injuried hand.

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Shadows eyes widened and the lances disappeared when Sukis hands cut.

"Suki! Are you alright. Dumby, never stick your hands in there when im charging myself up." She said as she looked at Sukis hand and brought him inside.

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How was i supose to know that you we're chargeing up i don't you quit you quitter and we're leaveing your book.

Suki said as he is being dragged into the house.

Hey so i won didn't i you did quit in the middle of our fight sooo i win oww.

Suki said while laughing then grabbed at his hand due to the pain.

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Don't worry and stop saying your sorry it was an accident stuff happens but if you wanna help me bandage my hand then by all means feel free to help partner.

Suki said while taking out the bandages and medical spray and waving it infront of shadow's face.

Hey i won so you owe me now.

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Shadow laughed and snatched the bandages from him.

"You act like such a kid sometimes." She said as she rustled his hair. She bandaged his hand carefully, after she bandaged him she hugged him tightly.

"Promise you'll never do that again" she said.

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Suki bushed slightly and returned the hug

Yea don't worry i won't do that again i've learned my lesson shadow.

Suki said while hugging shadow tightly.

You know you suck at bandageing you know that partner.

Suki joked

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Yea i am a pretty good partner and your not bad your self even though you have no fasion sense and your as exciting as watching paint dry i mean really stein has more fasion sense than you and whats with the...

Suki playful rambles on.

OMG are you blushing shadow and here i thought you we're a robot or something i mean i've never seen you blush before you look like a tomatoe.

Suki teased.

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Hey shadow you do know that the tv isn't on right.

Suki said while smiling

Hey since i won the spareing match i get my prize.

Suki said while jumping on top of shadow and smiles evily.

So you know what i want as my prize right partner.

Suki said in a evily tone.

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You really hate it when i'm on top of you like this don't you.

Suki said while laughing.

You know for a girl thats always moody you kinda sorta cute like this shocking i know.

Suki said while laughing

As for what i want is simple all i want is a kiss.

Suki mumbled as he slightly looks away and blushs.

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Shadow scoffed. She grabbed him and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

"There. Happy ? Now get off and just saying i am not moody, thank you very much." Shadow said as she waited for Suki to get off of her.

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You so are moody you have more mood swings than a mad cow.

Suki said while getting off shadow.

(That kiss totally sucked it lacked passion and a certain umhp.)Suki thought

Oh well....hey shadow your book is still outside want me to get it.

Suki said as he noticed the dark grey clouds looming over head an indication of rain.

Its goin to rain soon wonder if we could get a mission its been awhile since the last one.Suki muttered to himself

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"Leave it. I dont care." She said as she threw on her jacket and went outside. She sighed and sat next to a tree deep in the forest.

"I need to charge. Im really low on all this." She said as she slowly concentrated and got her lances surrounding her. The process was pretty slow, since she couldnt really think straight.

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Well i better get a move on don't wanna get caught out in the rain.

Suki said as he left the house and brought shadow's book back inside placeing it on the coffee table then leaveing out once more.

Ok first stop for me is the book store then the DWMA hmmm...maybe i should have broughten an umbrella.

Suki said as it began to drizzle.

Hope shadow will be ok by herself for awhile knowing her she probably wouldn't even miss me she'll probably be happy to be rid of me i can be a hand full at times.

Suki joked

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The lances froze as she took a deep breath. She wiped sweat from ger forhead and sighed.

"I hate! Being a lance! Theres so much to it. I domt charge, i may die, if i eat, i wont transform well. No wonder there are no lances! They have so much glitches!" She yelled as her lances sped back up in full spead.

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Suki ran threw the forest.

Hope it doesn't rain to hard i'd hate to get drenched then if i get sick shadow would bite my head off i can hear her now why didnt you grab a jacket you idoit you sure are a worthless meister.Suki thought as he made his way to the bookstore passing 0x and his partner on the way.

Ok i'm here so now what was i supose to get.....oh yea a book for shadow she'd love it and i bet at least one of these bookstores has a book on lances.

Suki said as he entered the store

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The lances were spinning incredibly fast that one scratched her face. One after the other scratched Shadows face. But she didnt mind at all. She sighed and the lances froze.

"I need to concentrate." shadow told herself as her lances disappeared and she leaned against the tree.

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Suki enters the bookstore and sees maka's partner Soul.

HEY Soul! what brings you here pal buying a book for maka.

Yea its her birthday in a couple of weeks so i'm picking up her gift.Soul said while holding a book

Cool i'm here trying to find a certain book for shadow about lances.

A book about lances huh? well you've chosen the right place they have tons of books here i'm sure you'll find the one your looking for.Soul said as he left the store waving farwell to Suki

Yea thanks ok now where to look?

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The rain started paddling down. Shadow felt the rain touch her bare skin. She got up and headed towards the house. She kivked the tv and it slowly flicked on. She layed down on the couch, huddled up and fell asleep.

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Where should i begin my search in the historic weapons or the legendary weapons category what are lances wait didn't shadow tell me something about lances she said they we're.......umm.....what did she say again maybe i should call her.

Suki said as he took out his cell phone and debated wheather or not he should call his partner.

Knowing shadow she probably turned her phone off....or she'll probably get all moody and hang up.

Suki sighed and dialed shadows phone number waiting for her to picking.

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Shadows phone then started to ring. She groaned and got up from the couch.

"Where is that stupid phone." she said as she followed the sound of the cell phone. She found her way into the kitchen and found the phone in the drawer.

"Who is it?" She asked as she looked at the caller id. It was Suki, she picked up.

"Hello? Suki?" She answered.

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