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Oblivion 22

Soul Eater: The return of madness

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"Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED!!!" Haseo said after getting lunch and relaxing. " I need a good fight to make me happy now" He continued, complaining as he walked through the streets. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small her crying, so he walked to her then got down so he could look her in the eyes. "What's wrong? Why is a strong looking girl crying?" He said trying to cheer her up. She looked up at him and gave a wicked grin. " Hehe Got'ya Haseo" The girl said changing into a older girl around her teens and in a witches outfit. Haseo jumped back, turning one hand into a rifle's barrel and shaft, and his other grew metal Chakram claws. "You have a pretty big bounty on your head Haseo, you poor father has been worried sick about his project." The witch said mocking Haseo.

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Shizu felt something in the air, something of a disturbance in energy waves. "Kara do you feel that?" Shizu asked her. She looked at Shizu as he was in scythe form. "What do mean, feel what?" Kara asked him. "Like someone attacking someone else with strong energy waves that is fighting another one with strong energy waves. I feel it clearly. We gotta check whats going on." Shizu looked at Kara through his scythe form. "Can we Professor Stein?" Shizu asked him and he looked at them. "I'm feeling it as clear as Shizu and I want you to check it out but you must use your scythe form since you've trained hard today you should get some real action for it. Go and report back to me." He said and Kara nodded and ran off. "Where are they exactly?" She asked. "Inside the city, probably near the center." Shizu told her and they ran toward the middle of the town toward the energy waves.

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Alex had finished his glass of milk and put it on the counter. "Alright, I should probably get some sleep now." Alex walked into his room and closed the door behind him. Alex then led down on his bed, getting under his covers. "I have a funny feeling about tomorrow, but I don't know what it is yet." Alex then shrugged off the idea and fell asleep.

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Now the dream has fast foward to a few months from the day Alexia chosed the Cello as her instrument. Alexia was now with all of the other kids from the class about to preform infront of the entire town. This would hopefully would get some people to come to the orphange and think of adopting. Soon it would be Alexia's preformence. The teacher stared at her. "Just do what we practiced."The teacher said. It was then her turn and they got on stage. The teacher got on the piano and started to play. Alexia started to play as well with her cello. They started to play this.

Alexia woke up in the morning. Not wanting to remember what happened after that concert...she hid the memory back and satted up and rubbed her head. She got dressed and brushed her hair. She then went to make breakfest.

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Alex was still in bed during the time that Alexia was awake as he began to talking out loud. "C'mon Alexia,.. just give me... one more... tastey... delisciouss... soul, it's not... that much... to ask for." He said while grumbling at the same time, Alex then began to wake up slowly. Alex yawns and shuts his eyes again and goes back to sleep for a little bit more.

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Alexia started to make an omelet with the recepy she read from the book. "Ok,I got the ingridients right...I think."Alexia says to herself as she made the omelets. She then thought for a moment. The memory of what happened after still haunted her mind.

After her preformance along with the preformance of the rest. Everyone clapped. The kids returned to the orphanege. Only to see many adults there speaking of the preformances,and how adorable the kids looked. Most of them thinking for adoption. Alexia smiled as she went to her room along with the other girls and boys of the place. "We're gonna get adopted!" "Yeah!" Alexia smiled. Everyone was so excited. Time passed. Kids went and dissapeared. Alexia just satted there waiting for her turn...she eventually fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up. She then satted up and looked around. She was the only one in the room. "Hello?"Alexia asks. She stood up and started to walk around the Orphanege. There were no kids? Alexia then saw the caretaker. She was drinking cofee. She looked at Alexia with a somewhat sad face. But she smiled. "Don't worry Alexia. I'm sure next time you'll get a chance. I'm sure of it."The caretaker says. Alexia stared and looked down as she felt tears slip.

Alexia came back to reality before the omelets got a chance to burn. She served them in plates and went up to Alex's door and knocked. "Alex,breakfest."Alexia says.

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Alex was half asleep when he heard Alexia, but then he began to wake up little by little. "I'll be there now." Alex then shook his head, trying to wake himself up. "Another day, another set of souls to eat." Alex said licking his lips a little, he then walked out of his room and sat at the table still wearing his shorts and t-shirt. "Hey, nice one with the omlet." Alex said with a smile as he began to dig in to his breakfast.

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Alexia smiles and ate her breakfast. "Don't worry Alex. Today we'll get a nice mission and a whole bunch of souls."Alexia says. She then continued to eat her breakfest and finished eating it. She setted the plate in teh sink and washed it. Alexia then went to brush her teeth and to fix her hair a bit more. She looked down and sighed. "(Forget about the past Alexia. The future is infront of you. You just need to reach it.)"Alexia thinks. She came back out and satted on a chair.

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Shadow laughed. "Of course I don't want another meister, no one knows how to use me so, yeah im fine being your partner. And that? That's just a scratch. And my job is to protect you.", Shadow explained. Shadow sighed as she patted her stomach. "We should go sign up now. I just have a little dent.", She said.

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yea lets go i guess.Suki said while looking down and walking out the door.

I wonder if another meister knew how to handle lances would she abandon me i know she would i'm a horrible meister i need to get stronger i need to be able to defeat any foe that cross my path.Suki thought while clinching his fist in anger and confusion and wondering around the forest.

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Alex ate the last of his omlet and put the plate inn the sink. "I'll... wash that later." Alex says being a little lazy, he then walks into his room and gets changed into his regular clothes. Alex then went into the bathroom to brush his teeth for about two minutes, he then comes out and looks over to Alexia. "Ok then, I'm ready when you are, partner." Alex said with a grin.

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Alexia smiles and nods. "Let's go~"Alexia says as they then started to walk away towards the school. After a few minutes they arrived there and stood infront of the mission board. "Ok,let's choose a very nice mission."Alexia says. She then looks around and sees one. "Ah,how about this one?"Alexia says as she takes it and reads it. "It's to kill of a Kishin that has been killing off people around the next city."Alexia says.

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Alex had a look at the mission. "Sure, if it's only the next town over, then we can ride there." Alexia looked a little confused, Alex had a grin on his face. "Just go and make sure that we get the mission and I'll meet you at the bottom of the steps." Alex then left in a little bit of a hurry. "I haven't been on it in a while, so this should be exciting." Alex was back at his apartment in no time. "Just need the keys." Alex went into his room and picked up a set of keys from his bedroom chest of drawer's. "Here we are." Alex then left the apartment, making sure to lock the door as he left, and headed towards a garage on the end of the road. "Time to get this show on the road."

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Alexia walked over to Lord Death's office. "Lord Death."Alexia says. Lord Death turned to her. "Oh Alexia,why hello there. Come in come in. What can I help you with today?"Lord Death asks. "I would like to say that me and my parthner Alex are taking this mission."Alexia says as she handed Lord Death the mission. Lord Death stared at the mission and noded. "Allright. I'll get this tagged so people know you're already on it. You two have gone on a fast rate. You're half way there of Alex becoming a Death Scythe in just one week of being parthnered up."Lord Death says. Alexia nods. "Yes sir. I'll get going."Alexia says as she then walked away. Lord Death waved goodbye. Alexia then walked down to the end of the steps of the school and waited for Alex. "I wonder what he's up to."Alexia says to herself.

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Alexia then began to hear the noise of a roaring engine that was slowly getting louder. Alex then came in on a bike and stopped just a little infront of Alexia, he then gave her a grin. "You coming?" Alex said as he held out his hand to Alexia. "With this, we'll be there in no time." Alex said with a chuckle following it. (By the way, Alex's bike looks like this, just without the number plate:http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/47/41/364597.jpg?834490833)

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Alexia stared and smiled. "Awesome ride Alex."Alexia says. She then got on and got her hands on Alex's shoulders so she wouldn't fall off. "Ok,let's go Alex."Alexia says. Alex then reved up the motorbike and her rode off in an incredible speed. Alexia smiled as she saw Alex ride off through the streets. Then to the outsides of Death City and towards the next city. Alexia looks around and thinks. "The next city should be just a few minutes away."Alexia says smiling.

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Alex smiled. "Yeah, we should be there within five and ten minutes. So, what do you think? Pretty nice bike, right?" Alex said as he carried on riding through the desert, the heat wasn't bothering him so much because there was an air flow from where the bike was going. (This is the life, just riding on a bike with my partner.) Alex thinks with a smile on his face.

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"Yeah,fast,has style,very very nice."Alexia says as she hanged on and looked around. After a good amount of minutes they finally reached the city. "Here we are. Luna City."Alexia says as they entered the city. Alex rode his bike around and teh people saw as tehy passed by. Alex then reved it up and then stopped just a a few inches from the stairs of a building in a nice parking space. "Allright,let's get going and looking."Alexia says as she got off.

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"Alright then, let's do this already." Alex then jumped off his bike and headed inside with Alexia. "I wonder where we are?" Alex says wondering what type of building it was. "This is either a place where an important person lives or this is a type of museum?" Alex wondered looking at a loud of empty halls. "Well if this is a museum, then it's the most boring one I've ever been to."

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Alexia looked around. "This looks more like a church to me. But it's so empty."Alexia says as she stopped for a second and looked around. She looked up to see a tower where the bells would be in. She the swore she saw a shadow or something like that. "Hm?That's strange."Alexia says. She then sees some stairs and walks towards them. She then looks at Alex. "I'm gonna check upstairs."Alexia says as she started to go up the stairs.

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N...No i'm fine lets just get this over with ok.Suki said as he put on his hood and took a couple of steps ahead of shadow

0h by the way shadow i kinda borrowed your jacket.

Suki zipped the jacket up and put his hands in his pocket

Hey shadow you lead the way ok

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She scoffed as she saw him wear her jacket. "Okay you wait here. Im gonna go see something ill be back in a flash." She said as she tutned into her lance dragon form. She flew off into the sky and found the place she was looking for. "Good, its still here." She said. She took a breather and headed back for Suki. Once she reached him she turned back human. It was late outside. "Hey Suki, i wanna show you something before we get a mission." She said smiling.

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Show me something?

ummmm yea sure just lead the way and i'll follow.Suki said while glanceing at the sky

I wonder what shes goin to show me.Suki thought

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Shadow smiled and turned back into her lance dragon mode. "Hop on!" She yelled. ("Hes gonna like it. Its gonna calm him down a bit, wonder if he'll like it since im the only one whos ever been there.") She thought as she sighed.

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