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Oblivion 22

Soul Eater: The return of madness

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Shadow nodded and started to focus he felt her wavelength starting to match his. She then started imagening the souls coming togethor.

'His wavelengths are strong they can probably be stronger.' Shadow thought then kept focusing.

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great we're doing it hold it hold it ok shadow

i'm goin to try something kay

Soul resonance

Witch hunter!!!

the aura around suki and shadow brust and erupted

darn it so that settles it we can't perform witch hunter but atleast we manage to resonate our souls so thats a start

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~A few hours later when Shizu was still in school.~
Shizu fell asleep during class, which was a surprise since Professor Stine is crazy. Kara elbowed Shizu's side and he woke up and hit his head against the desk in front of him. "Ow, that hurt." Shizu rubbed his head wound and looked at Kara. "Did class end?" He looked around the class seeing no one was there. "Oh, I guess is it. Well I guess we go home now. Where do you live exactly?" Shizu asked Kara and rubbed his wound still.

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"It ended a little while ago," she said standing up. "I tried waking you but you are a very heavy sleepy," she grabbed her bag. "I don't live too far from here. Just follow me," she said walking out of the academy making sure her partner was following her. They continued walking until they reached Kara's apartment building. "There is one problem. I live on the tenth floor of this place and there isn't an elevator," she said pulling the door open to the foyer of the building passing an office where a man was sitting at his desk. Kara waved to him and he waved back with one hand holding a phone. "That's the landlord, he's pretty cool just no loud noises cause my downstairs neighbor isn't too friendly." She opened the door that lead to a giant spiral staircase. She started climbing up the steps being use to the giant climb to get to her apartment.

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"Oh well I guess we can get a lot of exercise everyday." Shizu said and ran up the steps and grabbed Kara's hand and ran fast up the steps. They finally got to her room as he was huffing to catch his breath. "That is a lot of stairs!" he huffed at the floor. Kara opened the door and they walked in the room. It was cozy room with two beds and it was good enough for two people. "Oh this is still good, trust me I lived with 3 of my brothers and they wake up like little demons. This is a very nice room." He put down his stuff and sat down on a bed.

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"I'm glad you like it," she said throwing her bag down on her bed. "I'm going to make some food for us," she said walking into the kitchen. "Unless you want to train first?" she asked wondering if he woould prefer training now.

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Shizu laughed a little and looked at her as he layed down on his bed, "Doesn't matter to me, if you want to train first we can train or if you want to eat first thats fine with me." Shizu said putting stuff on his bed and looking at Kara.

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"I guess we'll train first," she said looking at him. "Besides I think if we ate now by the time we got done training and everything we'd be hungry again and I need to go food shopping soon," she added opening an empty cabinet. "Maybe when we're done training we can go," she said opening another cabinet finding it to empty too. She looked at Shizu, "I hope you're not too hungry at the moment," she laughed embarassed she didn't have food for her partner.

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"Oh thats okay, my brothers took food of my plate and made me miss meals saying "this is food only for good weapons". And it would probably be good to train so if we get to train tomorrow you know how to use me. I just have one question, do we have to walked down the stairs again?" he laughed.

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yea witch hunter is only for scythes but it was worth a try.suki looked at his partner.Hey shadow maybe we have to make our own resonance attack

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"Well unless you want to jump out the window?" she said sarcastically. "The stairs are the only humane way to get down there," she stated looking at him. "I'm sorry there are so many," she laughed. "Wait I have an idea," she said looking like a lightbulb just appeared over her. "What if you transform into you chakram form and I'll throw you out the window, you land and bam you are on the ground," she said thinking it was a good idea since he can't get hurt in weapon form. "Just make sure you don't hit anyone."

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ok we'll try our best suki grabed his partner.0k ready for shadow

Soul resonance!!!!

again a slivery white aura appeared around the weapon and meister

hold it hold it...just alittle more.....got it...

Soul Resonance completed

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Shizu laughed a little and liked the plan, "Yes that would be bad but I like the idea!" He transformed into his chakram and Kara grabbed it. She threw him out the window and he became lodged in a tree. "Ow," He said in chakram form. "It worked!!" He shouted but didn't want to turn into a human when he was lodged in a tree. So he waited for Kara.

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yea i think our resonance is stable ''but now what?''

hey shadow you got any ideas you want to try out from the book that you were reading.

suki closed his eyes if we can't do witch hunter than we can't do majin hunter so then what?

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Kara ran down the steps and out of the building. She saw Shizu stuck in the tree and pulled him out. "Well that worked out nicely," she said looking back at the window she threw him out of. "We should actually use that way it is probably easier for you. Especially if we are ever running late," she said as he transformed back into his human form. "I guess let'ss go into the forest so we don't hurt anyone."

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Shizu laughed a little and walked to the forest with Kara. "Okay, I think we should try out your accuracy first. Though after you lodge me in a tree I see you have a pretty good accuracy." Shizu laughed again and transformed back into a chakram. "Okay now try and do what you did to me just close range." He said as a chakram.

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your book isn't very helpful is it suki joked

ok then i have another idea your a lance are lances used for,they thrust threw their enemies so we need an attack that takes advantage of that so lets just try thrusting threw some trees.

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"Got it," she said holding onto him. She ran toward a tree and slashed int causing it to crack but not fall. "Wow, you're really strong without soul resonance," she said holding the chakram closer to her face so she could inspect it. "I really don't see why no one would want you. You're pretty amazing," she said hitting the tree again so it broke in half. "Yup, I'm keeping you."

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