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Azure Flame

What numbered Final Fantasy games do you own?

What main Final Fantasy games do you own?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. What main Final Fantasy games do you own?

    • Final Fantasy I
    • Final Fantasy II
    • Final Fantasy III
    • Final Fantasy IV
    • Final Fantasy V
    • Final Fantasy VI
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Final Fantasy VIII
    • Final Fantasy IX
    • Final Fantasy X
    • Final Fantasy X-2
    • Final Fantasy XI
    • Final Fantasy XII
    • Final Fantasy XIII
    • Final Fantasy XIV

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Final Fantasy II - PSP

Final Fantasy IV - PSP

Final Fantasy XII -PS2


And Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-

Dissidia Final Fantasy

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, but those are not numbered ones

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None at all. The only Final Fantasy game I own is FFVII - Crisis Core. The only other ones I've owned are the Dissidia games (I sucked at them, and traded them in shortly after x3). Ah well. For a person with a DS, PS2 and PSP, what do you guys recommend? ^^

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VIII, XII, XIII, VII:Crisis Core, Dissidia, Dissidia Deodecim............haven't finished any of them. .w.;;


It's okay. I can't seem to finish any games but the KH games. xD


Okay, I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (for Mac, which I got when I was 9) ten times or something, but that's not the same thing. :P


And Bugdom 2. But I place PC games in a totally different category from gaming console stuff. X)

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Just FF XIII and Dissidia. I'm not that big of a FF fan. My friend keeps telling me I need to get VII because it's the best one, but I have yet to get it. I have other games I need to beat first.

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It's okay. I can't seem to finish any games but the KH games. xD


Okay, I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (for Mac, which I got when I was 9) ten times or something, but that's not the same thing. :P


And Bugdom 2. But I place PC games in a totally different category from gaming console stuff. X)


Exactly! -minus the PC games...I have none...though I wanna get Amnesia and L.A NOIRE - I can't seen to finish any games besides the KH ones! The ones listed....LittleBigPlanet, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry4, Resident Evil 4 *disc got scratched*, Resident Evil 5.


Other than rhythm or fighting games, I haven't finished ANYTHING! I've been wondering for months why that is..... ;___;

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I own Crisis Core for PSP, and my sister took FF9 and FF8 with her to Colorado (She got MARRIED), and I haven't finished any of them.....but I know how each ends (including FF7) :3 and I cried at all the endings.

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I on NES

II(US) and III(US) on SNES

I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX on PS1

XII on PS2

I, II, IV, V, VI on GBA

III and IV on DS

IV:AY on WiiWare


I'm missing X and X-2, which I've been meaning to get for a long time. I also intend on picking up I, II, and IV Complete Collection on PSP at somepoint. I have no interest in the MMO ones XI and XIV, and I probably won't get XIII until I can finally afford a PS3.

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Okay, I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (for Mac, which I got when I was 9) ten times or something, but that's not the same thing. :P


That was an awesome game. .3. /totally not off-topic




The only numbered FF game I've ever owned is XIII.

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I on PSP just bought it cuz i got 50% off on PS store for buying dissidia duodecim

II on PSP got 50% off for buying the 3rd birthday

IV complete collection

VII from PS store

and XIII

have played VIII and IX

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