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KHDays 358/2 Days Novel

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So Heartstation has started to translate the 358/2 novel. I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you are a Roxas, Axel, or AkuRoku fan. Here it is:


My reactions:

1. Roxas is dumber than I thought...

2. Zexy's younger than Demyx? That's weird...

3. Lea was at least 25 years old when he became a nobody? Now AkuRoku seems more like child molestation,lol.

4. Axel...DRESSED ROXAS? WTH!!!??? OMG!

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and...axel does NOT seem like hed be 25 -_- he seems more like a teenager to me...call me crazy but...


well, I thought that axel was 22 or something. i don't know why, but i'd always say 22. but from this we can guess that he's closer to being 30, which kinda scares me...

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... I love you. (shot)


OK, dude... like everyone else is saying, why is Axel so /old/? I imagined him being 17 at the youngest, not... (shudder shudder) 25... I love AkuRoku and all (and I even enjoy the minor pedophilia aspect... xD) but that just creeps me out for some reason... o_o; I read somewhere that Nomura said Xemnas was 30, and even though I like Xemnas/Roxas, the thought of Axel being almost as old as Xemnas and being in love with Roxas... gah. TT_TT A little creepy to me. 21 is the oldest I can see him...


And they so supported Luxord/Larxene. It's not even funny. BUT THEY'RE STILL DESTROYING MY DEMYX/LARXENE FRIENDSHIP! >A<


Hehehehe... this is so full of AkuRoku I can't even begin to mention it all. xD

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AXEL'S A PEDOPHILE?!?!!?!?!?!!!


see, this is why Larxel works better than icky AkuRoku, I like Axel NOT being a pedo. xD


But pedophilia makes the world go roundd~! xD (shot)


Lol. I like alllll the pedo pairings, pretty much. 8D MARNAM FOR THE W- (shot)

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They could have done a much better job with writing this. Seriously. [wishes Nishio Ishin had done it] [then again, he would make Days a murder mystery full of gore so...] [wait. I like gore. continue with thoughts plz.]

But anyways, I read like 1 chapter and decided that it could have been better. Really, it wouldn't be worse unless it was written by one of those girls who write lemony fanfics to hide the fact that they can't write worth shit.

But that's my opinion.

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1. Well ANYONE with eyes can see that Lea was in his early 20s

2. Awwww brotherly love (NOT MOLESTATION U PERVERTS)

3. lol, well Roxas can always use the excuse "IM NOT STUPID! I WAS BORN JUST YESTERDAY!!!



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They could have done a much better job with writing this. Seriously. [wishes Nishio Ishin had done it] [then again, he would make Days a murder mystery full of gore so...] [wait. I like gore. continue with thoughts plz.]

But anyways, I read like 1 chapter and decided that it could have been better. Really, it wouldn't be worse unless it was written by one of those girls who write lemony fanfics to hide the fact that they can't write worth shit.

But that's my opinion.


Your words sting me slightly, Roxas, but I know what you mean. X_X; It's really not written very well... But it's still fun freaking out over it because it's Kingdom Hearts. xD (shot)

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