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before i say what i hate i got one quick question.

can i list multiple things i hate instead of just one thing like how everyone else has been doing?

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sweet, you are probably going to regret that answer.


ok where to being?


i hate my family alot

i hate home schooling

i hate not being able to see my friends often

i hate having to act like someone who im not around my family

i hate idiots who have their music loud so everyone else has to hear it

i hate morons who just drive up the road and make a loud noise

i hate people who think they're "cool"

i hate having dreams and nightmares

i hate people who are jerks because its like they go "do as i say not as i do" (my sister)

i hate how there's not a remake of FF7

i hate most modern songs

i hate moles (refering to moles on your skin not the other kind of moles)


and thats all i can think of FOR NOW if i think of more i'll edit. also sorry with the big list and if i got spelling errors


on a side note: i like this thread good if you want to get something off your chest (not literaly)

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sweet, you are probably going to regret that answer.


ok where to being?


i hate my family alot

i hate home schooling

i hate not being able to see my friends often

i hate having to act like someone who im not around my family

i hate idiots who have their music loud so everyone else has to hear it

i hate morons who just drive up the road and make a loud noise

i hate people who think they're "cool"

i hate having dreams and nightmares

i hate people who are jerks because its like they go "do as i say not as i do" (my sister)

i hate how there's not a remake of FF7

i hate most modern songs

i hate moles (refering to moles on your skin not the other kind of moles)


and thats all i can think of FOR NOW if i think of more i'll edit. also sorry with the big list and if i got spelling errors


on a side note: i like this thread good if you want to get something off your chest (not literaly)


That's not much

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I hate your face.

I hate your sword.

I hate the King's dinner.

I hate the faces of evil.

I hate toasters.

I hate pesky plumbers.

I hate the Mushroom Kingdom.

I hate my stuff.

I hate the chains.


Sound familiar?...

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I hate itas

I hate rude people

I hate people who talk behind others' backs

I hate people with bad grammar and spelling

I dislike weeaboos with a great passion that's not necessarily hate

I hate most tv shows

I hate most anime

I hate people

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WELL, Aqua can get annyoing, so I hate her...um...TIFA! But IDK why...uh...When people break promises...and, uh...Oh, KAIRI! And...Neyla from Sly Cooper..umm....and...Trolls...and my phone. OH! And when Cloud is being EMO (Although, sometimes it's hawt)...um...XEMNAS! And..Xaldin, Zexion, Leaxeus, Vexen, Larxene, and I think that's it....also Riku, but just a 'lil. OH, and HOMEWORK. Plus Kagami Kawaiine.

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