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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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"Didnt you hear? You cant destroy it, not without the X~Blade." Moonlight said sighing. "And even if you do, your just setting hearts free. i can collect many more." Moonlight said grinning.

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Moonlight was enraged then she attacked Kiru, knocking him out. "Fool, dont mess with my kingdom hearts!" Moonlight yelled. She then traped him in a cage of darkness which was unescapeable.

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Kiru stood in shock. He couldn't believe this was happening. He closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


A blond haired girl stood next to a tall man. "Kiru must have his memories restored," the tall man said "It is imperative that he meet Aqua with memories intact."

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(Oh my gosh, this is a good ending)

Kiru sensed Kingdom Hearts. He wondered when it would be completed. Shadow the Moogle then flew in his room. "The leader requests your precense. He nodded and headed down the hall. He then opened the leader's door, and walked in.

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