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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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Moonlight gulped.

"Okay." Moonlight started shivering.

'Hes following me. Hes not dead. How the hell does he keep escaping me? I will kill him. He will pay for what he did.' Moonlight thought as she shivered.

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It took a while to get to the castle and got into Moonlight's office. "Hey Moonlight," No answer. "Xander?" still no answer. "Vaxid?" Moku walked out the room and looked at the castle. "Is no one here?" Moku asked really loud.

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i dont care you withered old fool you tortored and beat her she is property of no one xander yelled his eye leaking black smoke stay away from her he yells beating her father back

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you wont touch her xander yells unleashing his true power his get back he roars stabbing moons father with his keyblades ill kill you if you touch her he roars with his demonic voice

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get back xander yelles chokeing moons father and stabing him with both keys faster then he could even see i said id kill you bastered he said spiting on her fathers face

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xander opened a portal under moonlight placeing her softly on to the tower again you done enough he said jumping over moons father and cutting his arm off never touch my girlfriend xander yells

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