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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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i dont trust the kid xander said frowning he is not pure darkness like us he could turn at some point it may be small but its makeing me sick he said gagging

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"Calm down Number II. Cut the kid slack." Moonlight said as she felt the stitches on her knuckles.

"Now im gonna go out to look around the town.

" moonlight said getting out of the castle.

"I sense a being near by." Moonlight said looking.

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im comeing with you never know when those freaks from the light might show up besides the smell is starting to make my nose bleed i cant stand it

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Moonlight started looking around.

"I can sense it. Its very deep indeed. " she said as she saw nothing.

"Number II can you please be my eyes and look aroubd for me?" Moonlight asked him as she held her hood tighter as the wind started to blow.

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Allen ran through a portal with tiny blue lasers shooting out of his keyblade's. Allen turned around watching the portal close. Allen let out a sigh of relief. Allen then walked around seeing he was back on his home island. He could see the craters that the darkness caused. Allen slammed his keyblades into one of the craters and knelt down beside them. He then looked up at the sky and said a prayer

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Moonlight nodded and pulled out the wayfinder.

'It is stronger then ever and i need it.' Moonlight said as she looked into the wayfinder and sensed her suroundings. She took a deep breath.

"The 3 of us are powerless against those assassins of light. We would lose the battle in an instant due to the three of us having our own little quirks." Moonlight said as she sjghed. She started to wonder how she would live on without the two ultimate powers.

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huh number II and the leader left

now would be the best time to take a look around my new home vaxid walked the halls trying to find something interesting he then sees a large door

jackpot lets see whats behind door number 1 duh duh doon!!!! vaxid walks through the door and sees paper scattered along the desks he began to read,kingdom hearts x-blade and a bunch of other non sense so thats what the fearless leader is up to she wants to get kingdom hearts and the x-blade.Vaxid smiled..this is interesting

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once in the town xander imedeitly sensed the power oh its a big one alright he said turning to moon we better hope this doesnt turn into a fight he said looking grim

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"Dont be foolish if you doubt your abilities you will never learn how to be fearless." Moonlight said as she looked around and saw nothing but pitch black. She took a deep breath.

"Lets head back, whatever it is, it can wait." She said as she headed back towards the castle.

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moon only the wise know when fear is used properly i use mine to be careful be if you truely feel i should be fearless hold one one moment he said. a black light exploded into him he shuddered what do you think he laughed

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nixs eyes jolted open a little he then stood up then looked at the girl for a second he walked over ot the edge of the place he was sitting then turned back to her ".....ill go and thell wait.." he said to his self as he fellt off the edge when he did he went thorw a portal in mid air when he reappeard he stood behind a boy then walked over to him slowly "...there you are..." he said to his self as he put his head phones back on and walked over ot him.

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Moonlight didnt have a good feeling and she ran into the castle she sensed number III. She then looked in the office and there he was reading away at the files.

"so now you know Incarceron little secret number III. " Moonlight said as she grinned.

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vaxid felt a strange gust of wind at his back and then he heard the leaders voice how

did she get here so fast i didn't even sense her vaxid thought

yes i stumbled upon the notes and learned alot from them things like kingdom hearts for one

but i still don't know what you intend on doing with it so enlighten me supreme one. vaxid smiled

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"I will tell you nothing on the matter." She gathered her papers and put them away in a cabinet and sealed it.

"If you were smart you would know." She said as she laughed and ecited the room.

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wait moon ive lost my fear so i figured id try something now he said pulling her in for a huge kiss... remember that if we get some huge hunk on our side

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Moonlight smiled surprisingly.

"Number II it is getting late shadow will keep an eye on this place while we rest. We should head on to our rooms." Moonlight said as shs smirked.

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if i was smart eh well its usually world domination or revenge vaxid laughed evily ok superior i will play along vaxid walked toward his room but stoped at the leaders room if i enter now it would mean death so i'll wait till later vaxid walks off disappering in the shawdows

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he kissed her again pain in the but he yelled at moon not afraid of what would happen to him he laughed he didnt sleep that night he was wondering what would happen in the morning then the moon rose *moon is sun in the dark world* wow a full say up he thought to himself time for work

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Moonlight went to bed that night but couldnt she kept thinking about how she killed her parents and abandoned the house she so called home for several years.

"Who wouldve thought that boring o'l Mato Kuroi would ever turn out to lead an evil group" she said as she thought about all the people who decieved her and ended up murderd.

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xander walked around the castle waiting for everyone to wake up heh this is boring he thought to himself well they will be up any minute he thought to himself

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Moonlight woke up and rubbed her eyes she got out of bed still half way asleep and headed to the main room.

"Ugh, long night i really shouldnt have skipped up on my sleep." She said as she yawned and stretched. She went up to the office and started filing repoelrts and searching for suspects to recruit.

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moring superior and number II anything interesting plan for today.

vaxid walked in with an apple in his hand tossing it up and down

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Juna's eyes snap open as she realizes that Nixs is gone. She curses herself for not paying better attention. She stands up and sniffs. She could tell he wasn't nearby. She did catch the scent of a portal. She moves over to here the portal was. She concentrates on the left over energy of the portal. She reopens the portal. Juna lets out a long breath. Nixs had only let it close. Had he closed it himself, Juna won't have been able to do this. Juna steps through the portal. She comes out behind Nixs.

"Sorry." Juna says in a low voice.

She shifts to a combat stance as she glances around her new surroundings.

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