Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight looked at him. "Whats behind your back?" She asked him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 4, 2011 he is lying he trashed everything while we were gone xander said angerily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VaxidXIV 17 Posted August 4, 2011 my back...oh my back umm its my love for you umm yea we can get away from it all settle down have some babies and live long happy lives Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 4, 2011 what was that xander yelled nearly chokeing the kidd moon is mine plus your like nine years old he laughed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight looked at Vaxid oddly. "Babies?! What the hell?" She said as her eyes widened and she stopped Xander from hurting him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VaxidXIV 17 Posted August 4, 2011 i'm 16 xander and besides me and moony are meant to be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 "What the heck is wrong with you?!" Moonlight said shocked. "We werent meant to be!!" Moonlight yelled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VaxidXIV 17 Posted August 4, 2011 hmm....your right what am i thinking it must be the pie ok guys leave i've lost xander shes all yours i'm heartbroken i need time alone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight sighed. "I really hope Moku isnt like any of you, trying to hut kn the only girl here." Moonlight said sighing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VaxidXIV 17 Posted August 4, 2011 whrew there gone i almost got caught vaxid throws moonlights shirt in a portal as if i would like her vaxid laughs wildly i only like pie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight started wandering around she then sat on the couch. "Ugh long day." Moonlight said sighing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanitas234 19 Posted August 4, 2011 are you ok he asked moon sitting down looking at his new scar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Kiru was still standing on the tower. So, she chose Him. He growled. He had never felt like this. Anger beyond reason. He felt the darkness creep up his arms, until he was Anti-Kiru. He thought 'I'm gonna kill em all' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 "Im fine." Moonlight said sighing. 'what do i do? Im so confused, ive never had anyone fight over me. Yet ive never hand anyone actually like me.' Moonlight thought sighing. 'Who am i supposed to chose? Whos better?' Moonlight thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Slowly, he started walking up to the castle, not even bothering to make a dark corridor. He stopped. He couldn't do this. He sighed and the darkness disappeared. He opened a dark corridor, and walked over to the ice cream seller in Twilight Town. Using the very few munny he had, he bought ice cream, and walked up to the clock tower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 'They are both great but i guess Kiru is gone now. Xander is good but hes also very scred of losing me, which kind of scares me. Kiru is great but hes gone.' Moonlight thought sighing. She went up to her office and shut the door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Kiru ate his ice cream in silence. He couldn't take it anymore. She was just confusing him more and more. He only wanted to do one thing. Beat Ginvy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight sighed. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Dear Light Assassins, I have found Mato Kuroi and her faithful moogle alive. If you wish to take her you will have to find her. As i write this letter she is slowly rotting in the pits of darkness. -Moonlight Kizari. Moonlight sighed and put down her pen. "Turning myself in." Moonlight said laughing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Kiru knew there was only one way to get Ginvy to attack him. He sent up a light blast to above the clock tower. Now it was only a matter of time... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight went outside and stood on the balcony. The wind rustled through her hair and her coat. "Ive made you so many promises and i have let you down." She said looking at the heart shaped moon. "You Kingdom Hearts will be mine." She said grinning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Kiru watched as Ginvy appeared. "Okay brat, let's get this done with." He nodded, and summoned his keyblade. They started clashing on the clock tower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 "So, you left the assassins?" she asked. "Yes, for now," Kiru replied. "I can't take it anymore. I don't care about Kingdom Hearts, or even Moonlight. I just want to kill you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight stood there. Then a ghost appeared next to her. "Mato, whats on your mind?" The ghost asked. Moonlight looked at it. "Cant you see mom? Im wanted by everyone!" Moonlight said as she realized she was just talking to a peice of trash. Her mothers ghost sighed. "Mato, i meant about those boys. What are you thinking?" Mrs Kuroi asked her daughter. "Im thinking they are dumb fighting over me." Moonlight said sighing. Her mothers ghost then sat down. "Answer these, which has light in his heart?" She asked. "Kiru." Moonlight replied. "Does he go to extremes just to be with you?" Her mother asked. "No." Moonlight replied. "Xander hes scared of losing you." Sge asked. Moonlight nodded. "Sometimes he scares me as well in the process." Moonlight said. "Both of these men are in love with you but one of them is true. Good luck Mato." The ghost said giving her a kiss on her forehead. It then disapppeared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted August 4, 2011 Kiru looked at her, then opened a dark corridor to Memory Skyscraper. "Let's finish this," he said. He then walked through the corridor to see the skyscraper where Xander was about to commit suicide. That didn't seem like a bad idea to him right now. He turned around to see his mother's ghost. "Hey, mom," he smiled. He looked up at Kingdom Hearts, and realized his mother was never really there. He sighed and resumed his fight with Ginvy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Memories 47 Posted August 4, 2011 Moonlight looked at the moon. She sighed. Then a portal came up. She thought it was one of the members but when she turbed aroubd she was getting chocked. She gasped for breath. The man then let her go. "Hello Mato, im here to finish what i started." The man said taking off his hood and choking her again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites