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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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yea sure pal i was just leaving sheesh don't have to tell me twice i just go watch tv or some other brain rotting activity i know i'll read a book cause with your powers combined i am Captain planet

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Kiru woke up on a cold, hard floor. He groaned, and sat up. What was he doing here. He needed to get to the castle where he saw the girl and Kingdom Hearts. Remembering he could disappear in darkness, he thought of that castle. He appeared at the castle, in some sort of a room, with couches.

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KIru started wandering the castle, looking for the girl. It was certainly a large castle. He stopped when he arrived at a door he recognized. He opened it to see a training room. But why did he recognize it?

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in Vaxid room vaxid is reading the book that xander threw at him



xander has a diary what a loser vaxid laughs Aug 1st ate pie

Aug 2nd blew up evil pieless frige

Aug 3rd had pie with moku (yay he likes pie too)

xander likes pie too can you say Crazy tsk tsk...wait these activites seem familar...vaxid flips to the front of the diary and reads the nameplate

property of Vaxid this is MY diary!!How did xander get my diary?

Does he know that i secretly want to be ash ketchem this is bad really bad.

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